Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 229 Reversing the Situation

Chapter 229 Reversing the Situation

Facing the siege of many guards, Qin Shan yelled coldly: "As a soldier of the Shengtian Dynasty, he actually wants to harm the emperor. Anyone who dares to move will die for the prince!"

The second prince looked at Qin Shan disdainfully and said: "Hehe, your tone is not small. The so-called winner and loser, you only have one person now, what do you use to fight me?!"

"Only because I am the orthodox emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty!" Qin Shan said proudly.

"Hahaha! Are you the orthodox emperor? It's nothing but fart! You all tell me, is the emperor his or mine?" The second prince laughed wildly at the court ministers, and he couldn't care less, only to kill Qin Shan And the emperor can sit on the throne.

The ministers in the court were very entangled.

Now that the real emperor is not dead, it would be treasonous to call the second prince the emperor, but now the second prince has an absolute advantage, if he does not stand by his side, he will definitely be killed.

"The second prince is completely crazy now, and has completely controlled the situation. If we don't follow his will, we will definitely be killed. There is no way. Now that we have reached this road, there is no turning back."

The ministers exchanged glances with each other, and finally all knelt down to the second prince.

"His Royal Highness the Second Prince is the real emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty!" All the ministers shouted in unison.

Seeing that everyone was on his side, the second prince said proudly: "Qin Shan, do you see that no one supports you, I am the real emperor, you must submit to me, otherwise you will be treasonous!"

"You rebellious son! How can I have a prince like you, this is simply a shame for our royal family, you will be punished by heaven!" The emperor angrily scolded.

"Father, I also obey the destiny, so don't struggle anymore, let your precious eldest son give up, he can't beat me!" The second prince said disdainfully.

Qin Shan didn't speak, just took out the psionic gun and shot at the second prince.

With a crisp sound, the zhenqi bullet shot at the second prince in an instant, but just when it was about to hit the second prince's forehead, a figure appeared and instantly blocked the zhenqi bullet with a knife.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shan frowned immediately.

The second prince smiled proudly: "Qin Shan, I know you have many tricks, but in front of the real strong, it's just a trick!"

"A third-rank master of the Martial Emperor Realm, there are indeed other forces behind you to support you." Qin Shan said coldly.

"So what, as long as he can help me ascend to the throne, no matter what power he has, Qin Shan, you are my prey now, and I want to see you die slowly and painfully, kill me!" The second prince looked around The soldiers ordered.

Immediately, the surrounding soldiers all rushed towards Qin Shan.

Since the emperor is now extremely weak and has no ability to protect himself, Qin Shan stabbed the surrounding soldiers while protecting the emperor.

With a loud bang, the sword energy created by Qin Shan directly caused dozens of people to fall down, and the people behind still rushed up one after another.

"This rebellious son has gone crazy, and actually killed his father and brother, he has no conscience at all!" The emperor said heartbroken.

In this regard, Qin Shan was not too surprised. He is from China. In China's 5000-year history, it is very normal for the royal family to fight each other.

"Kill! Kill them!" The second prince roared frantically.

"Shan'er, get out of here quickly, there are too many of them!" the emperor said helplessly.

"It doesn't matter, that bastard has been completely defeated by now." Qin Shan said confidently.

The emperor looked puzzled, and suddenly, there was a noise outside.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Crown Prince, the last general rescued you and came to eat, please forgive me! Kill me!" Zhang Zhongxiao, the commander of the Imperial Forest Army, shouted loudly.

Bang, bang, bang... In an instant, a fierce battle broke out at the gate of the Chaotang hall, the army of the imperial forest army and the second prince's subordinates engaged in hand-to-hand combat.

Seeing this scene, the second prince's expression suddenly changed.

"Damn it! Didn't the Imperial Forest Army already surrender? Why did they suddenly rebel?" The second prince roared angrily.

"Don't you know there is a word called hibernation?" Qin Shan said mockingly.

The second prince blushed, pointed at Qin Shan and shouted angrily: "Even if you have the Imperial Forest Army to help, as long as you die, they have no power to fight back, you can do it now!"

As soon as the words fell, several black shadows flashed around Qin Shan. These people were all masters of the Martial Emperor Realm. Qin Shan could handle one person, but he couldn't handle several people at the same time.

"Kill!" The second prince stared at Qin Shan and said in a cold tone.

As soon as the words fell, several people around Qin Shan rushed towards Qin Shan in an instant.

Just when a few people were about to attack Qinshan, with a bang, the top of the hall suddenly collapsed, and Xiao Hei, Tsunade and the others all fell from the sky, instantly blocking the few Martial Emperor Realm powerhouses.

"Boss, I'm really sorry, we're late, but fortunately it's not too late." Tang Jie jumped off Xiao Hei's back and said.

Qin Shan looked at the ruined top of the hall, and said helplessly: "Do you want your appearance to be so cool? Doesn't it cost money and manpower to repair the palace? Xiao Hei, if you do this again next time, I will kick you to death." you."

"My uncle came to save you, and you actually said such sarcastic remarks, but this uncle is generous and doesn't have the same knowledge as you." Xiao Hei said disdainfully.

Seeing a group of people suddenly descending from the sky, the second prince was a little stunned. After a short moment of shock, the second prince continued to shout: "Even if you have a few more men, so what, you can't escape their palms after all, kill me!" !"

Those Martial Emperor Realm masters attacked again.

Boom boom boom!
The five Martial Emperor Realm powerhouses were blocked again, unable to approach Qin Shan at all.

"Shan'er, the people around you are so powerful, they can even block the strong ones in the Martial Emperor Realm." The emperor said in surprise.

"It's just a few Martial Emperors, they can deal with it casually." Qin Shan smiled confidently, and then looked at the second prince ahead, "Father, do you want to make a break with the second prince?"

The emperor looked at the second prince coldly, and said lightly: "I have expelled him from the royal family, he is no longer qualified to stay in the royal family, how to deal with it is up to you!"

"In that case, the minister there will send him to hell." Qin Shan clenched his fists and said.

"Quick, protect me!" The second prince shouted in horror.

A group of soldiers around quickly retreated back to protect the second prince, Xiao Ningbing's figure flashed, and a flash of cold light flashed, dozens of soldiers all turned into ice sculptures, and then collapsed into ice slag.

"No one can save you, go to hell." Qin Shan took out his psychic gun, aimed at the second prince, and shot without hesitation.

With a crisp sound, the zhenqi bullet was blocked by a person with his fingers again. The person uttered a black robe, and his face could not be seen clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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