Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 26 Attacking the Rebels

Chapter 26 Attacking the Rebels
After the prime minister's men were brought in, the lion king, the leader of the rebel army, met him alone.

"You are the person sent by the prime minister, why are you looking for this king?" The lion king asked with narrowed eyes.

The prime minister cupped his hands and said respectfully: "The young prime minister is here to bring a message to Lord Lion King. If Lord Lion King can kill the eldest prince Qin Shan, Lord Prime Minister promises great benefits to Lord Lion King!"

"It's a great benefit, is it possible that you can still give me Jiangshan?" The Lion King asked with great interest.

"Nowadays, all the people in the court are the Second Prince's people, but the First Prince is the eldest son, and he is the biggest competitor of His Highness the Second Prince. If the First Prince can be killed, His Highness the Second Prince is sure to win the position of the Crown Prince. When the time comes, he will become the crown prince." It's only sooner or later, at that time, several surrounding cities can be given to Lord Lion King, and Lord Lion King doesn't need to hide in the mountains and forests."

Hearing these words, the Lion King's eyes widened immediately, and he asked excitedly, "This is what Prime Minister He himself said?"

"As long as the second prince ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor, a few cities will not be a surprise. You just need to kill the first prince. Your Excellency Prime Minister said that you will do what you say."

"I can kill the eldest prince, but can you give me an exact guarantee?"

"What the prime minister said is a guarantee. If Lord Lion doesn't believe what the prime minister said, it can only mean that you have lost an opportunity."

The Lion King gritted his teeth. They became rebels only to get better resources to enjoy the glory and wealth. Now they are living in a torment in the mountain fortress. Now as long as they kill the eldest prince, they can get a few cities. Cheap deals are definitely worth it.

And even if he did not agree, it would be very easy to send someone to assassinate the First Prince with the influence of the Prime Minister and the Second Prince, this opportunity should not be missed.

"Okay, I promise you, wait for my good news, this king will kill the eldest prince soon!"

"Then let's wait for the good news from Lord Lion King, and don't disappoint Lord Prime Minister."


After Qin Shan entered Fallen Leaf City, he began to understand the basic situation.

The rebels called themselves the Black Wind Camp, and they have been entrenched in the Black Wind Mountain for many years. There is a Black Wind Stronghold on the mountain, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so the army of Lake County has always had nothing to do with them.

Moreover, the people in the Black Wind Battalion are cruel and good at fighting. They always sneak up on the defenders of Lake County from time to time, so that the defenders of several cities in Lake County are very helpless, and they have lost a lot of troops over the years.

"His Royal Highness, it's not that I don't trust you, it's just that your 200 people are really just cannon fodder in front of the Black Wind Camp, unless the 200 people of His Highness are all masters in the realm of generals, so I suggest that Your Highness still ask His Majesty to send more troops. Otherwise, the Black Wind Camp will still be unable to be wiped out." After explaining the basic situation to Qin Shan, Sun Jian continued to persuade.

"The mere rebel army cannot be wiped out, so this emperor is not worthy of being a prince, and if there is a war, it doesn't necessarily depend on who has the most. I will go and exterminate them now. You just wait for the good news from me." Qin Shan said confidently.

"What? Your Highness has just figured out the basic situation and is going to confront them. Isn't this asking for death?" Sun Jian looked at Qin Shan in shock.

"You should be the emperor and seek your own death!" Qin Shan smiled.

After speaking, Qin Shan left the City Lord's Mansion directly, and was about to set off for Heifeng Mountain.

Seeing Qin Shan leave, the people in the City Lord's Mansion looked at each other in blank dismay.

"This eldest prince is too arrogant. He actually wants to use 200 people to deal with the Black Wind Camp. Is he stupid or dumb?"

"It's just a child's play. If he can come back safely, he will be haunted. He is courting death!"

"No wonder he is called a waste. Not only is his cultivation base useless, but his mind is also useless. I think His Majesty sent him here to die this time when he was sent to destroy the rebels."


Sun Jian glared at a few people and said: "Don't criticize behind His Royal Highness's back, if he hears it, your heads will fall."

Only then did a few people shut their mouths, not daring to say another word.

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Qin Shan took two hundred soldiers directly out of the city to Heifeng Mountain.

On the way to Heifeng Mountain, Zhao Si asked: "Your Highness, are we really going to exterminate the rebels just like this?"

"Of course, are you scared?" Qin Shan asked with great interest.

"No, we are ready to die at any time, but our combat power is not at the same level as that of the Black Wind Battalion, so it's not worth it." Zhao Si said helplessly.

"Who said we were going to fight them head-on, what we have to do when there is a huge disparity in numbers is to outwit them."

"Outsmart? Your Highness thinks how to outsmart?"

Then Qin Shan told them the method of outsmarting. As a person on earth, although he has never really studied military law, he still understands a little bit after watching so many movies and TV dramas.

late at night.

Qin Shan brought Quandan and a dozen people to the foot of Heifeng Mountain, which was at the edge of Heifeng Camp, and there were many patrolling guards hanging around here.

Suddenly, Qin Shan rushed out with more than a dozen people from Quandan, killing several patrolling minions in an instant.

"The people of the Black Wind Camp, listen to me. I am the eldest prince of the current dynasty. I came here today to destroy the Black Wind Camp. If you are sensible, hurry up and catch them, or you will be killed!" Qin Shan roared angrily at Heifeng Mountain.

Hearing Qin Shan's words, those patrolling around rushed over.

"Fuck! That useless prince actually came directly to our Black Wind Village!"

"Quick, hurry up and inform Lord Lion King that the First Prince has brought people to destroy our Black Wind Camp."

"It seems that there are only a dozen people. What the hell is this good-for-nothing prince playing? A dozen people also want to destroy our Black Wind Camp, you idiots!"


Soon, hundreds of people from the Black Wind Camp gathered on the wall in front of Qin Shan.

"Prince, you are too confident. You only brought a dozen people to deal with our Black Wind Battalion. You must have a hole in your head, haha..." The members of the Black Wind Battalion on the wall mocked.

"It's enough to deal with a dozen of you, let's go, Xiaohong!"

Qin Shan didn't talk nonsense, and directly ordered Xiaohong to attack.

Xiaohong jumped up, her body suddenly became bigger when she was in the air, and she sprayed a fire dragon at the rebels of the Black Wind Battalion on the wall.

"Quick, let the arrows go, let the arrows go!" The rebels came to their senses, and hurriedly cleaned the room.

It's a pity that the sharp arrows released were directly melted by the flames sprayed by Xiaohong, and then the scorching flames directly blasted those people's bodies.

Boom!With a loud bang, dozens of rebels on the wall died immediately, and then a raging fire burned on the wall.

Afterwards, Qin Shan turned around and left with a dozen people.

"Damn! The eldest prince actually took people away, what the hell is he trying to do? Hurry up, send people to follow them, the Lord Lion King has orders, you must keep track of their whereabouts."

(End of this chapter)

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