Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 349 Complete Victory in the First Battle

Chapter 349 Complete Victory in the First Battle
"General Wuji is dead, what should we do next?!"

"My God! We have lost 30 troops before we even started. What is going on?"

"The Shengtian Dynasty is so fierce, why do I feel that our Shengshi Empire is no match!"


The army of the prosperous empire was directly beaten, and the general who led the team was killed, and the rest didn't know what to do.

At this time, General Wuji's deputy stood up and took charge of the command: "The whole army obeys orders. Although our general has died, we are all powerful fighters of the Shengshi Empire. Don't be afraid of the little Shengtian Dynasty. They are definitely not our opponents." ..."

However, before he finished speaking, a blood hole appeared on his forehead, and Qin Shan's psionic spear pierced his forehead directly, and then this guy fell down.

The army of the prosperous empire was shocked immediately, is this you, you are too ruthless!
"The deputy general was also killed. The Shengtian Dynasty deliberately made us lose the commander. It's just crazy!"

After the deputy general was killed by Qin Shan, no general in the Shengshi Empire dared to stand up and command, for fear of being killed again.

The army of the Shengshi Empire, which lost its command, became a mess, unable to deal with the attack of the Shengtian Dynasty at all. Although they were relieved a little later, they had already suffered heavy casualties, and they seriously underestimated the strength of the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty, so they were quickly defeated. We have to retreat steadily.

"Brothers, kill me! Don't give them a chance to breathe, kill!" Ren Zhongjun was the first to bear the brunt, standing alone in the front and constantly killing the soldiers of the prosperous empire, as if entering the land of no one.

Seeing the Shengshi Empire's continuous retreat, Qin Shan stopped. The morale of the Shengshi Empire was completely gone. He didn't need to make a move in the future, and Ren Zhongjun could lead the army to kill the remnants of the Shengshi Empire.

After stopping, Qin Shan began to open the red envelope leisurely.

Those small rubbish red envelopes were as rubbish as ever, and Qin Shan's eyes were all on the four big red envelopes.

Without even thinking about it, Qin Shan opened the four red envelopes in one go.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the big red envelope and gaining 100 million experience points."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the big red envelope, gaining 20 experience, and the wood attribute skill 'Flying Trees'."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the big red envelope, gaining 30 experience, and raising the Golden Dragon Excalibur to the god level."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the big red envelope, gaining [-] experience points and one psychic missile."

"Congratulations to the upgrade of the host's level by two levels. After the upgrade, the level has reached the third rank of Martial Emperor Realm."

Ten Thousand Trees Flying: Create countless vines within a range of 500 meters, and enemies within the range will be severely attacked.

Golden Dragon Excalibur (God Level): It can increase the damage and attack speed of the host by five times, and can kill enemies five levels higher than the host.

Psionic Missile: A one-time weapon of mass destruction with a range of ten kilometers. It can strike enemies within a radius of 1000 meters. The maximum damage can reach the sixth rank of Emperor Wu.

Seeing the rewards obtained by these four red envelopes, Qin Shan had a bright smile on his face. The rewards are too generous, whether it is the Wanshu Flying Skill, the upgrade of the Golden Dragon Excalibur, or the Psionic Missile, Qin Shan is very satisfied.

Especially the psychic missile, which is simply a weapon of war, but unfortunately the number is too small, only one. If there are more than one, Qin Shan will use one now.

However, the current situation does not require the use of psychic missiles at all, and it would be a waste to use them. Qin Shan decided to use psychic missiles as his trump card. The highest damage of this thing can reach the sixth rank of Emperor Wu. The stuff is absolutely cool.

Although it's a pity to use psionic missiles now, Qin Shan wanted to try the effect of flying thousands of trees, so he flew directly over the prosperous empire's army with his sword.

"Ten Thousand Trees Fly!"

Qin Shan spread his hands, and a strange energy burst out.

The woods under the feet seemed to come alive, countless vines burst out from the trees, and the area of ​​hundreds of meters seemed to be a vine cage.

Immediately afterwards, these vines flew out everywhere like sharp swords.

Puff puff……

The vines kept piercing the bodies of the soldiers of the prosperous empire, and thousands of soldiers died under Qin Shan's skill.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty were shocked, and the soldiers of the Shengshi Empire were terrified.

"Your Majesty is worthy of being Your Majesty. You are simply too powerful. You can kill thousands of enemies with a single move. With Your Majesty around, our Shengtian Dynasty is invincible!" The soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty screamed excitedly.

"My God! This is too terrifying. He killed so many of our brothers in an instant. He... he is simply not human!" the soldier of the Glory Empire said in fear.

Regarding this, Qin Shan pursed his lips and said disdainfully: "The horror has only just begun! Sparks are burning!"

After using Wanshu Flying Dance, Qin Shan used the fire attribute skill again.

With a bang, a raging fire ignited in the center of the Shengshi Empire, and countless people were burned to black charcoal in the blink of an eye.

"Thunder Dragon Storm!"

Qin Shan's attack was not over yet, a huge lightning strike appeared out of thin air, and directly blasted a large pit tens of meters wide on the ground.

"Mud Flow Wall!" To the despair of the soldiers of the prosperous empire, Qin Shan's attack continued, and the ground under their feet was like a mudslide, swallowing thousands of people in the blink of an eye.

In fact, there are mages in the army of the prosperous empire, but they are completely useless in front of Qin Shan. Moreover, after Lu Bu, Zhao Zilong and Xiaoheixiaohong joined the battle group, the masters who specialize in hunting the enemy army, the army of the prosperous empire was completely defeated.

In just a few hours, the army of the Shengtian Dynasty chased and killed the army of the Shengshi Empire for more than ten miles, leaving corpses everywhere along the way.

The Shengshi Empire, which originally had an army of 100 million, only has 30 left. As for the loss of the Shengtian Dynasty, it is negligible compared to the Shengshi Empire.

Because the attack took too long, Qin Shan announced loudly: "The whole army obeys the order, stop chasing the remnants of the Shengshi Empire's defeated generals, and rest where they are!"

At this time, Ren Zhongjun suggested: "Your Majesty, the army of the Shengshi Empire has completely collapsed. If we continue to pursue, we can kill them all!"

Qin Shan shook his head and said, "Continuing to hunt and kill is indeed possible, but that will cause us too much loss, because our next goal is to go straight to Huanglong and directly point our sword at the prosperous empire!"

Hearing Qin Shan's words, Ren Zhongjun suddenly realized, "It turns out that His Majesty is planning to directly attack the Prosperous Empire, and the general will support it with both hands!"

"The Shengtian Dynasty must win! The Shengtian Dynasty must win!" The army of the Shengtian Dynasty shouted loudly.

In the first battle with the army of the Shengshi Empire, the Shengtian Dynasty won a complete victory, annihilating 70 enemy soldiers. This battle not only shocked Dongzhou, but even the other three continents were extremely shocked when they heard the news.

(End of this chapter)

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