Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 31 The Triumph Return

Chapter 31 The Triumph Return
Sun Jian is the prefect of Hu County. He has dealt with the rebels of the Black Wind Camp for many years, and has been unable to clear the Black Wind Camp. He even lost many troops in the hands of the Black Wind Camp. It is unimaginable for him to wipe out all the rebels in the Black Wind Camp.

Qin Shan, the eldest prince, was well-known as a waste in the Shengtian Dynasty. Everyone knew that his meridians were blocked and unable to cultivate since he was a child. But it was such a 'trash' who used one day to complete what he hadn't done in years.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, you are so powerful. The younger one casts all his heart on your admiration. Before, the younger one still doubted His Highness. He really has no eyes. Please punish him!" Sun Jian knelt in front of Qin Shan and said annoyedly.

Since Sun Jian can become the prefect, his eyes are quite good. He is very clear that Qin Shan has the potential to become a king based on what Qin Shan is doing now. At this time, he will naturally take the initiative to win over the relationship with Qin Shan.

Of course Qin Shan also understood what Sun Jian meant, he just smiled lightly and said: "You are not wrong, the only thing that is wrong is your poor eyesight, so there is no need for me to punish you. Tired, let's arrange accommodation!"

Sun Jian's heart skipped a beat, it's over, I'm afraid the eldest prince has been completely offended by his previous suspicions.

At this time, Sun Jian was very annoyed and paralyzed. He knew that it would be good to flatter him casually before, but he directly suspected the eldest prince. Now it is better to offend the eldest prince.

Sun Jian was annoyed in his heart, but he still didn't show it on the surface, and he was still arranging a place for Qin Shan.


The news that Qin Shan wiped out the rebels overnight spread to the imperial city a few hours later.

After all, Dragon Soul Continent has the Flying Eagle transmission book, and Flying Eagle's speed can reach the Imperial City from Fallen Leaf City in a few hours.

In the emperor's bedroom, the emperor was about to go to bed, when Eunuch Xue came to report the situation.

"Your Majesty, good news, good news!"

The emperor came out of the palace, frowned and asked, "Eunuch Xue, what kind of happy news do you have to report in the middle of the night?"

"The battle report just received shows that His Highness the First Prince has successfully wiped out all the rebels in the Black Wind Camp, and even captured the head of their leader, the Lion King." Eunuch Xue said in surprise.

"What?! Didn't Shan'er just arrive in Lake County during the day and wiped out the rebels in half a day? Are you sure this is not false information?" The emperor looked at Eunuch Xue in disbelief.

Eunuch Xue nodded and said seriously: "This information is absolutely true. It was written by the prefect of Hu County. He personally confirmed that His Royal Highness wiped out all the Black Wind Camps with a destructive force. As for the details, we can only wait for His Royal Highness to return to the imperial city." to know."

"This is definitely a miracle. Shan'er is becoming more and more unbelievable to me. It seems that I really underestimated him before!" The emperor also had surprise in his eyes, obviously he liked Qin Shan more and more now.


On the other side, the second prince who was sleeping was woken up by his subordinates.

"Your Highness! Something is wrong!"

After the second prince got up and opened the door, he pointed at his subordinates and shouted angrily: "What the hell are you screaming at night, and tell me to cut off your head! If what you say is not a big deal, don't even think about living until tomorrow."

"Your Highness...Your Highness, just received the news that the Eldest Prince has wiped out the rebel army of the Black Wind Battalion, and the entire Black Wind Battalion has been wiped out, with no survivors!"

Hearing this news, the second prince, who was still in a dazed state, was obviously taken aback, then his eyes widened, and he asked in a voice: "What did you say, say it again!"

"The First Prince has successfully wiped out the rebels, and it only took half a day."

"This... How is this possible! He obviously only brought 200 people, and they were all freshly recruited recruits. He actually wiped out the Black Wind Camp with tens of thousands of people. How is this possible? Is there something wrong? Someone help him? Did the general send troops to reinforce him?" The second prince couldn't believe it, he thought it was impossible.

"As far as I know, there is no one to support the First Prince, and it is up to the First Prince to wipe out the rebels himself. Only the First Prince knows the specific situation."

The second prince was speechless for a long time, he felt that he was about to spurt blood.

He was planning to kill Qin Shan with the help of the rebel army, so that others would not be suspicious, and he also believed that the rebel army definitely had that strength, but he never thought that the rebel army would be killed by Qin Shan in turn, and it only took half a day , this plot development is so fucking fucked up.

"It's unreasonable, it's unreasonable! Ah... such a thing can happen, hurry up and find Prime Minister He!" The second prince screamed frantically while holding his head. He was very anxious now and needed the prime minister to find a solution for him.


Qin Shan rested overnight in Fallen Leaf City and returned directly to the Imperial City the next day.

Nothing happened along the way, and it took only two days to reach the imperial city. When they arrived at the gate of the imperial city, all the guards looked at Qin Shan with admiration.

"His Royal Highness the First Prince has returned in triumph. Quickly, open the city gate and let His Highness the First Prince in!" shouted the general guarding the city.

Qin Shan entered the city with his own soldiers.

"Welcome His Highness the First Prince to return in triumph!" All the city guards gathered together and shouted respectfully.

"Welcome His Royal Highness the First Prince to return in triumph!" Behind the guards and soldiers, a large group of civilians also knelt down and saluted.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shan was inconceivable. The situation is really not small. It seems that this trip to wipe out the rebels has gained a lot of hearts.

"The emperor is here!" At this time, the emperor came out of the palace to meet Qin Shan in person.

"Long Live Long Live Your Majesty!"

The emperor came to Qin Shan, patted Qin Shan on the shoulder and said excitedly: "Shan'er, you have done a very good job. You are worthy of being my emperor. You have successfully completed the task of destroying the rebels. I will reward you a lot!"

"Thank you, Father." Qin Shan responded with cupped hands.

"Go, go back to the palace!"

Immediately, Qin Shan followed the emperor back to the palace. After returning to the palace, the emperor summoned all the civil and military ministers and announced Qin Shan's reward in public.

"By God's blessing, the emperor ordered that the eldest prince's great contribution in destroying the rebel army is truly a blessing to the Kingdom of Heaven. Now I will reward you with ten thousand taels of gold, ten boxes of pills, and the right to enter the palace for an audience at any time. I respect you!!!"

"Thank you, Father!"

Hearing the emperor's reward, the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty were in an uproar, but the rewards of gold and medicine were second.

The right to enter the palace for an audience at any time is a very heavy reward, and only the prince has this right, which means that the emperor gave Prince Qinshan the same right.

Could it be that His Majesty intends to make the eldest prince the crown prince again?This thought arose in Manchao Wenwu's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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