Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 195 The hidden golden sword

Chapter 195 The hidden golden sword

Driven by Qin Shan, the four climbed up quickly.

Fortunately, the cliff is not very steep, and you can take a break from time to time, otherwise, if you climb with bare hands like this, you will definitely fail countless times.

After climbing for about half an hour, the bottom of the valley could not be seen at all. The wind in this position was very strong, and the whole person was almost blown away.

"Boss! The wind is so strong that I can barely open my eyes. If this continues, I really won't be able to climb up tomorrow." Tang Jie said with difficulty with his eyes closed.

"Persist even if you can't open your eyes. You must not give up now. Don't you want to pass the first level?" Qin Shan asked loudly.

"I want to, of course I want to, but it's too difficult, it's hard to reach the sky!" Tang Jie said panting.

Qin Shan's eyes were full of determination, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Even if it's difficult, I have to persevere, I will never give up!"

"Yes, you must never give up, no matter how difficult it is!" Song Yunxin nodded and said in agreement, even though she feels difficulties now, she will not give up easily.


Suddenly, Xiao Ningbing who was next to her screamed, and the hurricane of the canyon directly blew her away, and then she fell rapidly down.

Qin Shan grasped one of Xiao Ningbing's arms in an instant with quick eyesight, and firmly clasped the stone wall with the other hand, even though his body slid down, he did not let go.The huge falling force caused Qin Shan's hand to scrape five deep fingerprints on the stone wall, even with traces of blood, even so Qin Shan did not let go.

After falling more than ten meters, Qin Shan finally stabilized his body, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"Huh, it's so dangerous, I almost fell again." Qin Shan pulled Xiao Ningbing up and put it on a protruding stone, and then took a heavy breath.

Xiao Ningbing also had lingering fears. Just as she was about to thank Qin Shan, suddenly, the stone protruding from the stone wall cracked instantly, and a big hole appeared, and then Xiao Ningbing's body slid directly into the hole.

"Be careful!" Qin Shan's face changed drastically, he quickly grabbed Xiao Ningbing's arm, and then slid in together.

Tang Jie and Song Yunxin, who rushed over, grabbed Qin Shan's leg at the same time, but unfortunately they couldn't stop the downward trend.

Then, the four fell into the big hole together again.

Fortunately, the big hole did not fall in a straight line, but had a slope, and the four of them just slid down in the hole.

When gliding downwards, Qin Shan used his weapon to slow down, and so did the other three. After an unknown amount of time, the four finally reached the end and slid into a huge cave. All four were safe and sound.

"It's such a big cave. There is a cave here. I didn't expect such a big cave here. It doesn't seem to be formed naturally, but artificially. Who created such a secret cave here?" Tang Jie looked at it. After glancing at the surrounding situation, he said in amazement.

The surroundings of the cave are inlaid with illuminated night pearls, so the situation of the cave can be clearly seen.

"There is nothing in the cave except Ye Mingzhu. It looks like a secret room for cultivation. It's nothing special." Song Yunxin checked the surrounding situation and spread her hands.

"Not only did we fall into the canyon, but now we have fallen into the cave again. It's too painful, but this time it's because of me, Your Highness, I'm sorry." Xiao Ningbing said apologetically.

What Xiao Ningbing said didn't get any response from Qin Shan, she thought Qin Shan was angry, so she looked at Qin Shan cautiously.

At this moment, Xiao Ningbing found that Qin Shan was staring at the night pearls on the wall, and she was puzzled.

"Your Highness, did you find anything?" Xiao Ningbing asked.

"Do you think the placement of the night pearls on the wall is special?" Qin Shan asked suddenly.

"Special?" Xiao Ningbing shook her head immediately, she didn't feel much.

Tang Jie walked to the wall and said disapprovingly: "Boss, it's nothing special, it's just some valuable luminous pearls. Well, if you get them all back, it's still worth a little money. Since we're here, it's really too much to go back without something." loss."

With that said, Tang Jie was going to take down the night pearl on the wall.

Qin Shan's complexion changed, and he loudly dissuaded: "These Ye Mingzhu are very advanced formations! Ergo, don't move around, otherwise..."

It's a pity that it was too late for Qin Shan, Tang Jie had already taken down a night pearl.

Qin Shan stared blankly at Tang Jie, and continued to finish his sentence, "Otherwise it will cause unpredictable situations, such as causing the mountain to collapse."

"Fuck! It's so serious, you have to put it back quickly." Tang Jie was so frightened that he quickly stuffed Ye Mingzhu back.

However, before he could push it back, the entire cave shook violently, like an earthquake, and he couldn't maintain his balance at all.

"Oh my god! What did I do? Something bad happened, and the mountain was really about to collapse. Boss, I was wrong. I'm going to die!" Tang Jie squatted on the ground crying to stabilize his body.

"You idiot, who told you to start without waiting for me to finish speaking? I'm really convinced!" Qin Shan roared very depressed. Now they can't use their true energy. If the mountain collapses, they will definitely die.

"We have to leave here quickly, or we will be buried here forever." Song Yunxin said with a serious face.

Qin Shan is also helpless, for the current plan, he can only run away desperately.

At this moment, a halo appeared in the corner of the cave wall, and in the halo, a simple golden sword rose slowly from the ground.

The whole body of the sword is golden, and the hilt is engraved with lifelike dragon-shaped patterns, even if you just look at it, you can feel a great pressure.

When the sword was raised, the shaking of the mountain weakened, and when the sword was fully raised to the halo, the earthquake stopped completely.

"Huh? It actually stopped. Could it be because of the sword in the corner?" Tang Jie looked at the quaint sword in the corner in shock.

Qin Shan also looked at the golden and simple sword in the corner in disbelief, and then said in surprise: "Tang Jie, you bastard is out of luck, you accidentally broke the eye of the formation, this advanced formation is to hide This sword, if you take the wrong Ye Mingzhu, it will cause the cave to collapse, but you have cracked the formation, you can go buy a lottery ticket!"

"What is buying a lottery ticket?" Tang Jie asked with some embarrassment.

"That means you've got shit luck." Qin Shan explained with a smile, and then began to study the sword rising from the bottom in the corner.

"System, spend [-] experience points to scan that sword." Qin Shan said to the system consciously.

In an instant, a halo from the system swept across the golden sword in the corner, and then the information of the golden sword appeared in Qin Shan's mind.

Qin Shan was stunned when he saw the introduction of the golden sword.

(End of this chapter)

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