Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 186 Tang Yexing Was Arrested

Chapter 186 Tang Yexing Was Arrested

Qin Shan came to the inn where Daji and Tsunade settled down.

In the room, Qin Shan summoned Zhao Zilong and Lu Bu again, and then said to the four summoned characters: "Today I will give you a task."

"Master, please tell me, Daji will do my best to complete it." Daji promised with all his heart.

"I need you to investigate the 'Master Messenger' behind King Heng. This guy is a member of the Shengshi Empire. His secret intervention in the internal affairs of our Shengtian Dynasty is obviously related to the royal family of the Shengshi Empire. You can investigate those high-ranking officials of the Shengshi Empire. Maybe we can find some clues." Qin Shan said to the four with a serious face.

"No problem." The four said there was no problem.

Tsunade, Daji, Zhao Zilong, and Lu Bu are all Qin Shan's summoned characters, so his orders can enter the four people's minds directly through the system, and Qin Shan doesn't need to explain too clearly.

After receiving Qin Shan's order, the four of them took Xiaohong and Xiaohe to investigate the matter.

As for Ling Yin, he followed Qin Shan. After all, Ling Yin was not very proficient in controlling the power of space, so it was inconvenient to follow the four of them.

After the four of them left, Qin Shan was about to take Ling Yin out for something to eat, but he saw Tang Jie galloping to the inn on a horse.

After seeing Qin Shan, Tang Jie jumped off the horse and said in a panic, "Boss, something is wrong. My third uncle was taken away by the head of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce! Get out of here and return to the Temple Sect!"

"What's the situation?" Qin Shan frowned and asked.

"We packed up our things and prepared to leave, but the people from the Imperial Business League came too fast. In order to cover me, the third uncle took the initiative to let the Imperial Business League take them away. They have already found out that the boss killed the person, and they are going to send someone to arrest the boss. I came here specially to remind the boss, I hope the boss returns to the Temple School to avoid it!" Tang Jie said seriously.

"What do you want to avoid? Your third uncle has been arrested. Naturally, I went to save your third uncle. They must have lured me out by not killing your third uncle. Let's go and find them!" Naturally, Qin Shan would not choose to run away. Tang Yexing had a good impression, so naturally he would not stand by.

What's more, now that he is far away from home, Qin Shan, as the prince, will naturally not see any accidents among his own people.

"Boss, but there are too many of them, we..."

"Don't talk nonsense, just take me there!"

Qin Shan interrupted Tang Jie directly and ordered him to lead the way.

Tang Jie had no choice but to take Qin Shan to find his third uncle.

Originally, Tang Jie planned to let Qin Shan go back to the Temple of Heaven to escape, and then find a way to rescue his third uncle, but now that Qin Shan is determined to save his third uncle, he can only obey the order.

Afterwards, Tang Jie took Qin Shan and Ling Yin to his third uncle's place.

Half an hour later, the three arrived outside a luxurious tea house.

"Boss, my third uncle is in this teahouse, but the teahouse is surrounded by patrolling people, and there are masters lurking in the dark. With our strength, we can't save third uncle. We have to find another way." Tang Jie pointed at the teahouse Said helplessly.

Qin Shan had a general perception. There are indeed many masters in the teahouse. Among them, there are many masters at the level of military generals, and there are also several masters at the level of King Wu. If Qin Shan is alone, he can come and go freely, but if he wants to rescue Tang Yexing? It is absolutely impossible to force a breakthrough.

Qin Shan touched his chin and thought.

"Boss, why don't we forget it now, and I'll think of a way." Tang Jie suggested, although he really wanted to save Third Uncle, but he knew very well that he couldn't save him under the current situation.

"No, time waits for no one, we must be rescued today!" Qin Shan looked serious, and then looked at Ling Yin beside him, "Ling Yin, if you stand in this position, can you reach the teahouse at the distance you can open the space channel?"

Ling Yin glanced at the teahouse not far away, nodded and responded, "Your Highness, I'm really sorry, but I can't guarantee that it can be done."

"There is no absolute for anything, as long as you can do it, then I will give you a task. If you see the explosion of the teahouse later, you will leave and open the space passage, you know?" Qin Shan looked at Ling Yin solemnly and asked .

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I will do my best!" Ling Yin gritted her teeth and said, she was determined to do her best to help Qin Shan.

"Very good, Tang Jie, let's go and save your third uncle!"

After speaking, Qin Shan went straight to the teahouse.

"Boss, did you just pass by so blatantly?" Tang Jie asked in shock.

"Of course, as a dragon crossing the river, momentum is very important!" Qin Shan said confidently.

Tang Jie had no choice but to follow Qin Shan to the teahouse.

"Listen to me, I'm the one who killed your big black brother, get out of the way, I want to see your hall master!" Walking to the door of the teahouse, Qin Shan pointed at the patrolling people at the door and shouted.

"Damn it! It's the bastard who killed Big Black Brother. I didn't expect that I would take the initiative to send him to the door. Brothers, come to me and kill him!" The guards at the door rushed towards Qin Shan.

"Stop! Let him in!" Suddenly, there was a loud roar from the second floor of the teahouse.

The guards stopped immediately, and could only make way for one way. When Qin Shan walked in, they all had vicious expressions on their faces.

Qin Shan went straight to the second floor of the teahouse, where a large group of people were sitting drinking tea, and the most important person was Bai Quanqing, the head of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce.

At this time, Bai Quanqing was staring at Qin Shan with interest. He knew that the person who killed Dahei would come to save Tang Yexing, but he didn't expect it to be so blatant.

"Are you the brat who killed the boss of our Imperial Business Alliance?" Bai Quanqing asked Qin Shan with his legs crossed.

"That's right, I killed those bastards." Qin Shan also stared at Bai Quanqing without flinching. "The person you are looking for should be me. Let Tang Yexing go right now. This matter has nothing to do with him."

"It's okay to let Tang Yexing go, but I have one condition, a very simple condition, that is, go to the street and crawl across a street on your knees, and learn how to bark like a dog. If I can do it, I will let Tang Yexing and you go! This condition Simple, hahaha..." Bai Quanqing laughed out loud, not paying attention to Qin Shan at all.

"Your request is too much. This matter is because your people are too domineering and bully others. This request is impossible!" Tang Jie said angrily.

"If you can't do it, there is only one possibility, and that is that you will all die here!" Bai Quanqing said disdainfully.

Regarding this, Qin Shan just smiled and said, "Before I die, at least let me see whether Tang Yexing is dead or alive."

"It's simple, bring people up!" Bai Quanqing was not suspicious, or he had absolute confidence, he didn't believe that two people could rescue people in public.

Soon, Tang Yexing, who was covered in blood, nose and bruises, was brought to the second floor.

(End of this chapter)

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