Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 147 Garbage Formation Master, You Can Get Out

Chapter 147 Garbage Formation Master, You Can Get Out
Ren Fengxia and Xiao Hei followed those people, and Qin Shan was already preparing to crack Xu Jinzhou's five-element seal array.

Everyone's attention is on Qin Shan. They are all ready to see Qin Shan's jokes. Everyone here wants to follow Heng Wang, and Heng Wang and Qin Shan, the prince, are not in the same way. Those who want to join Heng Wang People naturally don't want to see Qin Shan pretending to be aggressive.

Qin Shan visited a circle of spirit stones around the Five Elements Sealing Formation. To Xu Jinzhou, it looked like a child's play house. Even people who didn't know the formation magic felt that Qin Shan was messing around.

At this moment, Heng Wang's eyes flashed with interest, as if he was watching an idiot's performance.

"Heng Wang, the Crown Prince doesn't know how to form spells in this situation. This is just playing tricks. He can't undo Grandmaster Xu's five-element seal array. It seems that the Crown Prince is destined to lose face in front of these Jianghu people today!" Hengwang's subordinates mocked softly beside him.

King Heng smiled slightly, and said disdainfully: "He is now riding a tiger, and he has to bite the bullet after he speaks up. He wants to pretend to be aggressive in front of everyone, and he will eventually make himself a fool! I don't know why the second prince is not him. I am a little disappointed in the second prince now!"

"I heard that the prince has done several important things before, but I don't know how to accomplish them." Heng Wang's subordinates complained.

"Based on his inferior potential, there must be powerful characters behind him to help him, otherwise how could he get those things done? The prince has nothing to fear, the only thing to worry about is the people behind him." Heng Wang raised his eyebrows and said.

Heng Wang looked down on Qin Shan, and everyone else shook their heads.

"It seems that the crown prince doesn't know how to use array spells at all. Even I, who doesn't understand array spells, understand that the spirit stones are not placed like that. This is completely a joke."

"The prince is now pretending to be himself than kneeling."

"The prince was still swearing before, let me see how he can break the formation in this way."


Everyone's discussion didn't affect Qin Shan at all, he still fiddled with it in his own way.

"His Royal Highness, I have to remind you that your method is wrong. If the spirit stones and demon cores are placed like this, the spiritual power will only be offset and will not have any effect." Xu Jinzhou looked anxiously and couldn't help but to Qin Shan reminded.

"Don't talk, the prince will not make mistakes."

Seeing Qin Shan's stubbornness, Xu Jinzhou curled his lips and said, "Okay, the younger ones will not bother His Highness the Crown Prince."

After speaking, he couldn't help complaining in his heart: "He really likes to pretend, he doesn't seem to know how to use spells at all, and he likes to pretend. I don't know where the self-confidence comes from. He doesn't know that he is laughed at by so many people."

Qin Shan fiddled with it for a few minutes and finally finished it. He pressed his hands on the spirit stone and pretended to start refining the formation.

"Array!" Qin Shan silently activated the array.

Immediately, the stream of spiritual energy flickered, and the spiritual stones outside the Five Elements Seal Formation suddenly vibrated, and the spiritual energy inside spread out to form a special pattern.

Seeing this scene, all the knowledgeable people widened their eyes in disbelief.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully dismantling the array."

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded in Qin Shan's mind.

"Haha, I really didn't expect to succeed once. It looks like I'm lucky today." Qin Shan didn't expect that he would succeed once, so he laughed unconsciously.

After the formation was successfully dismantled, the five-element sealing formation refined by Xu Jinzhou collapsed in an instant, and the stone sealed in the middle popped out.

Qin Shan picked up the stone and threw it in his hands, shook his head and said disdainfully: "It seems that breaking the five-element seal formation is easier than the prince imagined, Xu Jinzhou, your spell formation is not good, it's kind of rubbish."

Seeing the collapse of the Five Elements Seal Formation, Xu Jinzhou was dumbfounded. He never expected such a result.

Is this you? It seems that the prince didn't use the complicated formation technique, so why did he break it so easily?It's just unbelievable.

"This...His Royal Highness, how did you do it? Every step of the formation must be rigorous. Your Highness clearly did not use the pure formation just now. Why did you untie the five-element seal formation?" Xu Jinzhou frowned and asked. I really can't figure out why.

"The so-called all roads lead to the imperial city, who stipulated that the prince must use your formation technique to crack it? If you insist on thinking so, it can only show that you are a frog at the bottom of the well." Qin Shan shrugged his shoulders with a look of disdain. Said.

"..." Xu Jinzhou was speechless for a moment.

"Okay, you trash formation mage, leave quickly, don't continue to be an eyesore here." Qin Shan waved his hand and said.

Xu Jinzhou felt ashamed at the moment, but he was still not reconciled. He gritted his teeth and said, "His Royal Highness, it may be luck that you broke the formation just now. If you are really good, can you break the next formation?"

Qin Shan shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently: "Hehe, you can refine it as you like, and you can crack as many copies as you have!"

"Four Elephant Defense Formation!" Xu Jinzhou quickly refined the formation, forming a defensive formation around him.

Qin Shan didn't speak, took out the spirit stone and threw a magic formation directly.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully dismantling the formation!"

Following the success of the system notification, the defensive formation around Xu Jinzhou collapsed instantly.

Xu Jinzhou's complexion changed drastically, and he shouted: "The Promise Magic Array!"

"Array spell." Qin Shan threw out an array spell calmly again.

This time, Qin Shan still succeeded in one go, and even he himself lamented how lucky he was today.

The confrontation between Qin Shan and Xu Jinzhou stunned the people present. If it was considered luck for Qin Shan to break the formation once, then he has broken Xu Jinzhou three times in a row. This is no longer luck, but real strength.

It would be better to think about it if it was a formation master who easily cracked Xu Jinzhou's formation three times in a row. Now it was Qin Shan who was considered a waste to break the formation. How could this not surprise everyone.

Facing Qin Shan's easy break, Xu Jinzhou no longer had the courage to continue. He stared blankly at Qin Shan, his eyes were incredulous except for shock, and the expressions of those around him were similar.

As for Heng Wang, his eyeballs were almost protruding. He was mocking Qin Shan for not being able to break the formation just now, and Heng Wang felt bad for a while. He was completely slapped in the face by Qin Shan.

"Xu Jinzhou, you should be able to get out with satisfaction now, just because you are such a rubbish formation mage, you are not qualified to be a constant king's disciple at all, so get out as far as you can!" Qin Shan said to Xu Jinzhou with a smile.

Xu Jinzhou was already ashamed at this time, he lowered his head and flashed despondently.

Only then did King Heng realize it, and hurriedly shouted: "Master Xu, you..."

"Uncle Three Emperors, don't shout, he is just a rubbish formation mage, not even the prince is an opponent, there are as many formation mages as you want, and the prince will find some for you." Qin Shan interrupted Heng Wang directly, Said with great interest.

(End of this chapter)

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