Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 180 The Intention of the Golden Autumn Kingdom

Chapter 180 The Intention of the Golden Autumn Kingdom
Qin Shan can conclude that the mastermind behind those people who followed last time is the same person as the employer of Tianshamen, and his tactics are so powerful that even the leader of Tianshamen is controlled by him, which shows how powerful that person is.

This made Qin Shan think of the person behind King Heng at that time, the 'Master Messenger' of the Prosperous Empire, and he didn't know if it had anything to do with him.

Of course, everything is just speculation now, and Qin Shan can't be sure, but he can be sure that the person behind this is a huge threat and must be eliminated as soon as possible.

As long as Qin Shan catches an opportunity, he will definitely not show mercy.

However, Qin Shan was still very upset that he failed to find the mastermind this time. He needed to vent, otherwise the depression in his heart would suffocate him to death.

"You guys go back to the inn first, I still have some small things to deal with, I'll be back soon." Qin Shan said to Xiao Ningbing and Daji.

"Yes, master." Daji nodded.

"Your Highness, take care, you must return safely." Xiao Ningbing said with concern.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to me, Xiao Hei, leave!"

As he said that, Qin Shan directly transformed Xiao Hei, then sat on its back and flew towards the mansion of the third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom.

That's right, Qin Shan is going to find King Sheng to vent his depression. Last time he was plotted against by King Sheng, this time he wants to get it back.

However, when Qin Shan came to Prince Sheng's mansion, he didn't find his whereabouts. He randomly grabbed a servant of the mansion and learned that King Sheng had gone to the palace to discuss matters with the emperor, so he went to the palace again.

Xiao Hei took Qin Shan to the sky above the Jinqiu Palace. With the cover of night, no one in the palace knew that Qin Shan had sneaked into the palace.

Afterwards, Qin Shan jumped to the highest point in the palace, and then directly started the night stealth to quickly shuttle through the palace.

There are many masters in the palace, even the masters of the Martial King realm, but these are not a problem. With the skill of stealth in the dark, even the masters of the Martial King realm can't find Qin Shan's whereabouts.

Generally speaking, the emperor would discuss matters with the princes in the imperial study. When Qin Shan came to the imperial study of the palace, he saw the emperor and the princes discussing matters from the roof.

"Qin Shan, there are many masters hiding around here. There are more than a dozen masters in the realm of Wuwang, and there is even a master who has reached the realm of Wuhuang. Even this uncle can't easily defeat him, so you'd better be careful. Once you are defeated by them It will be very troublesome to find out!" Xiao Hei on Qin Shan's shoulder reminded in his ear.

"It's no wonder that the Golden Autumn Kingdom has been stronger than our Shengtian Dynasty these years. They have more masters than us, and there is no one in the Shengtian Dynasty who is at the level of a Martial Emperor." Qin Shan thought silently.

Qin Shan's main purpose now is to disgust the Third Prince, so naturally he won't provoke experts like Jinqiu Kingdom, at least it's not the time yet.

So he quietly lay on the roof and waited for the opportunity, and listened to what they were discussing by the way.

At this time, Sheng Wang was excitedly reporting the situation to the Emperor Jinqiu.

"Father, I really can't figure out why that bastard Qin Shan wasn't poisoned. I watched him drink the wine mixed with Qi-dispersing pills until there wasn't a single drop left, but the next day he still wasn't affected at all. It's unbelievable." " Sheng Wang said to the emperor very speechless.

"You don't have to think too much about it. He was abolished as the prince, and he was able to sit on the prince again. He still has some skills. You may not be fooled by him, but these are just trivial things, and the next step is the real thing." What a big deal!" The Emperor Jinqiu said with a serious face.

"Father should be talking about attacking the Shengtian Dynasty." One of the princes said.

"That's right, it's about attacking the Shengtian Dynasty. Last time we lost the eight cities of Fujun, it was a shame. We must wash away this shame, so I will take down the Shengtian Dynasty within three months!" the emperor said coldly. said coldly.

Speaking of the eight cities of Fujun, Sheng Wang blushed immediately, and he was the one who lost the eight cities of Fujun.

"Speaking of which, the Eight Cities of Fujun should not have fallen into the hands of the Shengtian Dynasty. It's because the younger brother of the Three Emperors didn't think carefully, and even lost to Qin Shan in the martial arts competition between the two countries." The prince of Jinqiu Kingdom said slightly mockingly.

"Brother Prince, you can't blame me for this matter. Who knew that brat Qin Shan caught him by surprise." Sheng Wang said a little unhappy.

"Okay, don't talk about it, let me say it first, the past is over, and now we have to focus on the future. Although the Shengtian Dynasty has been weakening over the years, its strength should not be underestimated. We must take it seriously, but I have absolute confidence in attacking the Shengtian Dynasty this time, because there are very powerful people behind our Golden Autumn Kingdom!"

"With the support of a powerful person, could it be that this powerful person is from another country? Father, who is he?" Prince Jinqiu asked.

"You don't need to know this, you just need to know that our Golden Autumn Kingdom will surely win, so in the process of winning the Shengtian Dynasty this time, if any of you have outstanding performance, I will give you unexpected rewards!" The emperor smiled Said.

King Sheng's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Father, my subjects have made complete preparations, and have also arranged countermeasures, which will definitely help my father to win those victorious dynasties faster!"

"Following move? Brother Sanhuang, you should save yourself, you can't deal with the crown prince of the Tian Dynasty, so what else can you do?" The prince of Jinqiu sneered.

"Hmph! Brother Huang, just wait and see!" Sheng Wang was very upset and said coldly.

"Okay, the discussion is over here today, let's discuss it again during the day tomorrow, you all go back and rest." The emperor waved his hands at the princes and said.

Several princes got up and left separately, Sheng Wang was very upset, he strode the fastest and walked the fastest, he was almost pissed off by the prince.

Although Qin Shan on the roof could hear a bit vaguely, he roughly understood what they were talking about.

Zhang Zhongxiao was right, Jinqiu Kingdom's deployment of troops during this period was really preparing to attack the Shengtian Dynasty, and it seemed that it was time for the emperor to prepare.

Of course, this matter can't be rushed, Qin Shan's main purpose today is to deal with King Sheng.

After King Sheng left the imperial study, Qin Shan followed carefully and quietly.

King Sheng quickly left the palace, and then returned to his palace, with Qin Shan accompanying him all the way.

There were dozens of guards around Sheng Wang, but they didn't find Qin Shan's whereabouts. Just when Sheng Wang was about to arrive at the mansion, Qin Shan finally made a move, because it was surrounded by alleys extending in all directions, which was very suitable for action.

Before making the move, Qin Shan used the disguise technique to change his face. The face he changed was the face of a guard next to the prince of Jinqiu Kingdom.His purpose of doing this is very clear, disgusting King Sheng, and at the same time blaming Prince Jinqiu, making them dog-eat-dog.

"There are assassins, protect King Sheng!" When Qin Shan appeared in front of King Sheng, the surrounding guards reacted and roared desperately.

However, before they could make a move, Qin Shan imprisoned King Sheng, dragging his body and disappearing from the sight of these guards.

"His Royal Highness Sheng Wang has been robbed, hurry up and chase the assassin, hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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