Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 174 Drinking Poison Increases Experience

Chapter 174 Drinking Poison Increases Experience
"Listen well, the condition is very simple, that is, the crown prince drinks this cup of poisoned wine, and this king will let you go!"

As he spoke, King Sheng took out a pill and put it into Qin Shan's wine glass, shook it slightly, and the pill melted without a trace.

"His Royal Highness, don't listen to him, he is trying to kill His Highness!" Zhang Zhongxiao shouted loudly.

"Don't worry, Prince, this is not some kind of poison that kills people, it's just hehe..." Sheng Wang showed a cruel smile, "This is just a medicine that abolishes one's cultivation, called 'Scattering Qi Pill', after taking this , the martial arteries will be completely destroyed within one day, and can never be repaired, Prince, would you like to drink the person you want to save?"

Zhang Zhongxiao roared angrily: "Third prince, you bastard, even if I die, I won't let you succeed!"

As he said that, Zhang Zhongxiao was about to bite his tongue and kill himself, but Sheng Wang's subordinates directly imprisoned his meridians, making him unable to move, and could only watch Qin Shan helplessly.

"How is it? Are you the one who wants to save you, or just ignore it and let me kill you?" Sheng Wang asked with interest.

Qin Shan now has a physique that is invulnerable to all poisons, and even the Qi Dispersion Pill will not cause any harm to him.

King Sheng obviously didn't know this, and thought he had stumped Qin Shan.

"So what about drinking poisonous wine? Why is the prince afraid of drinking poisonous wine!" Qin Shan said disdainfully.

As he spoke, Qin Shan picked up the wine glass and drank the poisoned wine slowly and clearly in front of King Sheng.

Seeing Qin Shan drink the poisoned wine directly, Sheng Wang was shocked. He thought that Qin Shan would not drink the poisoned wine to protect himself, but he didn't expect Qin Shan to be bored.

Zhang Zhongxiao couldn't move, but his eyes were red with excitement.

In his opinion, Qin Shan was willing to drink poisonous wine and abandon his cultivation in order to save him. Such a master will definitely follow him to the death, even if he goes up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire.

At this time, Qin Shan's actions have completely conquered Zhang Xiaozhong, making him follow him wholeheartedly.

Naturally, Qin Shan didn't know Zhang Zhongxiao's inner thoughts, he only knew that drinking this cup of poisoned wine would not do him any harm, instead, it would have the advantage of rescuing Zhang Zhongxiao easily.

"Bicc!" After drinking it, Qin Shan hiccupped. The poison of the Qi-Scattering Pill was completely resisted by Qin Shan's invulnerable physique. Even those toxins turned into Qin Shan's experience, which opened Qin Shan's horizons.

"I'm going! It's really strange that Qi Qi Pill has become my experience. Do I need to take more poison to increase my experience in the future?" Qin Shan thought silently.

Seeing Qin Shan drink the Qi-dispersing Pill in one breath, King Sheng laughed wildly in his heart. He had been unhappy with Qin Shan for a long time, and wished he could step on Qin Shan and rub against the ground. Now that Qin Shan drank the Qi-dispersing Pill, his martial arteries would be shattered within a day, and his cultivation would be exhausted. At that time, Qin Shan's life would be worse than death.

Thinking of Qin Shan's expression that life would be worse than death after a day, Sheng Wang felt a burst of joy.

"Prince, this king really admires your courage, for making such a sacrifice for your subordinates, tsk tsk... This king would definitely not be able to do it, but this king wants to congratulate you, you can take your men and leave " Sheng Wang said to Qin Shan with a smile while applauding, his words were full of sarcasm.

Qin Shan didn't pay attention to Sheng Wang's ridicule at all. He squinted his eyes and said to Sheng Wang: "Sheng Wang, I am very satisfied with your reception today. After a while, this prince will prepare a meal for you." A big meal, guaranteed to make you quite satisfied."

"Okay, this king is abundant at any time." Sheng Wang was in a very good mood, and he didn't care about Qin Shan, but his words were full of banter.

At this time, Zhang Zhongxiao was released from the restraint, and the first time he was released, he rushed directly to King Sheng and shouted: "You bastard, I want to kill you!"

However, just after taking a step forward, Qin Shan directly pressed Zhang Zhongxiao's shoulder and said, "Let's go, the prince hasn't played enough, and now is not the time to kill him."

With that said, Qin Shan directly pulled Zhang Zhongxiao out of the restaurant.

After leaving, Zhang Zhongxiao directly knelt on the ground, and said shamelessly: "His Royal Highness, I have harmed you. If His Highness blames you, you can kill the young one immediately."

"The crown prince is fine, the mere energy-dissipating pill is useless, there is nothing to kill, get up!" Qin Shan waved his hands and said disapprovingly.

"His Royal Highness, from now on, the little one will go through fire and water for you, even if His Highness is willing to cut the little one into pieces!" Zhang Zhongxiao said to Qin Shan gratefully.

"If you have the heart, what the prince does is not in vain. By the way, as the commander of the Imperial Forest Army, why were you arrested by King Sheng?" Qin Shan asked curiously.

"Your Highness, it is inconvenient to discuss this matter here, let's leave here." Zhang Zhongxiao said with a serious face.

"Then go to the inn where the prince lives." Qin Shan nodded.

Afterwards, the two returned to the inn where Qin Shan was.

After entering the room, Zhang Zhongxiao said solemnly: "Your Majesty was sent to the Golden Autumn Kingdom. Recently, the Jinqiu Kingdom's army has been active frequently. It seems that something is going to happen. Your Majesty is worried that the Golden Autumn Congress will suddenly send troops to attack the Shengtian Dynasty, but Your Majesty He said he couldn't find anyone he trusted, so he ordered his subordinates to sneak into Jinqiu Kingdom secretly to investigate the matter, but unfortunately, his subordinates were weak and were caught by that bastard Sheng Wang during the investigation."

"Is there any action from the Jinqiu army?" Qin Shan rubbed his chin and thought, "It feels like they really want to make trouble. After all, our Shengtian Dynasty has just experienced civil strife. They must think this is an opportunity."

"Yes, that's why His Majesty is worried." Zhang Zhongxiao nodded heavily.

"Then did you find anything?" Qin Shan asked.

"I haven't found anything of value yet, but my subordinates can confirm that the Jinqiu Kingdom is going to launch a war, because their army has not only moved, but also mobilized a large amount of military equipment, as if going through a large-scale war." Zhang Zhongxiao responded.

Qin Shan narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded and said: "You are injured, just rest at the inn for the night, and return to Shengtian Dynasty early tomorrow morning to convey all the information you have found to your father."

"As ordered, Your Highness the Crown Prince."

"Okay, it's getting late, hurry up and go to rest."

When Zhang Zhongxiao went to rest, Qin Shan lay on the bed to rest, but he didn't fall asleep immediately, he was thinking about what Zhang Zhongxiao said just now.

The Golden Autumn Kingdom is mobilizing a large number of troops and supplies to launch a war. This war is likely to be aimed at the Shengtian Dynasty. However, such a large-scale war needs to be prepared for a period of time, and it will not start immediately. It should be after the Baizong Contest .

"Forget it, don't think about it for the time being, let's talk about it after the Hundred Sects will meet." Qin Shan, who was lying on the bed, finally gave up thinking and was going to sleep.

However, when he just closed his eyes, he inadvertently saw that there were still dozens of red envelopes that had not been opened. They were the red envelopes that were obtained by killing those people from the Black Cloud Gate.

"All the red envelopes are open!"

(End of this chapter)

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