Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 323 The Shock brought by Qin Shan

Chapter 323 The Shock brought by Qin Shan

Martial Emperor Realm powerhouses, except in the empire, are high-end powerhouses in any other country, but they were killed by Qin Shan in such a short time, no one believed it when they said it.

The general of the Dayang Kingdom frowned tightly, staring at the psionic gun in Qin Shan's hands, "What the hell is this thing? It can create an attack that instantly kills the masters of the Martial Emperor Realm. This kid should not be underestimated!"

Empress Shaking Heaven was also a little surprised that Qin Shan knocked down a master of the Martial Emperor Realm in just one move. She didn't realize that Qin Shan was so powerful when she fought against Qin Shan.

"I'm not even interested in taking out this rubbish to make a fool of myself." Qin Shan yawned and said disdainfully.

Hearing Qin Shan's words, the general of Dayang Kingdom immediately became angry, pointing at Qin Shan and roaring: "You try to be arrogant again, everyone, let me kill him!"

In an instant, the surrounding nine Martial Emperor Realm masters moved together.

Empress Shatian was about to strike, but with a wave of Qin Shan's arm, the Golden Dragon Excalibur flew out instantly, and then turned into a golden light and passed the throats of nine Martial Emperor Realm masters.

In the blink of an eye, the heads of nine Martial Emperor Realm masters fell to the ground, killing them all.

It was already shocking for Qin Shan to lose one Martial Emperor Realm master in seconds, but now he lost nine Martial Emperor Realm masters instantly.

Whether it is the Queen Shaking Heaven or the generals of the Dayang Kingdom, they are all dumbfounded, and the others are even more dumbfounded, especially the people of Fengyue Kingdom. They have seen the battle between Qin Shan and the Great General, and they have never been so powerful before. Like a person.

When everyone was shocked, Qin Shan's Golden Dragon Excalibur pointed at the general of Dayang Kingdom in the air, and said with great interest, "You will be next!"

"Boy! Don't be too rampant, I will kill you today!"

The general of Dayang Kingdom felt that Qin Shan looked down upon him, so he jumped up from the back of the giant eagle and charged towards Qin Shan with a big knife in his hand.

"The knife splits the mountains and rivers!"

The general of the Dayang Kingdom yelled angrily, and the big knife in his hand created a fierce knife aura. Even before it attacked Qin Shan, the huge pressure had already forced everyone around Qin Shan to retreat.

"Emperor Sheng, be careful!" The empress has personally experienced the power of this move, and quickly reminded Qin Shan.

"It's just a small skill, and it's easy to catch!" Qin Shan said disapprovingly.

As soon as the words fell, Qin Shan jumped up, and his true energy was instantly poured into the Golden Dragon Excalibur.

"Golden Dragon Storm!"


A hurricane condensed by sword energy suddenly formed, instantly defeated the attack made by the general of Dayang Kingdom, and then swept him into it.

" is this possible!" the general of the Dayang Kingdom caught in the hurricane shouted in disbelief, but it was too late.


The hurricane blasted the generals of Dayang Kingdom directly below the city wall, and then exploded in the army of Dayang Kingdom.

The majestic force directly blasted out a large crater tens of meters wide, and all the soldiers of the surrounding Dayang Kingdom were blown away, and hundreds of people were killed directly.

When the explosion ended, the general of the Dayang Kingdom was already lying in the pit with blood and flesh all over his body, with only one breath left.

Qin Shan flashed in front of that guy, and said lightly: "Do you still think one finger can solve it now?"

"You... who are you?" the leader of the Dayang Kingdom asked while spitting blood.

"To tell you the truth, I am the emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty. Now that I have reached a strategic alliance with Fengyue Kingdom, you Dayang Kingdom are just waiting to suffer!" Qin Shan said word by word.

"Wh... what... the emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty, how is this possible... Pfft!" The general of the Dayang Kingdom was so excited that he spurted blood and died.

Seeing this scene, all the surrounding Dayang Kingdom soldiers swallowed in horror.

Without saying a word, Qin Shan slashed at the soldiers of Dayang Kingdom with the Golden Dragon Excalibur in his hand.

A golden sword energy passed over their bodies, and hundreds of Dayang soldiers fell directly.

"People of Dayang Kingdom, listen, your general has been killed, get out of Fengyue Kingdom immediately, or you will be killed without mercy!" Qin Shan jumped into the air and shouted at the army of Dayang Kingdom.

Although Qin Shan is strong alone, it is impossible to wipe out all the troops in a short time. In order to reduce the damage of Fengyue Kingdom, the best way is to let Dayang Kingdom withdraw its troops, and then let Ren Zhongjun lead the army to deal with Dayang country.

"The general is dead, what a scary guy! Retreat, retreat quickly!" The soldiers of Dayang Kingdom saw that Qin Shan had killed their general in seconds, and realized that Qin Shan was not easy to mess with, and they were not fools without a leader, so they retreated one after another.

Soon, the Dayang Kingdom army receded like a tide.

At this time, the soldiers of Fengyue Kingdom breathed a sigh of relief. This battle caused them heavy losses. If Qin Shan did not take action, they would definitely be defeated.

Empress Shatian walked up to Qin Shan, and said in surprise and gratitude: "Emperor Sheng, thank you for your help this time. You saved our entire Fengyue Kingdom. Here, on behalf of everyone in Fengyue Kingdom, I would like to express my gratitude to you!"

"You're welcome, we are an alliance now, and we each get what we need." Qin Shan waved his hand and said.

Empress Shaking Heaven also understands that what Qin Shan said is the spiritual stone of Fengyue Kingdom, but deep down in her heart, she is full of gratitude and curiosity towards Qin Shan now.

At this time, Qin Shan noticed that Qiu Yu, who was covered in blood on the battlefield, was standing there in a daze. Obviously, having experienced the first battle had a great impact on her.

Qin Shan walked over and put his arms around Qiu Yu's shoulders and said, "Qiu Yu, is it hard?"

"Well, I feel sad seeing the dead bodies of my sisters everywhere." Amity Yu nodded.

Qin Shan hugged Qiu Yu lightly, and comforted him: "This is war. Living in this world where the weak prey on the strong, you either die or I die. If you want your sisters to stop sacrificing, you have to become stronger. Do you understand?" ?”

"Well, I understand." Amity Yu nodded.

Qin Shan hugged Qiu Yu and comforted her for a long time before letting her recover.

All this is in the eyes of Empress Shaking Heaven, she now realizes that Qin Shan is a trustworthy man, although she is still wary of men, but at least she can trust Qin Shan.

Later, when Fengyue Kingdom was dealing with the battlefield, Qin Shan sent a message to Ren Zhongjun Feiying that since he had already become an alliance with Fengyue Kingdom, it was natural to eliminate the hidden danger of Dayang Kingdom first.


On the other side, after the army of the Dayang Kingdom retreated, the Emperor of the Dayang Kingdom was extremely angry. He beat up several generals of the army, and then shouted angrily: "Are you all idiots? Even the generals If you die in battle, can't you continue to lead the team? This king has been preparing for so long to deal with the Fengyue Kingdom, and you actually withdraw your troops directly. He is a waste!"

"My lord, a man has appeared in Fengyue Kingdom. He is too powerful. We are no match at all. Even if we continue to attack, it will only increase the casualties."

"Don't talk about other things with me, who is that man? Can he still stop 30 troops?"

"That man is the emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty."


(End of this chapter)

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