Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 145 I'm going to step on someone

Chapter 145 I'm going to step on someone
For Qin Shan's arrival, those warriors in the rivers and lakes were very surprised. They didn't understand why the prince Qin Shan came to join in the fun.

"The prince actually came to the party of the third prince's disciples, what is he trying to do?"

"The third prince has a close relationship with the second prince, and he must be hostile to the prince. The prince's visit this time should have some secrets."

"It makes sense. The prince probably doesn't want the Third Prince to get powerful helpers, so he came here on purpose to disrupt the situation."

"No matter how much the crown prince disturbs the situation, I can't stop me from following the third prince!"


After everyone saluted Qin Shan, King Heng asked Qin Shan to sit on the upper seat, sitting side by side with him, which was regarded as respect for the crown prince Qin Shan.

After Qin Shan sat down, King Heng ordered someone to bring good wine and food to Qin Shan.

This Heng Wang's guest party is actually used by him to select talents, and the people present will show their strength at the party in order to get Heng Wang's appreciation.

After Qin Shan and Heng Wang sat down, one of Heng Wang's subordinates stood up and said to everyone present: "Everyone here today heard clearly that the third prince will select a group of talents for this gathering of diners, so everyone You can freely show your own strength, no matter what kind of strength it is, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone responded.

"Okay, let's start now, you are free to play." Hengwang's subordinates said loudly.

As soon as the words fell, a fierce man stood up with a knife and shouted loudly: "I am a young disciple of the Izumo sect, and I am a third-rank military commander. I am willing to do my best to serve the third prince!"

Hearing this fierce man's words, the others suddenly burst out laughing.

"The third rank of the military commander also wants to be the door of the third prince, this is too shameless!"

"It's really overestimating one's abilities. A general of the third rank can only be regarded as a weak person, and he is not worthy of shouting here at all!"

"I've reached the fourth rank of general, and I'm here to learn about your brilliant moves today!"


Following the ridicule of the crowd, someone rushed up to fight him, and then the crowd began to compete with each other.

Qin Shan is not interested in these, they are all low-level martial arts, which are completely boring, but he is more interested in the good wine and food in front of him.

Seeing Qin Shan eating and drinking non-stop, Heng Wang next to him had a mocking look in his eyes.

"Although Qin Shan has awakened the god-level martial arteries, he is still a coward. He is only interested in eating and drinking. It seems that the second prince will soon win the throne with the help of this king. Such a waste is not to be feared." Heng Wang thought silently in his heart.

For a long time, Heng Wang's impression of Qin Shan was trash, and Heng Wang and Qin Shan hadn't been in contact for many years. Even though he heard that Qin Shan performed very well a few times ago, he still didn't feel that Qin Shan had changed much, especially now that he saw Qin Shan is only interested in eating and drinking, so he feels that Qin Shan is still a waste.

Although Qin Shan ate and drank with gusto, he was actually thinking about how to find evidence against King Heng, but such things as evidence were not easy to find.

King Heng wanted to raise troops to rebel, and he must have secretly contacted many ministers and generals. There must be letters between them, and there must be a lot of letters kept. It depends on where they are kept. It is possible to place it in a safe location.

Just when Qin Shan was thinking, the fighting was over, a middle-aged man stood up and said: "Heng Wang, my servant Xu Jinzhou has a little attainment in formations. It's a great honor to be here today to participate in the gathering of disciples. I have always admired him." King Heng, I am willing to swear to follow King Heng to the death! I will refine a formation on the spot, and those who are interested can try to crack it, and it will add some fun to the party."

"Grandmaster Xu, your way of adding to the fun is special, but this king thinks it is very interesting. You can start refining the formation now. If anyone can break the formation, this king will reward you a lot!" Heng Wang smiled all over his face. Said intentionally.

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, the people around were in an uproar.

"It turned out to be Xu Jinzhou. This is the formation master of the Shengtian Dynasty. I didn't expect that he also wanted to become Hengwang's disciple. The formation he refined is so superb that no one at the scene can crack it!"

"Array masters are rare in the first place, and Xu Jinzhou is the best among the rare ones. His array spells are considered to be the pinnacle in the Shengtian Dynasty, and there are only a handful of them that can match him. His array spells are impossible to crack. Today he is destined to Get Heng Wang's attention!"

"It's not adding fun to the party, it's just showing off, it's too pretentious!"


While everyone was discussing, Xu Jinzhou had already started to refine the formation, and after a few minutes, his formation was successfully refined.

"Heng Wang, this is the Five Elements Sealing Formation, not a very advanced formation. Next, everyone can try to crack it. If anyone can break it, I will offer high-level spirit stones with both hands!" Xu Jinzhou said confidently to the people present.

Apparently, Xu Jinzhou was very confident in his formation technique, and he didn't think anyone present could crack the formation technique at all.

Although everyone knew that Xu Jinzhou's spells were powerful, some people still went up to try, but the dozen or so people who went up were completely clueless, and all of them failed to crack.

King Heng nodded subconsciously, and said with an admiring expression: "Master Xu's formation skills are indeed stronger than ordinary people. It seems that no one present can decipher it. I am very happy to be followed by Master Xu."

"Heng Wang praised you, I just want to serve you, it is a great honor to be appreciated by Heng Wang for such a meager effort!" Xu Jinzhou cupped his hands and said with a smile on his face.

Qin Shan narrowed his eyes slightly, this Xu Jinzhou array spell is really good, if he becomes King Heng's subordinate, it will definitely boost King Heng's power, since he is here today, he must be trampled on.

Thinking of this, Qin Shan stood up and said, "You really can only count as meager strength, and you still have a lot to lose if you want to become a disciple of Hengwang."

Everyone was surprised when they heard Qin Shan's words, but Xu Jinzhou's eyes flashed with displeasure.

"His Royal Highness, I don't know what you mean by that. Do you mean that the formation spells of everyone present are useless? Although I have limited attainments in formation spells, it is not as unbearable as His Royal Highness said. At least everyone present No one can unlock the formation below." Xu Jinzhou said solemnly, with a hint of anger in his tone.

"Who said that no one present can solve it? This prince can unlock your five-element sealing formation after only learning the formation spell for a day." Qin Shan said with a look of disdain, his eyes shone with confidence, just joking, there is a system, A mere formation can be broken casually.

However, what Qin Shan said made everyone dumbfounded, and the whole courtyard seemed to fall into a deathly silence.

(End of this chapter)

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