Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 131 This is to die

Chapter 131 This is to die
Gao Renguang, the patriarch of the Lotus Sect, nodded, and then said to his subordinates: "You all go to guard the perimeter now, and don't let anyone approach this place."

"Yes, Sect Master!"

All the people from the Lotus Sect withdrew to the periphery, and the two men in black beside Shangshu of the Ministry of War also fled to the periphery.

Qin Shan and Eunuch Xue were not too far away, but lay down in the grass next to them, just in time to see Li Bang, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and Gao Renguang, the patriarch of the Lotus Sect, and their conversation could be vaguely heard.

As for Song Ji, he was not far away to let the wind out, and if someone approached here, he would be reminded immediately.

The master of the Lotus Sect has reached the fourth rank of King Wu, so you can tell at the slightest sign of trouble. Both Qin Shan and Eunuch Xue are not as good as the master of the Lotus Sect, so they are especially careful when lying in the grass.

At this time, Gao Renguang and Li Bang have already entered the topic.

"Sovereign Gao, have you prepared [-] sets of weapons and equipment, and at least human-level middle-grade or above?" Li Bang asked.

"Of course it's ready, but we still have to discuss the price. Presumably Li Shangshu also knows that our Meicheng has been attacked by monsters during this period, which has greatly affected the cost of our material delivery. Our Lotus Sect refines these weapons and equipment The consumption is twice as much as usual, so Li Shangshu thinks about adding another [-]% to the price, how about it?" Gao Renguang spread his hands and said.

Li Bang frowned and said: "The price has been negotiated before, and this matter is of great importance. After the Lotus Sect is done, your status in the Shengtian Dynasty will be higher than it is now. When it comes time to trade, you actually increase the price. You must have forgotten your identity!"

Li Bang, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, was very angry, but the suzerain of the Lotus Sect was not at all nervous, but said with great interest: "Li Shangshu, these transactions between us are all shady, and our Lotus Sect risked beheading. We know each other well, and our Lotus Sect has taken such a big risk, so don’t we need some compensation?”

"As I said, now is just the beginning. It won't be long before your Lotus Sect can monopolize the entire Shengtian Dynasty's crafting industry. Don't you think it's not enough?" Li Bang asked back, frowning.

"Who knows what will happen in the future, what I need is the benefits of the present." Gao Renguang said seriously.

"Gao Renguang, don't be too greedy. You should understand who you are doing for. You have to be clear about your identity. If you continue to be so presumptuous, your Lotus Sect will not have a foothold in the future." Li Bang Pointing at Gao Renguang, he warned.

"Master Shangshu, of course I know who I am working for, but I think you don't want to expose this matter! Once exposed, let alone our Lotus Sect, even you will be killed, so don't use your identity to pressure me. "Gao Renguang said confidently.

Li Bang thought for a while, his expression became more dignified, and he said after a while: "Add [-]% more at most. If Sect Master Gao is not willing, you don't have to think about it in the future."

"[-]% is also fine, but you need to add [-] human-level middle-grade pills." Gao Renguang continued to bargain.

A cold light flashed in Li Bang's eyes, and he said coldly: "You are really greedy, be careful not to be stuffed to death!"

"Sticking to death is better than starving to death, Li Shangshu, have you decided?"

"Since you don't worry about dying, then let's make a deal."

Gao Renguang took out ten space rings and said: "Due to the huge amount of weapons and equipment, only ten space rings can be used to load them. So, where is the money?"

Li Bang also took out a space ring, and said lightly: "It's all inside. As for the thousand pieces of human-level middle-grade pills, I will give them to you later. After all, I didn't prepare them before."

"Okay, I trust you Shangshu. After all, Li Shangshu's plan is so important that there can be no mistakes. I believe Li Shangshu will definitely abide by it." Gao Renguang said with a smile. He was not worried that Li Bang would go back on his word. few.

Seeing that Gao Renguang and Li Bang were trading, Eunuch Xue who was hiding in the grass whispered, "His Royal Highness, this matter has already been confirmed. Li Bang, Minister of the Ministry of War, secretly colluded with the Lotus Sect. The purchase of so many weapons and equipment must be used for treason." For the sake of this, the old servant will go back and report to His Majesty now!"

"Since I was caught by the prince on the spot, how can I leave so easily, the Minister of the Ministry of War is just a minion, and there are people behind him, who must be dug out." Qin Shan said with a serious face.

"Now is not the time. There are many masters of the Lotus Sect around, and there are two unfathomable men in black brought by the Minister of War. We are not opponents at all. We should wait to report to His Majesty." Eunuch Xue is also a Martial King Yipin, but he is not the opponent of those people, so he is not ready to do it directly.

"Hmph! How can a few rubbish in the district be the opponent of this prince, if we don't dig out the person behind the scenes today, it will be difficult later!"


Before Eunuch Xue could finish his sentence, Qin Shan turned into a phantom and rushed out, and Eunuch Xue's face in the grass suddenly changed drastically.

Isn't it courting death to just rush out like this?
Although he knew he was looking for death, but Qin Shan had gone out, so Eunuch Xue naturally had to follow.

"Master Li, and the Sect Master of the Lotus Sect, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? Could it be a tryst?" Qin Shan asked with interest after rushing out.

Hearing Qin Shan's voice, the expressions of Li Bang and Gao Renguang changed drastically.

Especially Li Bang, his face turned pale instantly after seeing Qin Shan's face.

"Too...His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!" Li Bang said tremblingly, feeling terrified in his heart.

Hearing what Li Bang said, Gao Renguang opened his mouth even wider. He didn't expect the prince to appear here now.

"Li Shangshu, I just heard you say that you bought [-] sets of weapons and equipment privately. I don't know where so much equipment is used. It seems that our Shengtian Dynasty has not purchased such a large batch of equipment recently. Could it be that Mr. Shangshu Is there any other use?" Qin Shan asked while rubbing his chin.

"This... In fact, the Weichen was purchased for the Shengtian Dynasty, and the equipment was used on the defenders on the border of the Eastern Border." Li Bang explained in a panic.

"The defenders on the eastern frontier have just been equipped, and they don't need these equipments at all. Mr. Li, you must at least be reliable when you lie. You want to fool His Highness with such an obvious lie, what should you do!" Suddenly, Eunuch Xue Appearing from behind Qin Shan, he pointed at Li Bang and scolded him coldly.

"Xue... Eunuch Xue!" Li Bang panicked even more. He could hold on when he saw Qin Shan, but when he saw Eunuch Xue, he knew that it was the emperor's order, which meant that the emperor already knew about it.

"Li Bang, you secretly colluded with the Lotus Sect and intended to rebel, are you guilty?!" Eunuch Xue roared angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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