Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 215 The Dog of the Golden Autumn Country Eats the Dog

Chapter 215 The Dog of the Golden Autumn Country Eats the Dog

Lei Ba frowned for a long time, and then said: "Are you sure the direction Qin Shan left is the direction of our financial staff?"

"After the slayer failed, our people went to the scene to investigate and searched for Qin Shan's traces all the way. Although we couldn't catch up with Qin Shan, we can be sure that Qin Shan's direction is the financial staff. When we found the financial staff, they had all He was killed and everything in his hand was robbed, this matter must have been done by Qin Shan, otherwise such a coincidence would not be possible!"

Lei Ba punched heavily on the wall, and the huge force caused cracks to appear on the thick wall.

"Bastard! I sent out this kind of lineup and didn't solve that brat. Why on earth does that kid have such abilities! Also, I have been robbed of all the wealth I have worked so hard to manage in various places for a year. No matter what, I want him Death, I will send someone to hunt him down, this time all the celestial warriors will be dispatched!"

Boom boom boom... Lei Ba desperately bombarded the wall with his fists, venting his depression.

It's a pity that no matter how much Lei Ba vented, Qin Shan had already left with a lot of wealth from the Imperial Business Alliance.


Qin Shan and his party left the imperial capital of the Prosperous Empire without stopping, and it was impossible for the members of the Imperial Business Alliance to catch up.

On the way to leave, Qin Shan carefully inspected the looted supplies from the Imperial Chamber of Commerce, and what was inside really shocked him.

There are 500 million taels of gold, and this gold alone is equivalent to half a year's income of the Shengtian Dynasty's treasury.

There are [-] human-level and earth-level pills, most of which are used to improve cultivation and heal injuries. They are very suitable for the army. If these pills are used on hundreds of thousands of troops, the strength of the army can be raised to a higher level.

There are pills and equipment, of course, there are also as many as [-] sets, most of which are human-level and land-level, suitable for equipment for the army.

Of course, there are not only these things in it, but also some other things, such as medicinal materials, spirit stones, demon cores, etc. It is roughly estimated that the total value exceeds the annual treasury revenue of the Shengtian Dynasty.

Using these things, Qin Shan can greatly enhance the national power of the Shengtian Dynasty, which is a gift from the Imperial Business Alliance before he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

After getting these things, Qin Shan headed towards the Golden Autumn Kingdom contentedly, and soon they left the Shengshi Empire, and then passed through other countries to enter the Golden Autumn Kingdom.

"Boss, you are the crown prince of our Shengtian Dynasty. It is dangerous for you to go to the Golden Autumn Kingdom like this. After all, there are irreconcilable conflicts between the Shengtian Dynasty and the Golden Autumn Kingdom. Hit the black hands!" Tang Jie reminded with some worry when he was about to enter the Golden Autumn Kingdom.

"Last time I found out that they were about to attack our Shengtian Dynasty, so I just wanted to take this opportunity to see how the Jinqiu Kingdom reacted, and create some confusion for them by the way." Qin Shan said indifferently.

He went to Jinqiu country this time not only to help Xiao Ningbing take revenge, but also to do things in Jinqiu country. After all, Jinqiu country already had the intention to deal with the Shengtian Dynasty, and Qin Shan as the prince would definitely not make Jinqiu country feel better.

The Golden Autumn Country is no better than the Golden Autumn Empire. The Golden Autumn Empire is the most powerful country in Dongzhou. The strong are like clouds. If Qin Shan makes trouble in the Golden Autumn Empire, he will definitely be destroyed, but in the Golden Autumn Country, Qin Shan has the confidence to protect himself.

However, when entering the Golden Autumn Kingdom, Qin Shan and his party sneaked in, and he didn't want to make trouble before entering the Golden Autumn Kingdom's imperial city.

After arriving in the imperial city, Qin Shan found a restaurant to eat. After driving for a few days, he didn't have a good meal, so naturally he had to eat first.

When Qin Shan and his party were eating with gusto, there was a loud clamor outside the restaurant.

Qin Shan was sitting at the door, and could clearly see the situation outside.

At this time, there were two groups of people on the street glaring at each other, and these two groups of people seemed to be the guards of the royal family.

"Look, the guards of the third prince Sheng Wang and the prince's guards clashed again. This is already the third conflict I've heard today."

"Today is not bad. You must know that there were conflicts between King Sheng and the crown prince a few days ago. If His Majesty hadn't suppressed it by force, King Sheng and the crown prince would have to do it themselves."

"Why did the prince and Sheng Wang have such a conflict?"

"After so many days, you still don't know? Sheng Wang has always said that it was the prince's guards who made him a eunuch, but the prince refused to admit it, and then they turned against each other. During this time, they have been tit for tat. Still in private."

"The conflict between the crown prince and King Sheng can no longer be reconciled, and His Majesty has been troubled by this matter for a while."


While the people around were discussing, the guards on both sides of the street started yelling at each other.

"Your guards in the Prince's Mansion are really imposing. They block the roads when you walk. You really think that the roads were built by you! Also, you injured dozens of our brothers yesterday. Today we must settle accounts with you, you group Bitch!"

"You are the bastard, your whole family is a bastard, the quality of the guards in your Sheng Palace is terribly low!"

"Grass! Hit me and avenge the brothers!"

"Come on, brothers, come on!"

Bang bang bang... Immediately, the two groups of people on the street began to fight fiercely.

Seeing this scene, Tang Jie was a little dumbfounded and said: "The prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom and the third prince are actually fighting like this. It seems that they started things by themselves before the boss made a move."

"Who said I didn't take action, I caused them to do this." Qin Shan said with a smile, it seems that the last time he pretended to be the prince's guard and turned Sheng Wang into an eunuch was really wonderful.

Hearing Qin Shan's words, Tang Jie asked in surprise, "Boss, what did you do last time?"

"You don't know that King Sheng is already a eunuch?"

"Haha... It turns out that the matter of Sheng Wang becoming a eunuch was done by the boss. I just said, only the boss has such a skill! Now they bite dogs, it looks really cool."

Just when Tang Jie was laughing, Qin Shan suddenly walked up to a passerby and said, "I'll give you a tael of gold, and you can spread the news, saying that Heiyunmen will gather all the masters, and they will be wiped out tonight." moment!"

"What? You want to destroy Heiyunmen, who are you?" The passer-by looked at Qin Shan in shock.

"You don't care who I am, just do what I say." Qin Shan smiled.

The passer-by thought for a while, and finally took a tael of gold from Qin Shan's hand, and then shouted to the others: "Everyone, there is someone here who said that heiyunmen will be destroyed tonight!!!"

"My God, you actually said to destroy Heiyunmen, who is he, and where is he?" The people around looked over in shock.

"It's right next to me...Huh? Where's the person? The one who was here just now, why suddenly disappeared!"

(End of this chapter)

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