Chapter 18

After the prime minister communicated with the Minister of the Ministry of War, the Minister of the Ministry of War found Qin Shan.

"His Royal Highness, the subordinates of your expedition team have prepared for you. Next, Your Highness will go to the barracks with your servants, and your servants will hand over the army to Your Highness." Minister of the Ministry of War said to Qin Shan with a smile.

"Okay, let's go to the barracks to have a look."

Afterwards, Qin Shan followed the Minister of War to the barracks.

The Secretary of the Ministry of War ordered the team that followed Qin Shan to gather. There were thousands of people, but Qin Shan looked a bit shabby.

This team is simply old, weak, sick and disabled. The old ones are even 50 or [-] years old, the young ones are only thirteen or fourteen years old, and some are injured. The whole team seems to have no energy at all. In the battle against the rebels, they absolutely lost terribly.

Seeing this team, Qin Shan frowned immediately.

"His Royal Highness, this team is the team that will follow you. They are the best elites so far, and they will definitely help His Highness win the battle." The Minister of the Ministry of War spoke without thinking, and lied without changing his face.

Obviously Qin Shan knew that he had been targeted, and this guy must have been instructed by the second prince and the prime minister again.

The reason why Shangshu of the Ministry of War dared to hand over these remnants and weak generals to Qin Shan was because he had the support of the second prince, and he expected that Qin Shan would not be able to find the emperor. will look down upon.

Naturally, Qin Shan would not go to the emperor. If he couldn't even handle this difficulty, he wouldn't have to play when he faced a more cruel situation in the future.

There are thousands of people in this team, but very few can fight, so Qin Shan has to pick out those who can fight.

Just when Qin Shan was about to pick out those who could fight, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He saw a red envelope appeared on the buttocks of Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and the red envelope thief is so big, he must have something good in it.

So, Qin Shan directly raised his leg and kicked the buttocks of Minister of the Ministry of War.

Minister of the Ministry of War was just a civil servant, his cultivation was almost negligible, Qin Shan's kick contained enormous power, and he was kicked away directly.


Peng Dong!The Minister of the Ministry of War lay on the ground like a dog eating shit, with a mouthful of mud in his mouth.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the red envelope and getting the 'Shen Bing Formation'."

Divine Soldier Formation: Heaven-level top-grade formation, which can instantly increase the overall strength of the team by ten times, and keep the team's morale strong all the time.

Seeing what he got by opening the red envelope, Qin Shan's eyes widened immediately. He really wanted to do something. The arrival of the magical army was really timely, and the overall strength of the team was increased by ten times, which greatly increased the ability to wipe out the rebels. Opportunity.

When Qin Shan was overjoyed, Minister of the Ministry of War finally woke up from his bewilderment, kept spitting out the mud in his mouth, then looked at Qin Shan with resentment and said, "Your Highness, what do you mean by this? Did I offend you?" ?"

"Aha, I'm really sorry. I saw a mosquito flying around in front of my eyes just now, and I was about to kill him, but I kicked Master Li too hard. I wonder if Master Li is not feeling well?" Qin Shan haha He smiled, with no trace of apology on his face.

Bingbu Shangshu struggled to get up from the ground, and he found that his two front teeth were loose and bleeding, and his butt was in pain like a blossoming flower.

Even though he knew that Qin Shan did it on purpose, the Minister of War did not dare to blame Qin Shan directly, and could only swallow his grievances in his stomach.

"Damn bastard, I will bear it this time, I will see how arrogant you are when you are killed by the rebels, don't you! Play with me, I will make you regret it." Minister of the Ministry of War thought silently.

Of course, on the surface, Shangshu of the Ministry of War was still unmoved. He rubbed his waist and said, "There is nothing wrong with my body. I just hope that Your Highness will be more careful when beating mosquitoes next time to avoid accidental injury."

"No problem." Qin Shan said with a smile.

With that said, Qin Shan began to choose the right one among these soldiers.

"You go out, and you, yes, it's you, and the one behind..."

In just a short while, Qin Shan selected 100 people out of thousands of people. These 100 people looked the most normal among them.

"You 100 people will follow the emperor to Hu County to destroy the rebels. I hope you are all mentally prepared!" Qin Shan looked at the 100 people and said loudly.

"As you order, Your Highness the First Prince." The 100 people responded weakly.

Minister of the Ministry of War was a little surprised. He didn't understand why Qin Shan only chose 100 people. Didn't this make his combat power weaker?
"Your Highness, these 1000 people are all led by you. Why did you only choose 100 people? How can 100 people wipe out the rebels? You must know that the number of rebels ranges from thousands to tens of thousands. Go to other places to mobilize a group of soldiers." The Minister of the Ministry of War asked puzzledly, but his heart was contemptuous.

"100 people are enough." Qin Shan said lightly, this guy obviously wanted to embarrass himself, and also mobilized other soldiers, probably at this level, instead of a large number of burdens, it is better to use 100 people.

"His Royal Highness is really ambitious and full of confidence. I admire you! Since His Royal Highness only needs 100 people, I will not force you. I will return to His Majesty and let His Majesty know how powerful He is." Minister of the Ministry of War expressed admiration. Said, my heart is happy.

Qin Shan ignored this guy, but directly took 100 people to his Prince's Mansion. The Prince's Mansion is very big enough to accommodate these people.

After returning to the prince's mansion, Qin Shan shouted to the guards and subordinates in the mansion: "From today onwards, all of you here will be expelled, and you will no longer stay in the emperor's mansion, pack up your things and leave immediately Bar!"

"What? Your Highness, we were sent by His Majesty to protect His Highness, we cannot leave." The guards said in shock.

"Yes, we are here to serve His Highness, and we cannot leave." The servants responded,

Qin Shan's expression became stern, and he said coldly: "I don't care who sent you here, get out now, and if anyone doesn't get out, I'll kill whoever you say, do what you say!"

Seeing that Qin Shan was angry, the guards and servants dared not continue to talk back. Although they were all sent by the second prince, they had no choice but to leave in the face of death threats.

After everyone in the mansion left, Qin Shan asked the hundred soldiers brought back: "Here, the Emperor has a question for you. What are you people joining the army for?"

These 100 people were all ordinary people, and Qin Shan looked at each other after asking questions.

Afterwards, one of them obediently said: "Defend the family and the country, and contribute our own strength to the Shengtian Dynasty."

Hearing this sentence, Qin Shan immediately laughed.

"Defend the family and defend the country? Why didn't the empress think that, the empress thinks that you guys seem to be fooling around."

(End of this chapter)

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