Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 176 Heiyunmen Came to Find Faults

Chapter 176 Heiyunmen Came to Find Faults
Qin Shan didn't give any explanation for Sheng Wang's intentional spreading of the news that his martial art was abolished. This guy is typically full and hungry. Anyway, Qin Shan will soon use the incompetence pill to disgust that guy.

On the other side, Heiyunmen also received this news, and the senior officials of Heiyunmen were overjoyed when they heard the news.

"The third prince, King Sheng, really has the means to force that bastard prince of the Shengtian Dynasty to eat Qi Sanqi Dan, and now that bastard has become a waste, haha!" The head of the Black Cloud Sect laughed, feeling very happy.

"Sect master, although that guy Qin Shan's martial art has been abolished, he still has experts around him, so it's still a bit difficult for us to deal with him." The second protector said with a frown.

A meaningful smile flashed in the door master's eyes: "Of course we can't kill him openly, but we can slap him in the face severely, and King Sheng's plan is not over yet, forcing him to drink poison is just the beginning, and there will be more to come." There is a good show, this time our Black Cloud Sect can't miss it!"

"Is there another trick? Sect Master, what kind of trick is it?" The others asked curiously.

"I won't talk about this, you will know soon." The door master smiled mysteriously.


The three of Song Yunxin belonged to Qin Shan's camp, so Qin Shan naturally would not treat them badly. After having breakfast with them at the inn, Qin Shan called them into the room alone.

"Boss, is there something wrong with you calling us to such a hidden room?" Tang Jie asked treacherously.

"Yes, there is something, something big." Qin Shan nodded in response.

After finishing speaking, Qin Shan took out three upgrade pills, and said slowly: "This is a pill for improving cultivation, which can directly improve the cultivation of three realms. You are all my friends, and I have never treated my friends badly. , one for each of you!"

Song Yunxin's face was startled, she quickly shook her head and said, "Junior Brother Qin, although we are friends, this elixir is too expensive, you should keep it for yourself."

"Yes, Your Highness, the little girl is willing to go through fire and water for you, but this pill really cannot be taken." Xiao Ningbing said seriously.

Tang Jie scratched his head and said with a smile: "Boss, although I really want it, the elixir must not be bought with money, so let's put it away."

"This elixir has no effect on me. You need it more. I hope my friends are stronger." Qin Shan looked at the three of them seriously, "Also, as my friend, I must be stronger to set off my identity."

"But..." Song Yunxin wanted to refuse, but Qin Shan interrupted her directly.

"Needless to say, I don't like ink marks, so I use them quickly, otherwise I won't be able to make friends in the future." Qin Shan said seriously.

The three of them could only accept Qin Shan's kindness, and each of them swallowed a pill.

Soon, the three of them felt a surge of heat, and their cultivation directly soared three realms.

Xiao Ningbing and Song Yunxin's cultivation base was the same, from rank six to rank nine.

Tang Jie was promoted from the third rank of general to the sixth rank of general.

After being promoted, the three expressed their gratitude to Qin Shan again.

Afterwards, Song Yunxin and Tang Jie left, leaving only Xiao Ningbing in the room.

"Ning Bing, have you investigated what I asked you to investigate yesterday?" Qin Shan asked.

Before Qin Shan went to rescue Zhang Zhongxiao yesterday, he ordered Xiao Ningbing to investigate the assassin organization Tianshamen. This Tianshamen appeared when Qin Shan was about to kill Hengwang. Their base was in the 'Jitian Pharmacy' in the Imperial City of Jinqiu Kingdom. .

Qin Shan didn't care about Tianshamen at all, he was only interested in the employers behind them, because those assassins didn't know who the employers were at that time, so they had to find their senior management to find out.

Last night Qin Shan specially ordered Xiao Ningbing to go to Jitian Pharmacy to investigate, and today he wants to know the result.

Xiao Ningbing said seriously: "Your Highness, I squatted outside the Jitian Pharmacy for half the night yesterday, and indeed I discovered many things. On the surface, they seem to be just drugstores, but in the dead of night, many experts will enter the drugstore. After entering, it disappeared without a trace, presumably there must be a secret passage inside.

According to my perception, those masters who went in were more or less murderous, and there was a high possibility that they were professional assassins. "

Qin Shan nodded, then stroked his chin and said, "It seems that there is indeed a den of assassins, and their leader may be inside. It just so happens that your cultivation base has improved, so go straight in tonight! By the way, when will we leave the emperor?" City, it shouldn’t be today, right?”

"Elder Ye said this morning that it's tomorrow, we have time." Xiao Ningbing said.

"Okay, there's nothing else to do. Next, you should familiarize yourself with your own strength and prepare for some activities at night." Qin Shan patted Xiao Ningbing's head and said.

"Yes, Your Highness." A trace of happiness flashed across Xiao Ningbing's eyes, but Qin Shan didn't notice it.

The cultivation of Xiao Ningbing and the others had been raised by three levels. Qin Shan naturally did not forget Ling Yin, but Ling Yin mainly needed spiritual power, and the improvement of cultivation base would not help spiritual power very much.

As for Daji, Tsunade, Zhao Zilong and Lu Bu, they are all summoned characters of Qin Shan, and they usually gain experience to increase their experience when killing people. They elevate.

When Qin Shan was preparing for the night raid on Jitian Pharmacy, a group of uninvited guests came to their inn.

This group of uninvited guests were none other than the third prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom and people from the Heiyun Sect. Obviously King Sheng brought the people from the Heiyun Sect to Qin Shan.

After Qin Shan received the news, he came to the lobby of the inn, and at a glance he saw King Sheng and the people from Heiyunmen sitting there with their toes proud.

"His Royal Highness, I haven't seen you all night, but you are still in good spirits, not bad!" Sheng Wang said to Qin Shan with a smile on his face.

"Thanks to King Sheng, I ate and drank a good meal last night, so I slept soundly." Qin Shan shrugged his shoulders and said, "Oh, by the way, I heard that King Sheng wants to see the prince, so I don't know why ?”

King Sheng pointed to a fierce man beside him and said, "This is Nie Jun, the second guardian of Heiyunmen. He has something to ask for you. This king specially brought him here to see you."

After King Sheng's introduction, Nie Jun, the second protector of Heiyunmen, cupped his hands and said to Qin Shan: "The crown prince of the Shengtian Dynasty, I am the second protector of Heiyunmen. I have something important to come to you today. We are all martial arts practitioners." , I will not go around in circles, the prince killed hundreds of people from our Black Cloud Sect, we are here today to ask the prince for an explanation!"

"Ask for an explanation? What explanation do you want?" Qin Shan asked disapprovingly.

"Although you are the crown prince of the Shengtian Dynasty, this is the Jinqiu Kingdom. You wantonly killed so many people from our Heiyunmen here, and you don't give us Heiyunmen face at all. So, where is our Heiyunmen today? You challenged him!" Nie Jun pointed at Qin Shan and said word by word.

(End of this chapter)

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