Chapter 220
Inside the Golden Autumn Kingdom Palace.

A leader of the city guards came to the emperor and reported: "Your Majesty, I just received news that Qin Shan, the crown prince of the Shengtian Dynasty, appeared at the Black Cloud Gate. What is shocking is that they directly destroyed the Black Cloud Gate, and it was only ten A few people, almost killed most of the people in Heiyunmen!"

"What? A mere prince and a dozen people destroyed Heiyunmen. How is this possible?!" The emperor looked at the leader of the city guard with a look of shock.

"This matter is absolutely true, and our city guards are already chasing and killing them."

The emperor frowned immediately, looked at Xiao Hong and Xiao Hei who were still raging above the palace, and said with a sullen face: "Qin Shan is actually in the imperial city, which means that these two hateful monsters are probably made by that bastard." ?”

"It's very possible that he deliberately used monsters to restrain our city guards, and then the purpose is to kill Heiyunmen!" The ministers around the emperor nodded in agreement.

"Damn it! Immediately send everyone to me to wipe out Qin Shan and his gang at any cost!!!" The emperor was completely angry and ordered all his subordinates to dispatch.

After the emperor issued an order, tens of thousands of guards surrounded Xiao Hong and Xiao Hei in the palace. Due to the large number of people, Xiao Hong and Xiao Hei were already injured, and they were blocked in a corner of the palace by countless masters.

Standing on the high wall, the emperor pointed at Xiao Hong and Xiao Hei who were forced into the corner and shouted angrily: "Kill, I will kill these two beasts!!!"

"Kill!" The tens of thousands of soldiers chopped their weapons at Xiao Hong and Xiao Hei, and the raging qi even split the ground.

At this moment, a space crack appeared behind Xiaohong and Xiaohei.

Seeing this crack, Xiao Hei waved his wings at the emperor and said, "Goodbye, I have had enough fun, hahaha..."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Hong and Xiao Hei got into the space crack, and then disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant.

Rumbling... All the attacks of the guards were in vain.

Seeing this scene, the emperor roared furiously: "Damn it! Qin Shan, you bastard, you don't want to escape from the imperial city today, I will kill you with my own hands, ah!"


Under the cover of the summoning soldiers, Qin Shan and his party quickly arrived near the city wall of the Jinqiu Kingdom's imperial city.

At this time, Xiaohong, Xiaohei and Ling Yin were already waiting here.

"Xiao Hei, how is the situation on your side?" Qin Shan asked.

"Originally, my uncle was going to kill the emperor directly, but the old emperor hid underground. There are so many guards in the palace, it is difficult to break through, so I just destroyed it casually, but it is enough for them to toss." Xiao Hei responded.

"It's already pretty good, at least it's delayed the city guards for so long, but they've figured it out now, we have to leave quickly, Ling Yin, should we be able to teleport outside the city from here?"

Ling Yin thought for a while, then nodded and said: "It should be no problem, I will try my best!"

As he said that, Ling Yin tried his best to condense the space source power.

"They are here, quickly, block them immediately, shoot arrows!!!" At this time, the city guards found Qin Shan's trace, and thousands of city guards surrounded Qin Shan from all sides.

"Drink!" Ling Yinjiao yelled, tearing the space in front of her with both hands, "Your Highness, you can go!"

Immediately, Qin Shan and his party went straight through the space crack, and all disappeared in the blink of an eye before the eyes of the city guards.

"Damn it! Another space ability, really hateful! Immediately send troops to pursue them outside the city, and catch them at all costs!" The city guard commander shouted at his subordinates.

At this time, Qin Shan and his party had already arrived outside the city. Due to the distance, Ling Yin suffered a serious mental breakdown.

Now that Qin Shan has left the city, with the army of the Golden Autumn Kingdom, no matter how many people there are, they will not be able to catch up with Qin Shan.


Inside the palace of the Shengtian Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, we have just received a message that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has returned from the main sect of the Temple Sect. When passing through the Golden Autumn Kingdom, he destroyed the Heiyunmen, the first sect in their native land, and also created a large-scale explosion in the Jinqiu Kingdom Palace. The turmoil caused by the turmoil in the imperial city of the Golden Autumn Kingdom is said to have escaped from the imperial city, but the exact location is unknown." Eunuch Xue rushed to the emperor's study to report the situation.

"Shan'er is back! Are you sure he's safe now? Cough..." the emperor asked excitedly, coughing due to being too excited.

Eunuch Xue patted the emperor's back gratefully and said: "Your Majesty, don't be excited. There are many capable people around His Royal Highness, and it is very safe now. With his method of destroying Heiyunmen and making the emperor of Jinqiu Kingdom jump anxiously, no one can match it." , it is impossible to do anything to His Highness with Jinqiu Kingdom's ability! Moreover, it is said that Jinqiu Kingdom's tens of thousands of troops failed to round up His Highness the Crown Prince, His Highness must be safe!"

"Okay, very good! Shan'er has grown up to be able to take care of himself now, and my sick bones can be laid to rest! Haha...cough cough cough..." The emperor laughed happily, but coughed even more serious.

"Your Majesty, hurry up and take the elixir, don't get too excited!" Eunuch Xue hurriedly took the elixir and fed it to the emperor.

The emperor reluctantly swallowed it, but instead of getting better after swallowing it, he coughed even worse.

"Cough, cough, cough..." the emperor coughed painfully while covering his mouth, his face flushed red.

"Pfft!" The emperor spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then passed out directly.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Eunuch Xue was so nervous that he was about to die, he quickly used his true energy to adjust the breath for the emperor, "Prince Physician, Physician Come here quickly, hurry up!!!"

Since the emperor was in poor health, there were always imperial doctors waiting around the emperor's study. Eunuch Xue yelled, and several imperial doctors rushed into the study.

After several imperial doctors examined the emperor's meridians, their faces were full of solemn expressions.

"Eunuch Xue, something is wrong. Your majesty's dragon body is worse than ever before. Not only are the meridians disordered, the internal organs are severely damaged, but the heart is also abnormally weak. This is the simultaneous outbreak of all the old diseases in the body. The strong man protects his heart with his true energy!"

"Let the top experts in the palace come to His Majesty's study immediately, hurry up!" Eunuch Xue shouted to the guards at the door.

Throughout the whole night, the palace was full of turmoil, but no matter whether it was medicine from the imperial medicine or real qi delivered by masters, in order to stabilize the emperor's condition, the injury in the emperor's body became more serious.

When he heard that the emperor was seriously ill, the second prince rushed to the palace.

Looking at the unconscious emperor, the second prince's first thought was not to care about the emperor's safety, but he pulled Eunuch Xue aside and asked in a low voice, "Eunuch Xue, it seems that your father is at the end of his rope, and I just want to ask you one thing. Things, did the emperor leave any imperial edicts before he fell into a coma?"

(End of this chapter)

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