Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 313 Curious Women

Chapter 313 Curious Women
With a sound of shock, the water around Qinshan exploded suddenly, and the ground around it trembled with the majestic force.

When Empress Regret Tian attacked, all the guards of the palace surrounded her.

"Assassins! There are assassins attacking Her Majesty the Empress!"

"The assassin actually sneaked into the empress's side. This is our negligence, but His Majesty the empress has already dealt with him!"

"You are so courageous, you dare to trespass into the palace, you are looking for death!"


Regretful Empress frowned and looked at the location of the explosion, then raised her slender hand and pointed it at a wall.

A water arrow shot towards the wall.

With a loud bang, the wall was pierced directly, and then Qin Shan rushed out from behind the wall.

"That assassin turned out to be a man, he's not dead yet!" The surrounding guards widened their eyes in shock.

A cold light flashed in Empress Regretful's eyes, and a water whip was condensed in her hand, and she lashed towards Qin Shan heavily.

Seeing this, Qin Shan quickly dodged, and with a bang, the water whip hit the ground, leaving a deep groove on the ground.

"What a terrifying water attribute spell." Qin Shan looked at the groove on the ground and said with lingering fear.

Suddenly, Qin Shan felt his limbs being entangled, and he wanted to break free, but this time the restraint was much stronger than before. There was a huge amount of power in the water rope, and Qin Shan couldn't break free with his current strength.

"Smelly man, you can't escape anymore." Empress Regret walked towards Qin Shan slowly, saying everything with a cold face.

"I can still escape, but I just want to say that I really didn't intend to enter Fengyue Kingdom, and I won't hurt you!" Qin Shan explained.

Regretful Empress stared at Qin Shan coldly, exuding a majestic aura from her body, this huge aura rushed towards Qin Shan, even the ground was shaken open.

What the empress didn't expect was that Qin Shan didn't react at all under this kingly aura, that's right, there was no reaction at all.

"Empress, it's okay to scare ordinary people with this kind of aura, but forget it if you scare me!" Qin Shan said, looking at the empress disapprovingly.

The empress looked at Qin Shan in surprise, this was the first time she met such a fearless man as Qin Shan.

She walked in front of Qin Shan, stared at Qin Shan with blue eyes, and said coldly: "Now that you have been caught by this emperor, aren't you afraid of death?"

Qin Shan smiled slightly and said, "Although I'm caught now, you can't kill me."

"Who the hell are you? Why did you sneak into Fengyue Kingdom? Tell me honestly!" the Empress asked coldly.

"I just explained that I came here by accident, and I didn't intend to harm you. If you don't believe me, you can send me away now." Qin Shan said with a smile.

Empress Regret Tian didn't speak, but just stared at Qin Shan quietly.

"Before this emperor finds out your real purpose, you will stay in the dungeon obediently. Someone, use the spirit lock stone to control this stinky man and put him in the dungeon!"

"Obey, Your Majesty the Empress!"

Afterwards, a group of female guards tied Qin Shan up with chains of Lingshi and sent him to the prison.

Qin Shan didn't resist. The only way for him to leave now is to use space transfer, but this skill is unstable. Wouldn't it be worse if he transferred to a more dangerous place, and his life is not in danger yet, so let's stay here temporarily.

What's more, Qin Shan's recovery period is only ten days. Once he regains his peak strength, almost no one in Fengyue Kingdom can stop him.

When Qin Shan was sent to the prison, the surrounding guards came to the side of the empress.

"Your Majesty the Empress, my subordinates came too late to save you, please apologise!"

The empress waved her hand and said, "Then you just need to keep an eye on him, this man is not easy."

"Your Majesty, could he be a spy sent by Dayang Kingdom to our Fengyue Kingdom?" the guard asked.

"We can't come to a conclusion yet. Let's send someone to investigate first. Also, investigate this man's identity and see how he entered Fengyue Kingdom."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After Qin Shan was sent to the prison, many guards were watching Qin Shan.

Many women have never been out of Fengyue Kingdom and never seen a man, so they are very curious about men.

"Wow! This is the man, looks completely different from us!"

"Yeah, you see his chest is so small, it doesn't look like he has any."

"It is said that men's legs are different from ours, I really want to see it!"


Being treated like a monkey, especially being stared at by a group of women, Qin Shan felt very helpless.

"Have you really never seen a man?" Qin Shan asked looking at the guards outside the cell.

"Yeah, I've never seen it before. If it wasn't for the order of the Empress, I would have released you to study it now." The jailer outside said with a smile.

"I have always had a question. There are no men in your country, so how do you reproduce?" Qin Shan asked suspiciously.

"This is a secret, I can't tell you!"

Qin Shan shrugged his shoulders and didn't go into the details, and then said with a bright smile on his face: "To be honest, the state of your Fengyue country is not good. Men can bring you different pleasures and let you experience the real happy!"

"Really?" The jailers looked at Qin Shan curiously, but they didn't understand.

"Fake! Have you forgotten the historical records that men are bastards with smooth words? Men are not good, they are all bad. We should resolutely boycott men!"

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded, it was the leader who chased Qin Shan before.

"Hello Commander!" The jailers saluted respectfully when they saw Sister Xia coming.

"Go back to your posts and don't listen to this stinky man's smooth talk." Sister Xia shouted coldly.

"Yes, Lord Commander." Those jailers left reluctantly, they still wanted to chat with this man Qin Shan.

"Qin Shan, it's all my fault. I didn't remind you of the direction, which made you go wrong." Qiu Yu who was next to him came to the cell and said apologetically.

"I really can't blame you for this, it's my fault for being a bit impatient, but thank you very much for your help." Qin Shan shook his head and said earnestly.

"Qiu Yu, don't have too much contact with him, he will harm you." Big Sister Xia shouted coldly.

"I said why do you always target men? Have you ever been hurt by a man?" Qin Shan asked helplessly.

"I have never been hurt by a man, I have only killed a man! All the women in our Fengyue Kingdom know that men are bad people. This is recorded in our Fengyue Kingdom's thousands of years of history!" Sister Xia said eloquently.

"It turned out that I just believed in history, and I was also drunk..."

Obviously, the women of Fengyue Kingdom have been completely brainwashed by the history of their country, and all women think that men are bad people.

(End of this chapter)

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