Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 202 The second stage of fighting begins

Chapter 202 The second stage of fighting begins

The dead man returned to the Imperial Chamber of Commerce with Qin Shan's words, and passed the words to Lei Ba. Lei Ba was so angry that he almost exploded when he heard it. He vowed to get rid of Qin Shan.

Although Qin Shan doesn't know what Lei Ba's expression looks like, he can be sure that Lei Ba will be very angry, but Qin Shan doesn't care, he will definitely get rid of the nail of the Imperial Business Alliance.

After killing those dead men, Qin Shan returned to the inn to rest, and no one disturbed him at night. In the early morning of the next day, Qin Shan came to the main sect of the temple.

Yesterday, the first stage of the Baizong Huiwu assessment ended, and a total of 32 members of the eight groups will participate in the second round of the group arena today.

When Qin Shan arrived at the designated location, many disciples of the Temple Sect had already gathered here.

Baizong Huiwu is a gathering of geniuses from all over the sect and the younger generation of the sect. Those who can stand out from the first pass are all talented people. Even the older disciples of the sect also came to watch .

"Boss, you are finally here. If you don't come, I feel so nervous and have no support." Tang Jie took a deep breath and said after seeing Qin Shan.

Qin Shan looked at Tang Jie with a look of disgust, "Don't be disgusting, just rely on it, and I'll hack you to death if you say such disgusting words."

Tang Jie immediately looked at Qin Shan with aggrieved expression.

Suddenly, the disciple next to him let out an exclamation, and then many disciples became excited.

"Wow! Lu Yang is here, the first disciple of this session of the Hundred Schools of Martial Arts has appeared!"

"Lu Yang's expression looks very relaxed today, it seems that he will definitely win the title of martial arts leader today!"

"Lu Yang's team was the first to reach the top of the mountain in the first pass yesterday, and today is destined to be his solo show."


Tang Jie stood on tiptoe and took a look, and said with a puzzled face: "Who is this, so many people know him, he seems really impressive."

Song Yunxin glanced in that direction and said: "I heard about this Lu Yang this morning. He is a disciple under the sixth elder of our sect. He is only 23 years old this year, but his cultivation has reached the fourth rank of Martial King. There are not many people in this sect who have reached this level."

"Well, I've heard of this person too. He has done a lot of missions for the master sect. He once killed a bandit group of hundreds of people alone. Countless people died in his hands. It is a favorable contender, basically the elders of this sect think that it is no problem for him to win the first place." Xiao Ningbing also echoed.

"First name? That means he didn't meet me. With me, he can only be second at most." Qin Shan said disapprovingly.

Tang Jie immediately flattered and said: "Of course, the boss is out, even if it is a peerless genius, I will take care of it!"

"The eight groups of disciples who have passed the first stage are invited to come on stage, and the second stage of today's group arena is about to begin!"

At this moment, an elder shouted loudly.

Then eight groups of 32 people came to the stage, and Xu Wuguang personally explained the rules of the group arena.

The group arena adopts an elimination system, until the end, and the opponents in the fighting will be drawn by lottery and matched randomly.

After the explanation, the 32 people drew lots, and after the lottery, the much-anticipated arena fighting began.

Qin Shan's group of four was fine, and no members of the same group were drawn, but when Tang Jie got the result of the lottery, he wanted to cry without tears.

"Boss, I met that Lu Yang in the first round. This guy has reached the fourth rank of Martial King. I am no match at all!" Tang Jie said with a mournful face.

"That's something that can't be helped, just do your best." Qin Shan patted Tang Jie on the shoulder and comforted him.

"Alas..." Although Tang Jie had no intention of competing for the first place, he naturally felt uncomfortable when he met the so-called strongest genius in the first round.

Qin Shan didn't say anything. Although Tang Jie's talent was already good, and with his help, he had already reached the seventh rank of a general, but the gap with Lu Yang was still very large, and he was basically killed in seconds.

Tang Jie's martial arts competition was the earliest among the four. There is no doubt that Tang Jie was easily defeated by Lu Yang. No matter how hard Tang Jie struggled, he could only fight Lu Yang with ten strokes.

Song Yunxin and Xiao Ningbing also competed in front of Qin Shan. They performed well, each defeated their opponents, and advanced to the top sixteen.

In the penultimate game, Qin Shan finally made his appearance.

Qin Shan's opponent is called Shen Zhe, an earth-attribute mage whose mage level is already a Dharma king, comparable to the martial king realm of a martial artist.

After Qin Shan and Shen Zhe came to the stage, a series of discussions sounded from the audience.

"Look, that guy named Qin Shan passed the first pass by cheating. Others climbed to the top of the mountain by their own strength. He flew up directly on a giant-winged eagle. I don't know why the elders didn't deal with it!"

"It is said that he is the crown prince of the Shengtian Dynasty. He is powerful and powerful, and has relations with the elders. You can only stare blankly."

"Hmph! He took away my chance yesterday, and today I want to see his jokes!"

"Don't worry, that Qin Shan is definitely not Shen Zhe's opponent. Shen Zhe is the strongest genius in Lieyang Kingdom's branch sect. The mage level is already the King of Law, and his strength is the same as that of the Martial King of the warrior. Moreover, the mage has the upper hand when he is not close. !"


Most people are not optimistic about Qin Shan, perhaps because Qin Shan climbed to the top with a giant-winged eagle at the last moment yesterday, so that many people lost their qualifications, and this was the reason for the common hatred of everyone.

Qin Shan didn't care about this at all, he would only use actions to slap everyone in the face.

"Qin Shan, you cheated yesterday to disqualify my friend's group from advancing to the second round. Today I will defeat you with an absolute advantage and avenge my friend. You'd better be mentally prepared!" Zhe stared at Qin Shan and said with a sullen face.

"Cheating? Hehe...this is just an excuse for the weak." Qin Shan said disdainfully.

"You kid is really arrogant. You really think that you cheated in the exam and passed the first test. To be honest, there are countless people who are better than you!" Shen Zhe sneered.

"Qiang didn't just say it with your mouth, didn't you want to avenge your friend? Just use any moves!" Qin Shan said disapprovingly.

"That's exactly what I mean!" Shen Zhe quickly circulated the earth attribute power with both hands, ready to attack at any time.

"Are you ready?" the referee looked at the two and asked.

"Ready." Qin Shan and Shen Zhe replied at the same time.

"Okay, then the contest officially begins!"

Following the referee's order, Shen Zhe volleyed towards Qin Shan with both palms.

"Earth storm!" Shen Zhe yelled violently, and the ground burst instantly, forming countless earth thorns, and then rushed towards Qin Shan, as violent and manic as a sandstorm.

"Fuck! Such a terrifying attack, using the ultimate move directly from the beginning, Qin Shan is finished!" All the disciples who were watching in the audience exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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