Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 377 Resurrecting the Group of 8

Chapter 377 Resurrecting the Group of Eight

After killing the Scorpion King, Qin Shan's level was raised to the sixth rank of Emperor Wu. At this time, the sky was already bright, and Qin Shan hurriedly headed towards the sun at the fastest speed.

As soon as the sun came out, the temperature in the Scorching Desert soared. In just half an hour, he was already sweating, and the surrounding desert was once again endless, which looked hopeless.

Fortunately, Qin Shan didn't encounter too many obstacles in the future. Even if he was attacked by a monster, it was only a low-level monster. Then Qin Shan went forward during the day and stayed in one place at night, so as not to deviate from his position again.

That night, Qin Shan unfolded the map to check the current location.

"Now we have reached the edge of the center of the Burning Sky Desert. Skyfire may appear in this large area, but it appears at random locations. It really depends on luck!" Qin Shan said to himself, thinking about what to do next. what to do.

It was dark now, and Qin Shan carefully sensed the existence of Skyfire in the central area.

Tianhuo is the most yang and hot existence, if it appears, it will definitely have scorching energy, Qin Shan is looking for this energy.

However, after searching for most of the night, Qin Shan didn't have any clues at all.

It takes a lot of energy to spread the perception to the maximum range. Even if Qin Shan lasted for more than half the night, he still can't bear it. He can only stop and rest for a while, and prepare to recharge his energy and continue to fight.

However, before he regained his perception, Qin Shan sensed that there were two groups of people confronting each other.

One group had only seven or eight people, while the other group had three or 40 people.

"Anyone who stands in our way will die. Don't try to rob us today!" one of the seven or eight people shouted coldly.

"Hmph! Just because you guys want to stop us from looking for Tianhuo, it's really beyond our control." The crowded side said disdainfully.

"Let's not talk about a few people, just one of us can kill all of you. Okay, no more nonsense, and then you will all die under Lao Tzu's meteor hammer!" One of the fat men stood with a huge meteor hammer. Come out and drink.

Seeing this fat man, all the people in that group were shocked.

"You... aren't you the head of the earthquake mercenary group? You were killed three years ago, why are you here now?! Countless people watched you being killed. What is going on? "Someone among the large group of people recognized the fat man's identity and said in shock.

"Hehe! There are still people who know me, not bad, it looks like I'm quite famous!" the fat man laughed.

"It's not just a little fame, it's very famous. It's the number one in the entire Xizhou earthquake mercenary group. It's just that you are dead, why are you still alive?"

"Who stipulates that one cannot be resurrected after death? I am resurrected!" Fatty said with great interest.

The other group of people looked shocked, they had no idea what was going on.

"Look, doesn't that tall man with the fan look like a 'Death Scholar'?"

"It's more than just like, it's obviously the life-killing scholar, my God, the life-killing scholar has been dead for five or six years, and he has come back to life!"

"No, they are all resurrected. They were all well-known masters during their lifetime, and their cultivation bases were all above the Martial Emperor Realm! Are you! What is going on here?"


The large group of people finally realized at this time that the seven or eight people in front of them were already dead, but now they are standing here alive, but no one knows why.

"It's getting late. Skyfire appears randomly. We have to spend some time looking for it, otherwise it will be too embarrassing if we can't complete the task." The life-killing scholar said lightly, shaking his folding fan.

"Hey haha, let me deal with those who are in the way!"

Fatty instantly picked up the meteor hammer and smashed it at dozens of people on the other side. Although the meteor hammer was heavy, it was so fast under Fatty's huge strength that the dozens of people on the other side barely reacted.


With a loud bang, the meteor hammer hit the center of dozens of people, and with a loud bang, the violent force knocked half of them into the air in an instant.

Although the other half dodged, before they could stabilize their bodies, the meteor hammer in the fat man's hand smashed past again.

Bang bang bang... A series of muffled bangs sounded, and the meteor hammer blasted everyone to the ground.

The strength of the opponent's group is not bad, many of them are masters of the Martial Emperor realm, but they have almost no power to fight back under the fat man's attack, which shows how strong the fat man is.

"I haven't done anything for a long time, and I've become unfamiliar." After knocking down dozens of people, the fat man shook his head and said helplessly.

"It's not just rusty, it's rubbish. I haven't killed everyone after a long time!" One of the dark dwarfs sneered, and then threw out countless silver needles.

Whoosh whoosh!
The silver needle instantly pierced through the heads of those people, directly killing those who were not dead.

"Fuck! You actually said that I am a trash, so you are a trash!" The fat man immediately became unhappy.

"Trash." The dwarf continued to say contemptuously.

When the two were arguing, suddenly, one of them frowned suddenly: "Shut up, someone is secretly spying on us!"

"What?! Someone dared to spy on us secretly. He is courting death! Hurry up and get rid of him!" the fat man roared angrily.

The person these people discovered was Qin Shan, and it was Qin Shan who was observing them with his perception. Qin Shan was not surprised after they found out.

Qin Shan was surprised that these people were also looking for Tianhuo. From the conversation just now, Qin Shan already knew that several people were resurrected, and they should be the resurrection of dead souls.

In other words, Mie Tian was also instigated by Mie Tian to find these people.

Qin Shan naturally didn't want these people to find Tianhuo, even if they didn't come to him, Qin Shan would kill them.

These seven or eight people were all above the Martial Emperor Realm, and they were very fast, arriving at Qin Shan's location within a few minutes.

When seeing Qin Shan, seven or eight people felt a little surprised, because they didn't expect a young man to spy on them secretly.

"Yo! I didn't expect it to be a young boy spying on us in secret. Such a young guy has such a huge perception. It seems that he is not a simple boy." The fat man shook the meteor hammer in his hand and said with great interest. .

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be dead souls resurrected to work for Mietian." Qin Shan said with narrowed eyes.

"You even know about this matter. It seems that you are not an ordinary character. Let me guess your identity. I received a lot of information when we were resurrected. You should be Qin Tian, ​​the emperor who has been fighting against Mie Tian. "The deadly scholar said lightly, shaking his folding fan.

"That's right, I am Qin Tian, ​​if you meet me, you will have to die again today!"

(End of this chapter)

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