Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 178 Your Poison May Be Expired

Chapter 178 Your Poison May Be Expired

Qin Shan's words were quite arrogant, and immediately aroused all kinds of ridicule from other people.

"This guy is really brazen. He is courting death after taking Qi-dispersing pills and learning to fight like others! Now he is still pretending to be aggressive here, I will see what kind of idiot this guy will pretend to be in the future!"

"Waste is destined to be waste, there is no way to save it."

"Hurry up and get rid of this ignorant prince of the Shengtian Dynasty, so as not to be embarrassing here!"


Amidst the ridicule of the crowd, Nie Jun's eyes became extremely gloomy, and he sneered while clenching his fists: "Prince Qin Shan, I will show you the fear of death soon!"

As soon as the words fell, Nie Jun's body disappeared in place and appeared in front of Qin Shan in an instant.

At this time, Nie Jun's fist had already stuck to Qin Shan's face.

Seeing this scene, the passers-by and people from Heiyunmen all felt that Qin Shan was dead.

However, the next scene confirmed that everyone was stunned. Nie Jun's fist didn't hit Qin Shan, but passed by Qin Shan's hair, without even touching Qin Shan.

" is this possible! The second guardian's attack was perfectly dodged, my eyesight must have been dazzled!" Everyone from the Black Cloud Sect opened their eyes wide in disbelief.

Sheng Wang also frowned tightly and said: "This is just a coincidence, Guardian Nie, continue!"

Nie Jun was also in shock, but he only thought it was Qin Shan's good luck, how could a waste whose martial veins had been crippled escape the attack.

After missing a move, Nie Jun instantly grabbed the big knife at his waist and slashed towards Qin Shan next to him.

At this moment, Qin Shan shook the Zhantian Sword in his hand, and his body became slightly shorter.

Immediately after a whoosh, Qin Shan's body turned into an afterimage and passed by Nie Jun, and appeared behind Nie Jun in the blink of an eye.

Nie Jun's movements stopped abruptly, as if he had been suspended, he just froze in place without moving.

Ding!Suddenly there was a crisp sound, and the big knife in Nie Jun's hand snapped, and a bloodstain appeared on his neck.

Immediately afterwards, Nie Jun realized that it was not good, and covered his throat with both hands, but the bloodstain instantly expanded, and hot blood gushed out, and his hands could not stop it at all.

"You... you actually... woo..." Nie Jun covered his neck with his hands and fell to the ground, his eyes were full of disbelief, "You obviously...have taken the Qi-dispersing pill, why...why do you still have cultivation? ..."

However, before Qin Shan could answer him, the guy twitched a few times and died completely. At this time, there was a pool of blood under his body.

The people around were all stunned, the whole scene was silent, and everyone was stunned.

After a while, King Sheng finally woke up, and asked with a face full of shock: "You obviously took the Sanqi Pill last night to save your men, and this king saw you drink that glass of wine with your own eyes. , because your martial arteries still exist, why do you still have such a high level of cultivation, why?!"

Hearing Sheng Wang's words, the people around also came to their senses.

"Yeah, why is that, why doesn't the dispersing qi pill have any effect on him?"

"I didn't expect the crown prince of the Shengtian Dynasty to be so powerful. The sword just now was so fast that even the second guardian couldn't dodge it. It's just..." the people from the Black Cloud Sect said in disbelief.


Facing King Sheng's shock, Qin Shan just shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "Maybe your qi dispersing pill has expired."

"Expired? Impossible, this dispersing qi pill has only been refined not long ago, and this king has also asked someone to test it, it is absolutely effective, why is it not effective on you! Do you have an antidote?" Sheng Wang said unwillingly, even already To the point of gnashing of teeth.

"It's invalid, it's invalid. There's no reason. In fact, I think the Sanqi Pill mixed with the wine tastes good. Why don't King Sheng get some more for the Crown Prince?" Qin Shan said with great interest.

"Grass!" Sheng Wang clenched his fists angrily, his heart was full of unwillingness, this time revenge failed but he was grassed, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

At this moment, the people from Heiyunmen rushed up and pointed at Qin Shan and shouted: "You bastard actually killed our second guardian, we will never end with you!"

"This guy's skills are not as good as others, so don't blame others. Also, don't be arrogant in front of me. I will kill you all in a short time!" Qin Shan said contemptuously.

"You..." Although the people of Heiyunmen were angry, no one dared to explode on the spot. The strength Qin Shan showed now could completely kill them, so they would not foolishly trouble Qin Shan on the spot.

The people from Heiyunmen could only swallow their anger, and hurriedly took away the body of their second guardian, and left with a finger-pointing speed.

Sheng Wang originally planned to use the Heiyunmen to kill Qin Shan, but now it was self-defeating, and it was meaningless to stay any longer, so he also hurried away with his men.

At this time, Ye Tian came to Qin Shan and said with admiration: "Prince, your current cultivation level is so high that people feel horrible. The second guardian of Heiyunmen has reached the second rank of Wuwang, and he was cut by your sword!" Killing, this kind of strength ranks first in the entire Shengtian Dynasty."

"It's okay, it's okay." Qin Shan waved his hand and said.

"Prince, it seems that I underestimated you even so. With your talent and strength, you will definitely be the pinnacle of the Temple School in the future." Ye Tian said seriously.

Qin Shan smiled slightly, but didn't say anything.


After returning to his mansion, the third prince Sheng Wang of the Golden Autumn Kingdom was very angry and kept throwing things, wishing to tear down the entire prince's mansion.

"Damn it, it's really hateful! This king finally had a chance to deal with this bastard, but the result was completely opposite. Didn't he slap this king in the face with Chi Guoguo?!" Sheng Wang roared furiously while throwing things .

"Your Highness, you don't need to be so depressed. We didn't succeed in dealing with Qin Shan this time. We still have a lot of opportunities. No, we have an excellent opportunity soon!" The attendant behind King Sheng reminded.

"Of course this king knows that it's only a matter of time before he gets rid of him, but this king is just upset. This is the second time this king has been slapped in the face by that bastard. If this continues, this king won't have to hang out in Jinqiu Kingdom in the future!" Sheng Wang was upset Said.

"It's something that can't be helped. Who made that Qin Shan so weird that he swallowed the Sanqi Pill without any damage? It's just a bit frenzied." The attendant said helplessly.

"This king can no longer be trampled on like this. This king must take revenge, and take revenge fiercely!" Sheng Wang said coldly.

"His Royal Highness Sheng, His Majesty just ordered His Highness to go to the palace to discuss this matter. It will not take long for His Highness to take revenge."

Sheng Wang raised his eyebrows, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he nodded and said: "Very well, father is finally ready to act, and it's time for this king to show off his might, hahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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