Chapter 155

General Weihu under King Heng's command is very famous, at least the defenders of Chiyan City know it all.

General Weihu has been with King Heng since he was a teenager, served as a personal soldier of King Heng, and went to countless battles with King Heng. After hundreds of battles, large and small, he has made countless contributions to King Heng. He has a lot of credit for being able to reach the level of power he is today.

A few years ago, General Weihu's cultivation had already reached the second rank of King Wu, and he might have improved again in the past few years, so the defenders of Chiyan City felt terrified when they heard his name.

Fu Hailiu, the lord of Chiyan City, even turned pale, and even beads of sweat ooze from his forehead, "It's over, this time it's really over! King Heng sent General Weihu, we can't resist at all, it seems that this time we Chiyan The city is about to fall!"

Zhao Si next to him glanced at General Weihu, raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't worry, General Weihu won't be able to win Chiyan City."

"General Weihu has reached the second rank of King Wu, we don't know his opponent at all!" Fu Hailiu said melancholy.

"Who says I don't have one? It's only the second rank of King Wu. We can kill Quandan in our family." Zhao Si patted the tall and mighty Quandan beside him, and said confidently.

Fu Hailiu glanced at Quan Dan, who was smiling innocently. This big, dull-looking man didn't look like an opponent of General Tiger at all.

Of course, this is just Fu Hailiu's thoughts in his heart, and he will definitely not say it directly. After all, this is the prince's personal soldier, and offending the personal soldier is offending the prince.

Just when Fu Hailiu was melancholy, General Weihu continued to shout loudly: "Fu Hailiu, did you hear that? Disarm me and surrender immediately, or you will all die!"

Although Fu Hailiu was afraid of General Weihu, it was impossible for him to disarm and surrender. Standing on the city wall, he took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "You traitors of the Shengtian Dynasty, even if I die in battle today, I won't die!" Surrender to you, because I firmly believe that traitors will be punished, none of you can escape punishment, and you are the ones who surrender!"

"Hahaha! I can only say that you are stupid and loyal. Even if you all die in battle today, you will not be able to stop our offensive, but since you choose to die, I will send you to die. The whole army obeys orders and kills!!! "

General Weihu raised his arms and shouted, and the army behind him rushed towards Chiyan City like a tide.

Whoosh whoosh... When the army entered the range, the archers of Chiyan City began to shoot quickly, and the enemy pioneers took out their shields one by one to resist, and the rain of arrows did not cause much damage at all.

However, after the archers shot, the traps outside the city wall showed their power, and the potholes everywhere consumed a group of enemy vanguards.

However, compared to the [-] army, the consumption of traps is too little.

When the enemy's vanguard rushed near the city wall, some soldiers with relatively high cultivation levels quickly climbed up the city wall with the help of the wall. In just a few minutes, hundreds of people reached the city wall.

"Kill!" Fu Hailiu held a big sword in his hand and personally led the troops to prevent the enemy from attacking.

There was a series of sounds of fighting on the city wall. Although defense is generally easier than attacking, the number of enemy troops is too large. One group dies and another group comes up. Soon a group of defenders of Chiyan City arrived on the city wall. .

"My lord, it's not good. The northwest corner of the city wall is about to fall. Hundreds of enemy troops have already boarded the city wall, and the people behind are also advancing!"

Fu Hailiu looked at the northwest corner of the city wall, gritted his teeth and said, "Hurry up, defend the northwest corner immediately, and stop the enemy at all costs!"

At this moment, a shadow appeared over the northwest corner of the city wall.

Everyone couldn't help looking up, and when they saw the situation in the sky, they all opened their mouths in disbelief.

"My... my God! It's such a big stone, maybe ten meters long, how can the huge stone fly in the air, it's unbelievable!" said the defender of Chiyan City dumbfounded.

"It's not flying in the air, but someone lifted this stone! It''s the woman next to His Royal Highness, yes, someone from His Highness, she actually lifted such a big stone, what a power it is !” The eyeballs of some defenders almost popped out.

"What's the situation? Why did the stone appear in the air? It looks like it's going to hit us!" All the enemy soldiers frowned and looked at the boulder in the air.

That's right, it was Tsunade who lifted the boulder, and only Tsunade's strange strength can lift such a large stone and jump into the air.

Just when everyone was shocked, Tsunade in the air smashed the boulder directly to the northwest corner of the city wall. This place was almost occupied by the enemy, and the city wall would be occupied if it was not rescued.

Seeing the boulder falling quickly, the enemy soldiers who climbed the city wall showed panic expressions one by one.

"Oh my God! The stone is about to fall, run quickly..."

Boom!However, it was too late to escape, and the huge boulder directly hit the enemy team. Hundreds of enemy soldiers were instantly crushed into slag by the boulder, and then the boulder rolled down the city wall, and the enemy troops climbing up the city wall were also crushed.

"Strange Power Fist!" After throwing down the boulder, Tsunade flashed in front of the remaining enemy troops and punched them.

With a bang, Tsunade's strange power fist made a sound of piercing the air, and the huge force instantly knocked all the remaining enemy troops into the air.

At this time, the northwest corner of the city wall finally quieted down.

Seeing this scene, both the enemy army and the city defenders were dumbfounded.

No one expected that Tsunade, a ferocious woman, would have such a powerful combat power, and she could defend the northwest corner of the city wall by herself.

"The people around His Royal Highness are really scary. I always thought that this beautiful and well-figured woman was His Royal Highness's pet. I didn't expect such a powerful woman. It's too scary..." Fu Hailiu looked at Tsunade unconsciously. I shivered.

"Okay... what a scary woman! Who is she? Just two hits cost us hundreds of people. Why haven't I heard of such a number one character before, General Weihu? Who is that woman?" Heng Wang's soldiers said incredulously.

General Weihu looked at Tsunade on the city wall, frowned and shouted: "Go to me, if 100 people are not enough, then 1000 people, and if we break through from other positions, we have 8 people, and we can take down a mere 2 people for defense." The Red Flame City is easy, kill me!"

Although Tsunade was strong, the enemy army was large in number, and more people attacked from the northwest corner. Tsunade guarded the northwest corner alone, and then fell into an anxious battle with the enemy army.

At the same time, the enemy army has already started the crowd tactics. They attack from all over the city wall, trying to take Chiyan City by numbers, and this plan really works. Has climbed the walls from all sides.

Boom!Suddenly, there was a loud bang at the southwest corner of the city wall, and dozens of enemy soldiers flew out.

"Let me defend the southwest corner!" Quan Dan roared angrily with a big ax in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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