Chapter 29
The fact that Qin Shan's meridians were blocked and unable to cultivate since he was a child has long spread throughout the Shengtian Dynasty, and the fact that he awakened the god-level martial arts was only known to those who were in the Blessing Ceremony at that time, and others did not know about it, so in the eyes of everyone Qin Shan is a waste with no cultivation base.

So in the face of the attack of the second in command of the rebel army, everyone thought that Qin Shan was going to die.

"Hmph! To let that trash brazenly dare to break into our Black Wind Stronghold, it's a complete act of death, and the second master will kill him immediately!"

"Garbage is garbage, even if it breaks into our Black Wind Stronghold, it's just garbage."

"Go to hell, trash!"


Facing the attack of the rebel second leader, Qin Shan stood motionless, and everyone felt that Qin Shan was petrified.

"Come out, Martial God Zhao Zilong!" Just as the second leader of the rebel army came over with a knife, Qin Shan directly used Zhao Zilong's summoning card.

"Dare to touch my lord, seek death!"

Suddenly, among the chaotic crowd, Zhao Zilong, who was holding a long spear, came forward and stabbed the second leader of the rebel army with the long spear in the chest.

With a violent shock, the spear in the hands of Zhao Zilong, who had reached the ninth rank of martial arts, pierced through the chest of the second leader of the rebel army in an instant.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

"Fuck! The eldest prince is protected by such a master, and the second master was killed with one move. is this possible!"

"How did that master appear, as if it appeared out of thin air!"

"My God! Our second boss was killed like this!"

The rebels were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene, and even Qin Shan's soldiers were shocked.

"His Royal Highness, the First Prince, really has a strange ability. In the past, it was always heard that His Highness was weak, but now it seems that this is not the case. His Highness is the most powerful. We really did not follow the wrong person. Brothers, go! When you don't react, kill them all!"

Qin Shan's soldiers were full of enthusiasm, and once again broke out with strong fighting power.

Next, Zhao Zilong joined the battle group. With his combat power, the rebel army suffered more and more damage, and there were corpses everywhere on the ground.

At the same time, Qin Shan keeps getting experience red envelopes, but these are small people, and the experience gained is almost negligible.

"Qin Shan, the eldest prince of the Shengtian Dynasty, listen to me and surrender immediately, otherwise you and your people will die here!!!"

Suddenly, a loud roar sounded, and the lion king, the leader of the rebel army, rushed to Qin Shan on a Gale Wolf. He had already reached the third rank of a military general, and he looked quite fierce. Even standing there gave people a great pressure .

At the same time, loud footsteps sounded around.

The army of the Black Wind Battalion blocked Qin Shan's men in a fan shape and blocked Qin Shan in the middle. There were seven or eight thousand enemy troops.

"The rightful lord finally appeared, very good, sooner than I expected." Qin Shan said with great interest.

The Lion King narrowed his eyes immediately, curled his lips and said, "I have heard that the First Prince is a worthless useless person, but what I saw today is not as useless as I imagined. He was able to invade the hinterland of our Heifengzhai, even the orthodox general who led the army to fight They have not reached this level, but we underestimated the enemy before, and then you will stop here, just capture it!"

"I give you a choice, one is to be killed by the emperor, and the other is to surrender." Qin Shan said with a slight smile.

Hearing Qin Shan's words, the lion king laughed immediately, and other subordinates around him also showed mocking expressions.

"Hahaha! You kid is too confident. A brat who has never fought a battle actually made me surrender. I'm afraid you don't know the current situation! Take a look around you, even if we fold in front Lost a group of people, but there are as many as [-], and you want to compete with this king with just you, how fantastic! No wonder you are called a waste, not only a waste of body, but also a bad brain!" Lion Wang mocked unscrupulously, completely ignoring Qin Shan.

"This guy is really arrogant to break through the sky. Even if he can kill here, it's because we didn't react before. Now we have several times more combat power than him. He really thinks he can win more with less! "

"That guy came here while we were not paying attention to the sneak attack, and then confronted us head-on, it can't be the opponent!"


Qin Shan was not angry at the ridicule of these rebels, but said word by word: "From the moment my emperor stepped into Heifengzhai, you rebels who committed rebellion were doomed to perish. If you don’t repent, the emperor will end you here today!”


Suddenly, there was a thunder in the dark cloud-covered night sky, and the purple lightning almost tore the sky apart.

The Lion King pointed to the sky, and said with disdain on his face: "You see, even God can't see it, think you are pretending, you trash, even if you have ten times more people, it is impossible to end Lao Tzu! Today, this king will let you see what life is better than death, this king will kill all your subordinates, and then die slowly, only then can you truly appreciate how powerful this king is!"

"Stubborn and unresponsive, he is seeking his own death." Qin Shan said lightly.

The Lion King immediately became angry, pointed at Qin Shan and roared: "What a comparison! It's you, a brat, who is stubborn. Well, you are still so arrogant until now. Brothers, go to this king and kill all his subordinates!" Get rid of it, I want him to experience what it means to live a life worse than death!!"

"Haha! Lord Lion King, don't worry, we will let this trash learn a lesson, kill!"

Around 8000 people swarmed towards Qin Shan, and Qin Shan's soldiers all had expressions of death in their eyes, obviously they felt that the current situation was at a complete disadvantage.

"Your Highness! You stand back, I will kill them, even if it is death, I will keep you safe!" Quan Dan stood up without hesitation, brandishing the furious battle ax and shouted angrily.

"Come back to Lao Tzu, everyone!" Qin Shan immediately grabbed Quan Dan who was about to rush up, and then shouted loudly.

Everyone didn't understand, but they followed Qin Shan's order and shrank back.

After they retreated, Qin Shan jumped directly on Xiaohong's back, and Xiaohong jumped into the air.

"You humble rebel scumbags, tremble under the majesty of the emperor! Five thunders strike the top!"

Qin Shan looked at the rebels below with eyes that looked at the world, and instantly activated the sky thunder talisman. After the day thunder talisman was activated, a stream of light shot into the dark clouds in the night sky.

Boom!The sky was torn apart by a bolt of lightning, and purple thunder fell from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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