Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 332 Where there is the Song family, there is a lady

Chapter 332 Where there is the Song family, there is a lady

After the young man rushed into the restaurant and yelled, all the customers in the restaurant hurried out, for fear of causing trouble, but they still stopped outside the restaurant to watch.

"These people seem to be the retainers of Prime Minister Song. What are they doing here?"

"The leader of the team is Song Zaiyu, the eldest son of the Song family. Song Zaiyu looks very angry, and seems to be looking for trouble!"

"Someone actually provoked the young master of the Song family. I can imagine his miserable ending. Everyone knows that the young master of the Song family doesn't take anyone seriously, and he always has expert guards around him. So far, those who have offended him must not Terrible!"


When the people in the restaurant fled one after another, Song Zaiyu, the eldest son of the Song family, went straight to Qin Shan.

"You are Qin Shan, the emperor of Shengtian Dynasty?" Song Zaiyu looked at Qin Shan with condescending eyes.

"Who are you and what do you do?" Qin Shan asked with raised eyebrows.

Hearing the conversation between the two, all the onlookers outside were surprised. It turned out that the person Song Zaiyu was looking for trouble was the emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty.

"This young master is the eldest son of the Song family. I came here today to confirm something. My third brother Song Zhengdao died on the border of your Shengtian dynasty. According to the news I received, this matter has a great relationship with your emperor Sheng. , So, you will tell me the truth today! Did you do this?!" Song Zaiyu said straight to the point.

Qin Shan said disapprovingly: "As far as I know, the place where your third brother's accident happened is not in our Shengtian Dynasty. What's the use of you looking for me?"

"Don't pretend. You are afraid of our retaliation, so you deliberately went out of your border before you do it. Don't think that the young master doesn't know! I will give you a choice. Kneel at the gate of our Song Mansion and kill yourself, otherwise not only you Life is better than death, and I will make the people around you pay for your mistakes!" Song Zaiyu said coldly.

Qin Shan smiled, and said while eating: "You are really funny, you jumped out to trouble me before you found out the matter, aren't you afraid of death?"

"Haha! You are so funny. Do you really think that you, the monarch of a small country, can take care of me? It is easy for me to kill you, because this is the prosperous empire, and it is my territory!" Song Zaiyu haha Laughing, not paying attention to Qin Shan at all.

Qin Shan curled his lips and said disapprovingly: "Actually, based on your performance just now, I should kill you, but someone else will accept you, so I advise you to enjoy it before you die, because your time is running out gone."

Song Zaiyu didn't care at all, but wanted to laugh even more.

He brought several Martial King Realm experts with him today. In his opinion, there is no pressure to deal with Qin Shan. Although there are many Martial King Realm masters in the Prosperous Empire, he cannot think that Qin Shan has the Martial King Realm cultivation.

"Your Majesty, do you want me to do it?" Xiao Ningbing asked.

Qin Shan shook his head and said, "He is Shi Yu's prey, so don't do anything for now."

Song Zaiyu pursed his lips and said disdainfully: "It sounds like you are very powerful, so today I want to see how powerful you are as Emperor Sheng, Lao Zhang, you go up and teach Emperor Sheng a lesson, don't kill him yet! "

"Yes, Master!"

A guard of the first rank of the Martial Emperor stood up, ready to capture Qin Shan directly.

Xiao Ningbing's face turned cold, Qin Shan didn't move Song Zaiyu for the time being, it didn't mean that even his guards didn't move, seeing the other party making a move, the short sword in Xiao Ningbing's hand instantly shot out.

Xiao Ningbing's current cultivation has reached the third rank of the Martial Emperor Realm, and that guy of the first rank of the Martial Emperor has not reacted at all.

The short sword streaked across the guy's body like a ray of light.

In an instant, the first-rank Martial Emperor's guard turned into an ice sculpture.

With a click, the ice sculpture instantly turned into ice slag and shattered to the ground, and then the dagger returned to Xiao Ningbing's hand.

Seeing this scene, both Song Zaiyu and the onlookers outside were all stunned.

"Okay... so amazing! The woman next to Emperor Sheng is so powerful, she even knocked down the first-rank guard of the Martial Emperor Realm with one move, no wonder Emperor Sheng has the confidence, so there is such a powerful master by his side!" The outside onlookers They all exclaimed.

Song Zaiyu felt ashamed, and immediately yelled: "Bastard, you bastard only hides behind women, you guys fuck with me and kill them!"

Song Zaiyu wanted to save face, so he ordered all his subordinates to act.

However, at this moment, a purple mist floated from the restaurant, and the mist exuded a strange fragrance, which instantly enveloped Song Zaiyu's guards.

"No! It's poisonous gas!" Song Zaiyu's guards covered their noses one after another, but it was too late.

The poisonous gas took effect immediately after entering their bodies, and the faces of these guards turned purple. Even the masters of the Martial Emperor Realm were in great pain.

Bang, bang, bang... Song Zaiyu's guards fell one by one, foaming at the mouth, twitching all over, and died in the blink of an eye.

However, Song Zaiyu was not poisoned. He watched his guards all fall down, and immediately looked at Qin Shan in horror.

"What the hell did you bastard do?!" Song Zaiyu roared angrily.

Qin Shan shrugged and said, "I said someone would take you in. It seems that she has already arrived."

At this moment, Ran Shiyu in purple came over from the back of the restaurant.

Seeing Ran Shiyu come out, a smile appeared on Qin Shan's face. Sure enough, wherever there is the Song family, there is Ran Shiyu. She is really the nemesis of the Song family.

"You... who are you? How dare you hurt this young master's guard, this young master is the eldest son of the Song family, don't you want to live?" Song Zaiyu pointed at Ran Shiyu and roared.

"I'm the one who wants to destroy your Song family." Ran Shiyu said indifferently.

"Destroy our Song family? Hahaha... You woman is probably crazy. Our Song family is the largest and most powerful family in the prosperous empire. Even if you have a hundred lives, don't let our Song family be destroyed. It's you, you're already dead!" Song Zaiyu had the Song family as his backing, and didn't take Ran Shiyu seriously.

"You're right, I died ten years ago, and now I'm a newborn, thanks to the five of you brothers for bringing me back to life!" Ran Shiyu said coldly.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Song Zaiyu had no idea what it meant.

"Sure enough, you Song family are all virtuous, and the evil you have done is forgotten when you turn around! Then I will directly remind you that more than ten years ago, five of you brothers pushed a girl off a cliff. That girl was me. Now she is here I seek revenge on you!" Ran Shiyu said every word, every word was full of hatred.

Hearing Ran Shiyu's words, Song Zaiyu's eyes widened.

" are that maid, you are obviously dead, why are you standing here now?!"

"Because she wants you to die!" Ran Shiyu shouted coldly.

As he said that, Ran Shiyu waved his arm, and a purple poisonous mist sprayed towards Song Zaiyu.

(End of this chapter)

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