Chapter 364

After the big sword in the hands of the third elder of Wanxiangzong turned into scrap iron, that person's fist continued to hit the third elder's chest, and then the body of the third elder of Wanxiangzong flew upside down in an instant, and then hit the ground heavily, creating a hole more than ten meters wide. potholes.

Although the third elder of Wanxiang Sect didn't die directly, he spit out a big mouthful of blood.

The sudden appearance of this person from the ground caused everyone's expressions to change drastically.

Even Qin Shan was shocked. The guy who appeared suddenly had a very high level of cultivation. He had already reached the sixth rank of Martial Emperor Realm, even stronger than the third elder of Wanxiang Sect.

"Wh... who is it? He... unexpectedly attacked me!" The third elder of the Wanxiang Sect struggled to get up from the ground, and shouted angrily at that person.

"When it comes to sneak attacks, you are the master of the Flame Empire." The guy who appeared out of nowhere said disdainfully.

This man looked very strong, with a hulking back, at least two meters tall, and his arms were even thicker than Qin Shan's calves. He looked like a humanoid tank.

But this person looks very strange, the skin of the whole body is pale, and the eyes are shining with scarlet light, which is extremely abnormal.

The third elder of Wanxiang Sect was even more shocked when he saw the appearance of this strong man.

The other people also looked incredible, as if they saw a ghost.

"It turned out to be King Kong of Kuangwu Kingdom, aren't you dead? Why did you suddenly appear here!" The third elder was horrified.

"Ten years ago, King Kong, the number one expert in the Kuangwu Kingdom, had reached the seventh rank of the Martial Emperor Realm. You obviously died at the hands of our Raging Flame Empire army. Why are you here now? What's going on here?" Cai Tianguang said the same thing. Said with a bewildered face.

"It's so strange that the number one master of the Kuangwu Kingdom is still alive." Several other people were also dumbfounded.

Hearing what they said, Qin Shan narrowed his eyes immediately. He met people from Kuangwu Kingdom before, and they were looking for King Kong's body. Now King Kong is standing here alive, which means that he has been resurrected by the dead soul. The soul is indeed nearby.

When Qin Shan was thinking, King Kong curled his lips and said: "I did die in the hands of you bastards of the Flame Empire, but as for why I can stand here alive, I don't really understand. I only know that there is an order in my mind, that is, put All the people in this area have been cleared, and I am very happy with this!"

"Resurrection! You were resurrected by the dead soul's soul spell! It turns out that all this is true!" Cai Tianguang looked at Qin Shan in disbelief. He was still laughing at Qin Shan just now, but when he turned around, he was slapped in the face.

"It turns out that I was resurrected by the soul spell. This is good. I can kill more people from the Flame Empire. I have no regrets." King Kong didn't have much trouble, but a smile appeared on his face.

People resurrected by soul spells have the souls and memories of the past, the only difference is that they obey the orders of the soul spell casters.

"Damn it! I didn't expect to meet the revived King Kong here. It's really tricky." The third elder of Wanxiang Sect said through gritted teeth.

"Third Elder, I don't believe he is invincible if we all join forces to deal with him." Cai Tianguang said seriously.

"We may not be able to win together, but this is the only way now!" The third elder nodded in response.

After finishing speaking, the Wanxiang Sect and Cai Tianguang's people attacked King Kong together.

King Kong looked indifferent, and punched everyone.


A loud explosion sounded, and four or five people below the Emperor Wu realm were directly shaken to bloody flesh, and as for the Emperor Wu realm, their bodies exploded back.

At this time, the third elder of the Wanxiang Sect stabbed King Kong with a dagger.

King Kong blocked with his other hand, and with a ding, King Kong blocked the third elder's attack with his arm.

"Small tricks!" King Kong punched the third elder with a look of disdain.

Boom!There was another shock, and the body of the third elder of Wanxiang Sect flew out like a shell again, and he smashed a boulder before stopping.

"It's such a powerful force, even I can't create the power of this fist." Tsunade said in surprise.

"His whole body is surrounded by metallic power. He is not a metallic mage, but simply strengthens his body with metallic energy. His body has reached the point of being indestructible, even a magic weapon can destroy it." Qin Shan nodded. .

Qin Shan was finally able to understand why this king kong was able to withstand an army of [-] by himself. With this physical strength, he couldn't be hurt even if he stood up and let others attack him.

After the third elder of Wanxiang Sect flew upside down, King Kong's body suddenly disappeared in place, and instantly appeared in front of several young men.

Boom boom boom!
King Kong punched those little minions a few times, and the huge force blasted them directly to the ground, blasting out several huge potholes, and then all the little minions were killed.

Seeing this scene, Cai Tianguang shouted to Qin Shan in horror: "Qin Shan, we should stop fighting at this time and deal with King Kong together, otherwise he will kill us all, even you will not be spared!"

Qin Shan said contemptuously: "Idiot, I said just now that the first thing to deal with is the dead soul, but you just didn't listen, now you are reaping the consequences, you deserve it!"

"Damn! You will be killed too!" Cai Tianguang roared angrily.

"Hehe..." Qin Shan let out a disdainful hehe, but remained indifferent.

Qin Shan's purpose is to find the dead soul. He hasn't found the real location of the dead soul yet, but there are people who have resurrected the dead soul here. Qin Shan is going to find a breakthrough from King Kong, but at the moment he will not intervene in King Kong's fight against the flame empire. people.

As soon as Cai Tianguang finished speaking, King Kong flashed in front of him, and before Cai Tianguang could react, King Kong directly grabbed Cai Tianguang's neck.

Cai Tianguang kept struggling with fear all over his face, but the struggle was of no avail.

"go to hell!"

Peng!With a muffled sound, King Kong crushed Cai Tianguang's neck abruptly, which shows how powerful he is.

At the same time, the third elder of Wanxiang Sect held a big knife and slashed at King Kong from behind.

"Die to me!" the third elder roared angrily, using all his strength directly.

Boom!There was a thunderous explosion, and the violent force shook the ground with a radius of [-] meters to collapse directly. However, it is incredible that King Kong's body is still intact, but his body is slightly tilted down.

"What a terrifying body, it's still intact!" The third elder of Wanxiang Sect was shocked.

"Hmph! You're courting death!" King Kong snorted coldly, grabbed the third elder's arm in an instant, and smashed him heavily to the ground.

With a bang, the Third Elder was hit so hard that his heart almost burst out. Before he could recover, King Kong slammed the body of the Third Elder of Wanxiang Sect.

Boom boom boom!The continuous bombardment caused the ground to subside even more. By the time King Kong stopped, the body of the third elder of Wanxiang Sect had already become a piece of cake.

"Huh! It's much more comfortable now!" King Kong let out a heavy breath, then turned his gaze to Qin Shan, "Who are you?"

"We are here to find the person who revived you, do you know where he is?" Qin Shan asked with great interest.

"I don't know, my mission is to kill everyone nearby, including you!"

(End of this chapter)

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