Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 12 Blessing God Ceremony Cool Appearance

Chapter 12 Blessing God Ceremony Cool Appearance
That's right, it was Qin Shan who rode the Scarlet Flame Tiger and appeared outside the worship platform.

Seeing Qin Shan riding the Red Flame Tiger, all the civil and military officials at the scene were shocked. There were very few people who used third-rank monsters as mounts. The one who can subdue is at least the king of martial arts, and the king of martial arts is not an ordinary strong man, at least he is the dominant one.

But now that Qin Shan was able to use the Scarlet Flame Tiger King as a mount, everyone's jaws dropped to the ground.

"The deposed prince Qin Shan is riding a third-rank monster, the Scarlet Flame Tiger King. This is really unbelievable."

"He is obviously a waste, why is the Scarlet Flame Tiger King willing to be his mount!"

"The waste prince actually dares to come to the ceremony of worshiping the sky, what exactly does he want to do?"


The second prince originally thought that this was his stage today, and he wanted to be the focus of today's ceremony, but he didn't expect that the deposed prince Qin Shan would come here suddenly, and he would use a third-rank monster as his mount, so he stole the limelight.

"This trash actually came to the Heaven Blessing Ceremony. What is his plan? Hasn't he given up trying to fight for the throne with me? Humph! It's good luck that this trash didn't die. If he dares to do something wrong today, the emperor will definitely kill you!" Let him go around without eating!" The second prince clenched his fists, thinking secretly.

The prime minister next to him, He Shizhong, frowned slightly, and said in surprise: "This trash actually appeared on the day of the Blessing Ceremony, did he have a plan?"

"Hmph! He's just a trash who was kicked out of the royal family. Even if he tries to do something, he's a coward. After all, he can't make a big wave. Fortunately, he didn't marry this trash at the time, otherwise he would definitely be implicated." He Shizhong said. Daughter He Huan said coldly, with contempt for Qin Shan in his eyes.

At this time, on the other side of the worship altar, a group of young men and women stood there, their eyes full of surprise.

"Senior Sister Song, that's Deng Tuzi we met on the street two days ago! I didn't expect him to be Qin Shan, the deposed prince of the Shengtian Dynasty. No wonder this guy was deposed as the prince. It should be, I feel that he is cheap if he is not dead!" The boy's eyes were full of surprise and contempt.

That senior sister Song was also a little surprised, she squinted her eyes and looked at Qin Shan who was riding on the back of the Red Flame Tiger in the distance, raised her eyebrows slightly and said: "As a mount, the third-rank Scarlet Flame Tiger King, this waste prince, doesn't look as simple as imagined. "

"Hehe, it is said that that trash has blocked his meridians since he was a child and was unable to awaken his martial arteries. Such a person is not even an ordinary person, he is simply garbage among trash. On the contrary, His Royal Highness the Second Prince, he is the real dragon among men. He is young. Lightly cultivated to reach the third rank of a martial artist, he is definitely a genius among geniuses, and today His Royal Highness the Second Prince is destined to become a disciple of our Temple Sect!"

Senior Sister Song didn't speak, but just stared at Qin Shan. She always felt that Qin Shan was not that simple, because when she met him on the street, she mistakenly thought that Qin Shan was attacking by a disciple, but Qin Shan easily dodged it. He is not useless trash.

"I didn't expect the prince to come here. I really don't understand what he's thinking." The general Ren Zhongjun scratched his head and said in puzzlement.

Ren Fengxia didn't care why Qin Shan appeared, she just stared at the Scarlet Flame Tiger King under Qin Shan, blinked her beautiful big eyes and murmured: "Why is the prince's brother's mount the same color as Xiaohong, and it looks very familiar, a bit Same, are they relatives?"

"As expected of a prince, he dared to show up even though he was deposed. My little brother is completely convinced." Ren Yuanhang counted with his eyes narrowed.

When everyone was in shock, the second prince immediately pointed at Qin Shan and shouted loudly: "Qin Shan, you are already a waste who was kicked out of the royal family, and you still have the face to appear in the ceremony of worshiping the sky. This is simply a disgrace to our royal family." Come on, someone, throw this trash away from me!"

Immediately, dozens of guards around the second prince rushed towards Qin Shan.

Emperor Qin Zhengjiang glanced at it and said nothing.

Seeing dozens of guards rushing over, Qin Shan's face was cold, and he shouted loudly: "You dog slaves have no right to touch me. If anyone dares to come up, I will abolish anyone!"

"Hmph! It's just a worthless piece of trash, how dare you say such big words, give it to my majesty!" The second prince shouted disdainfully.

At this time, dozens of guards had already rushed around Qin Shan.


Xiaohong let out a roar, and a hot flame erupted from her mouth.

Boom... With a loud noise, dozens of guards were all enveloped in flames, and an explosion occurred. They were burned to pieces in the blink of an eye, and they lay on the ground screaming.

The second prince was very angry, these guards were the guards beside him, you knelt down in front of Qin Shan in an instant, it was a slap in the face of Chi Guoguo, how could he tolerate it.

"The daring lunatic, he actually messed around in the ceremony of praying to the sky. It's simply a crime. The city guards, step up, and arrest this traitor!" The second prince roared furiously.

Just when the city guards were about to attack, the emperor finally said, "Stop it all!"

The emperor gave an order, and the city guards did not dare to move.

At this time, the second prince gritted his teeth and said, "Royal Father, today is a big day for the ceremony of worshiping the sky. Qin Shan is messing around here, even committing crimes. He should be punished!"

"That's right, the Blessing Ceremony is extremely important, and it would be a disaster if he ruined it today." Prime Minister He Shizhong echoed.

"Your Majesty, please issue an order to arrest this traitor and rectify the law of the country!" The other ministers also followed suit.

Apparently these ministers are throwing stones at Qin Shan, and the second prince is now in full swing, so they will naturally express their position to help the second prince.

Regarding this situation, the second prince is very proud. With so many ministers supporting me, I am still afraid of your kid jumping around.

"The Heaven Blessing Ceremony is originally a public ceremony, and the common people can watch it. He did not make any mistakes in coming here, but the Second Prince, you made the mistake of doing it first." The emperor said lightly.

The emperor's words made the second prince very upset, but he could only hold back in his heart, as for the other ministers, he couldn't say anything.

At this time, Emperor Qin Zhengjiang looked at Qin Shan and asked, "Why did you appear today, and you are riding the Red Flame Tiger, do you want to demonstrate to me?"

"I don't mean to protest. I'm here to see my mother. Also, I want to return to the royal family!" Qin Shan said word by word. At first he said that no one felt anything when he saw his mother, but later he said that he would return to the royal family. , Let everyone present blow up.

"What? Returning to the royal family, my God! What is Qin Shan trying to do? Hasn't he given up yet?" Everyone at the scene looked at Qin Shan in disbelief.

Even Empress Rong was surprised, she didn't expect her son to start fighting back so soon.

(End of this chapter)

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