Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 191 Kong Tianhao's Revenge

Chapter 191 Kong Tianhao's Revenge
The first stage of the Hundred Schools Martial Arts Competition is about to begin. Thousands of disciples gathered around the multiple entrances of the dense forest, waiting for the chief examiner to announce the start of the assessment.

"The first level of the entry assessment, 'Survival', has officially begun!"

When Xu Wuguang announced the start, all the disciples rushed into the forest like a tide.

For them, the sooner they enter, the better. After all, no one knows what's going on inside, they only know to try their best to go to the highest point of the mountain.

Qin Shan was not in a hurry like the others, and only slowly entered after everyone had entered.

"Boss, why are we the last to go in? Some people have already run far away, and we are behind at the beginning!" Tang Jie said anxiously seeing that many people in front had already run away.

"From here to the top of the mountain can not be done in a short period of time. It is impossible within three to five days. We will definitely encounter various situations on the way. Do you still remember the name of the first level?" Qin Shan asked rhetorically.

"Well, remember, it's called 'Survival'." Tang Jie nodded.

"Since it is called survival, it means that we will encounter various dangers here, even life-threatening. In this case, we need to observe the situation, and someone can be cannon fodder in front of us to open the way for us." Qin Shan explained with a smile.

Tang Jie suddenly realized, and finally understood Qin Shan's intention.

Sure enough, not long after entering the forest, they saw that many disciples were injured and stopped, some were attacked by monsters, and some were attacked by other disciples.

With those disciples in front as cannon fodder, the four of Qin Shan didn't encounter any problems at first, at most they were some low-level monsters.

The further you go deep into the forest, the fewer people you will meet. After all, this forest area is very wide, and it is more than enough to accommodate thousands of people.

Just half an hour after the four of Qin Shan entered the forest, there was no one around, and the atmosphere in the forest became gloomy, even in the daytime, it seemed a little dark.

"Boss, I always feel that this mountain forest is very gloomy, as if it will be torn apart at any time. It's a bit scary." Tang Jie looked around and said timidly.

Qin Shan didn't say anything, because he also felt this way, but he didn't know why.


Just when Qin Shan felt that strange feeling, there was movement in the grass next to him.

"Someone is approaching, and there are quite a few of them!" Song Yunxin put her hand on the saber at her waist, and said with a vigilant expression.

Xiao Ningbing and Tang Jie also sensed it, and they all became alert.

At this moment, Kong Tianhao jumped out from the forest, followed by more than a dozen people.

"Junior Sister Yunxin, it's me, don't be nervous!" Kong Tianhao smiled at Song Yunxin.

Seeing that the person who came was Kong Tianhao, Song Yunxin frowned slightly and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Kong Tianhao's eyes fell on Qin Shan, and he said bluntly: "My purpose today is very clear, that is to prevent the crown prince of our Shengtian Dynasty from passing the first hurdle!"

Hearing Kong Tianhao's words, Tang Jie immediately became angry, "Aren't you looking for death, you bastard, you dare to block the boss's way forward, aren't you afraid of losing your life?"

Kong Tianhao shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently: "Anyway, I will be a disciple of the main sect of the Temple Sect after the Hundred Sects' Martial Arts Competition, so I don't need to go back to the ruined place of the Shengtian Dynasty, so what if I am the crown prince of the Shengtian Dynasty? If not, can we still send a large army to invade the prosperous empire?"

"We are all brothers in the same sect. Is it necessary to do so?" Song Yunxin said with a cold face.

Kong Tianhao saw Song Yunxin's complexion improved slightly, but his eyes became sharp again in an instant, and then looked at Song Yunxin with disdain and said, "Yunxin, I had high hopes for you, but it's a pity that you have been hanging around with Qin Shan ghost, there is no Little future, since you won't listen to my good advice, then I won't force you anymore!
Anyway, when I become a disciple of this sect, I will be able to enjoy all the glory and wealth, and I can have all kinds of women, so you are not qualified to be my woman! "

Kong Tianhao looked very proud when he said this, as if he was already a disciple of this sect.

Looking at Kong Tianhao's proud expression, Qin Shan felt it was funny. This guy was like a frog in a well, or rather a tease. Qin Shan didn't bother to do anything to such an idiot.

"You make it sound like you're awesome. Even if you can become a disciple of this sect, you'll be nothing more than a salted fish at most," Qin Shan said contemptuously.

"That's right, a wretched guy like you can only do wretched things!" Tang Jie also joined in the fun and said.

Kong Tianhao's face suddenly darkened, and his heart was full of rage, wishing he could directly divide Qin Shan into five horses.

At this moment, behind Kong Tianhao, a disciple of the Temple Sect with a sword in his hand stood up and said, "This is the crown prince of your Shengtian Dynasty?"

"Well, it's him." Kong Tianhao nodded in response.

The disciple glanced at Qin Shan, shook his head and said, "It doesn't look like a strong man at all, and he doesn't feel very strong, let me deal with him next!"

"Brother Hu, you're sure to catch me!" Kong Tianhao nodded excitedly, and then looked at Song Yunxin and the others with a threatening face, "You three better get out of the way, I'm going to deal with Qin Shan today, I don't want to get hurt You, if you are sensible, you should not know."

"Hmph! If you want to hurt the boss, you have to pass my test!" Tang Jie took out the dagger instantly and said with a sneer.

"What you did today is despicable and shameless. I really misjudged you before. Today I will not let you hurt Junior Brother Qin." Song Yunxin also drew out her sword and shouted.

Xiao Ningbing didn't speak, but she was already ready to go.

At this time, Qin Shan shook his head at the three of them and said: "This guy's cultivation is not simple, he is already the first rank of Martial King, you are not opponents for the time being, let me do it."

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that you have good eyesight, and you can see my cultivation level at a glance, not bad!" The disciple said with a smile.

"Qin Shan, this is Brother Hu, a talented younger disciple of the main sect of the Temple of Heaven. Few of the hundred sects can match him in martial arts this time. Even if it is you, he cannot be his opponent. Accept your fate!" Kong Tianhao said to Qin Shan with a gloomy face.

"It turns out that he is a genius disciple of our sect, so I really have to meet for a while today, I hope I won't be too disappointed." Qin Shan said with interest while clenching his fists.

"It seems that you have been a prince for a long time, and you have a sense of superiority, but this is not your Shengtian Dynasty. Today I will let you realize that you are not even a fart in front of me!"

After finishing speaking, the disciple named Brother Hu flashed towards Qin Shan in an instant, reached Qin Shan in the blink of an eye, and blasted Qin Shan with a powerful fist.

(End of this chapter)

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