Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 198 Advancing to Level 2

Chapter 198 Advancing to the Second Level

The Golden Dragon Divine Sword has a suppressing halo, even if he is a fifth-rank monster, his strength has been weakened by at least half under the suppressing halo of the Golden Dragon Divine Sword, plus he is seriously injured, if this sword goes down the cliff, he will die.

Feeling that his life was threatened, a trace of panic flashed in the giant-winged eagle's eyes.

At this moment, the tip of the Golden Dragon Excalibur suddenly stopped in front of the giant winged eagle.

"I suddenly came up with an idea, which is more valuable than killing you." Qin Shan looked at the giant-winged eagle with a bright smile, "Then honestly surrender to me, otherwise this sword will kill you, you know ?"

The giant-winged eagle didn't dare to resist, so it could only nod, with fear still shining in its eyes.

"Very good!" Qin Shan nodded in satisfaction, and then threw a Beast Control Technique at the Giant Winged Eagle.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully using the beast control technique."

Qin Shan was very satisfied with the result of the one-time success of controlling the beast, and then the giant-winged eagle temporarily became Qin Shan's pet and let Qin Shan send him around.

Standing on the back of the giant-winged eagle, Qin Shan shouted to Tang Jie and the three below: "Come up quickly, the giant-winged eagle will take us to the top!"

After the three of them jumped on the giant-winged eagle's back, Tang Jie said with admiration: "As expected of the boss, he can subdue even the fifth-rank monsters, that's amazing!"

"Stop flattering nonsense, and sit still! Giant-winged eagle, fly to the top!"

After the three were ready, Qin Shan ordered the giant-winged eagle to fly to the peak of Holy Sword Mountain.

The giant-winged eagle was naturally much faster than Qin Shan, and it flew to a platform on the top within a few minutes. Under the platform, several groups of disciples were climbing up with all their might.

At this time, there were already seven groups of disciples on the high platform, and only the last group remained. The competition for the places in this last group was extremely fierce.

"We're about to reach the summit, hurry up, sprint, make the final sprint!"

"We can't lose to them, even if we vomit blood, we must be ahead of them!"

"Damn! Quick, go up and grab them, don't let them get ahead!"


When several groups were scrambling to be the first, the giant-winged eagle appeared in everyone's sight. The four of Qin Shan jumped off the giant-winged eagle's back, and landed on the high platform ahead of the groups below.

Seeing Qin Shan falling from the sky, the following groups of disciples almost collapsed.

"I'm sorry, but in the end we are the eighth group." Qin Shan waved to the groups of disciples below the high platform.

The appearance of Qin Shan disqualified the others, and the disciples below the high platform were all unwilling and protested angrily.

"Grass! He actually climbed to the top on a giant-winged eagle. It's not fair. This cliff is not fair!"

"This is simply cheating. You can't rely on external forces for the assessment. Using the power of pets to lose qualifications doesn't count at all!"

"Protest! Protest! If pets could be used, I would have let the pets take me away from the beginning."


When everyone was protesting, an elder stood up and said seriously to the protesting disciples: "The protest is invalid, Holy Sword Mountain is in a large formation, we can easily see what you are doing, you Everyone's actions are under the supervision of our elders, and anyone who violates the rules and cheats will be punished!
Their group did not cheat. The Giant Winged Eagle was defeated and subdued by them in the Holy Sword Mountain. If you have the strength, you can also subdue the monster to assist you. Therefore, Qin Shan’s group is the eighth group, and the Baizong Huiwu is the first. The examination is officially over! ! "

The elder's explanation made the other disciples helpless. Those disciples who failed to reach the top were all disqualified, and the disciples who reached the first eight groups advanced to the second round.

"Yeah! We've advanced, haha, boss, we've advanced!" Tang Jie cheered excitedly.

Qin Shan also showed a smile on his face. Fortunately, he subdued the giant-winged eagle at the last moment, otherwise he really couldn't catch up.

"Giant-winged eagle, thank you, you have worked hard, you can leave now!" Qin Shan waved to the giant-winged eagle in the air.

"Hey!" The giant-winged eagle let out a sharp cry, then spread its wings and soared away from Qin Shan's sight.

After the giant-winged eagle flew away, Qin Shan said to Song Yunxin and the others: "Come on, to celebrate passing the first test, I'll treat you to dinner, and Tang Jie will pay for it!"

Tang Jie was very happy to hear Qin Shan's treat, but when he asked him to pay the bill, he immediately became speechless, "Boss, why should I pay for your treat? Of course, I have no problem with paying the bill. The boss just said let me treat."

"Okay, then you treat, you pay the bill."

"No problem, I'll treat you today and I'll pay the bill!"


At this time, the Sixth Elder Xu Wuguang stared coldly at the formation screen.

He saw clearly the process of Qin Shan climbing to the top of Holy Sword Mountain, and he was quite shocked when Qin Shan suddenly reached the top.

He had obviously fallen into the canyon, and according to common sense, he would not be able to escape for a day and a half, but he became the eighth group, so he was just joking.

"Damn it! How did this kid do it? He actually came up from the bottom of the cliff, and at such a fast speed, did someone help him?" Xu Wuguang frowned and thought.

At this moment, a disciple came to Xu Wuguang's side.

"Report to the elders, the fog that restricts true energy in the canyon at the foot of Holy Sword Mountain has suddenly dissipated, and the reason is not clear yet!"

Hearing the disciple's report, Xu Wuguang suddenly realized, "So, this kid is really lucky, to see the white mist disappear, it's just luck! That kid will advance, how upset he is!"

Xu Wuguang had a very bad impression of Qin Shan. Naturally, he didn't want Qin Shan to advance. Now that Qin Shan was finally advancing through many obstacles, he felt embarrassed because he tried to stop Qin Shan twice but failed.

But Xu Wuguang did not give up, even if he advanced to the second round, he would not let Qin Shan go too far.


On the other side, in a certain room of the Temple School, Ye Tian and a disciple are here.

"Elder Ye, the disciples have already identified the man in black who pushed Tang Jie down. He is the closed disciple of the Sixth Elder who sneaked into the Holy Sword Mountain. Presumably the Sixth Elder must have instructed this matter, otherwise it would be impossible to casually enter the Holy Sword Mountain." Sword Mountain."

Hearing this disciple's words, Ye Tian's eyes flashed a trace of coldness, "Sneaking into the Holy Sword Mountain during the assessment is absolutely not allowed at this time, take me to meet that disciple, I want to see if he will say something,"

"Yes, Elder Ye!"

Afterwards, the disciple took Ye Tian to find Xu Wuguang's closed disciple.

Ye Tian did this not just to protect Qin Shan, but to maintain the stability of the Temple Sect. Although Ye Tian was only an elder of the branch sect, another identity made him have to do this.

(End of this chapter)

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