Chapter 169
After all the disciples of the Temple School were ready, they set off directly for the Prosperous Empire the next day. The other disciples went alone, and Qin Shan was the only one with three beauties and two pets.

"His Royal Highness deserves to be His Royal Highness, he is accompanied by beauties and pets when he goes out."

"Hush, don't think about it, be careful that His Royal Highness kills you."

"That's right, don't talk nonsense, His Royal Highness is very powerful, and he is the most powerful among us."


For these disciples' comments, Qin Shan simply ignored them.

The Shengshi Empire was to the west of the Shengtian Dynasty, Qin Shan and his party quickly crossed the border of the Shengtian Dynasty, and then entered the border of the Golden Autumn Kingdom.

After entering the border of the Golden Autumn Kingdom, Xiao Ningbing's eyes became sharp, and the hatred hidden in the depths was about to burst out.

"Sister Ning Bing, have you thought of an enemy?" Song Yunxin asked next to her.

Xiao Ningbing nodded and replied: "Well, thinking of the death of my parents, I wanted to go directly to the Heiyunmen, but unfortunately with my current strength, I am simply hitting a stone with an egg."

At this time, Qin Shan patted Xiao Ningbing on the shoulder and comforted him, "Don't worry, I will cover you, and your revenge will be avenged soon!"

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!" Xiao Ningbing said gratefully, at this moment she had already vowed in her heart to follow Qin Shan to the death.

While speaking, Qin Shan and his party had already arrived in front of a city in Jinqiu Kingdom.

"Disciples, we have already traveled for a day. Today we will rest at the inn in the city ahead for a night, and we will start again tomorrow morning." Elder Ye Tian, ​​who led the team, pointed to a city ahead.

Next, Qin Shan and his party entered the city, and found an inn to stay.

After settling down, the group ate dinner in the inn. When they were almost done eating, Elder Ye Tian went out to buy a batch of daily necessities.

"Drafting! You don't have eyes, you didn't see that I was going to pass here, and you are still standing here stupidly, you are probably mentally retarded!" Suddenly, a burst of shouting sounded.

A strong man pointed at a disciple of the Temple sect and yelled angrily, because the disciple of the Temple sect blocked the path of the strong man when he went to the bathroom.

The disciple of the Temple School immediately said apologetically; "I'm sorry, I didn't see that your Excellency was going to pass by here."

"There's a point in apologizing, what the hell are you idiots!" the brawny man cursed angrily.

A few disciples of the Temple Sect next to him immediately became angry, stood up and shouted: "Why are you so unreasonable? My junior brother has already apologized, why are you still swearing!"

"So what if I scold you? Not only do I want to scold you, but I also want to scold you so much that you can't take care of yourself, a bunch of idiots!" the strong man shouted angrily, pointing at a few Temple disciples.

Several people behind the strong man also showed mocking expressions at Qin Shan and the others.

Next, these strong men had a fierce quarrel with the disciples of the Temple Sect, which almost turned into a shoving fight.

Song Yunxin was about to get up to help, but Kong Tianhao walked over first, and said to the strong men: "Brothers, this matter is indeed our fault, but I have already apologized, I hope you don't go too far , Let’s leave it at that, how about it?”

"You're a fart, get the hell out of here!" The brawny man in the lead didn't give Kong Tianhao any face.

"You guys are going too far," Kong Tianhao said angrily.

"Too much? Brat, I'm afraid you haven't seen us go too far! To be honest, scolding you a few words is light, I will bear with you if you are sensible, otherwise let's practice!" The strong man rolled up his sleeves in disdain Said.

"Hmph! If you are making trouble so unreasonably, don't blame me for being rude!" Kong Tianhao couldn't bear it anymore, and punched the strong man directly.

"Hehe, you're still moving your hands, you don't know how to live or die!" The strong man's eyes flickered with coldness, he curled his lips and punched Kong Tianhao back.


With a loud noise, Kong Tianhao's body flew upside down in an instant, hitting the wall fiercely, cracks were directly hit on the thick wall, and Kong Tianhao vomited blood, lying on the ground in pain.

Although Kong Tianhao was an elite disciple, he was too young to be a match for a strong man who had cultivated for many years.

The few brawny men in front of him were all above the sixth rank of generals, and Kong Tianhao was no match at all.

"It's unreasonable, it's too much for you to strike so hard!"

The disciples of the Temple Sect were furious, and shot at several strong men in a rage.

Bang, bang, bang... These strong men were so powerful that they knocked down these disciples with just a few moves.

After defeating a few disciples of the Temple Sect, the strong man at the head squeezed his fist and said disdainfully: "A group of idiots dare to make trouble in our Heiyunmen's territory. They don't know what to do. You have learned your lesson now! It's a pity that you are too big!" He didn't even hit him, but he just lay down."

Hearing what the brawny man said, Xiao Ningbing's eyes widened suddenly, the enemy's road is narrow, and it was such a coincidence to meet the enemy here.

Xiao Ningbing was about to make a move, Qin Shan held her down, then got up and said to several strong men: "You bastards, I advise you to commit suicide and apologize immediately, otherwise you will suffer more than death later."

The strong man glanced at Qin Shan, his eyes flashed with disdain, and he curled his lips and said, "You kid is also with them, heh heh, it's hard to see the coffin without crying. Just let you accompany them!"

"This kid has a hole in his head. He knows that he is not our opponent, but he still stands up. I have seen idiots, but I have never seen such a stupid one."

"Then let's watch big brother let him lie on the ground and eat shit!"


The other strong men looked like they were watching a show, waiting to see Qin Shan be beaten up.

When the strong man was about to teach Qin Shan a lesson, all the customers around him shook their heads pityingly.

"These people are really tough. They have nothing to do to oppose Heiyunmen. Isn't this courting death? And this kid who stood up will definitely spill blood on the inn later!"

"This kid wants to be a hero, but he will definitely become a fool later."


While the surrounding audience were watching the news, the strong man had already walked in front of Qin Shan, looking at Qin Shan with haughty eyes, as if Qin Shan had become a turtle in a urn.

"Boy, this is what you want to kill yourself, don't blame me for being too harsh!"

The strong man looked at Qin Shan with a smile, and then punched Qin Shan heavily. This strong man had reached the eighth rank of a general, and the friction between the heavy punch and the air made a whistling sound, which looked extremely frightening.

Just when this heavy punch was about to hit Qin Shan, with a bang, the strong man's fist stopped abruptly in the air.

The strong man's fist was firmly caught by Qin Shan's palm, and the violent force made the ground tremble, but Qin Shan was not injured at all, and he didn't even move his palm.

(End of this chapter)

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