Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 381 The Collision of Ice and Fire

Chapter 381 The Collision of Ice and Fire
After getting Tianhuo, Qin Shan rushed back to Shengtian Dynasty as quickly as possible.

When she returned to the palace, the entire room Xiao Ningbing was in was covered with a thick layer of ice, and everything within a radius of tens of meters around the room was frozen into ice sculptures.The surrounding palace guards and maids all dared to stay a hundred meters away.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shan was horrified. The extreme Yin Qi in Xiao Ningbing's body was even more terrifying than imagined, and it had reached such a terrifying level.

Qin Shan hurried to the side of the room, when Tsunade came out of the room, covered in white icicles.

"Tsunade, how's the situation?" Qin Shan asked with a frown.

"As you can see, the situation is very bad now. The extreme yin energy in Xiao Ningbing's body exploded completely. Ordinary people can't even get close. Even if I approached, I was almost frozen to death. With Ning Bing's current situation, he can only last for three days at most. What time?" Tsunade asked.

Qin Shan nodded solemnly, and then walked directly into the room, a bone-piercing chill hit his face, the situation in the room was more serious than outside, if Tsunade hadn't helped Xiao Ningbing control it with powerful medical skills, the situation would have been even more serious.

Xiao Ningbing's body emitted a white cold mist, her skin was also dark and dark, her body was trembling, but she was still conscious, seeing Qin Shan coming, her eyes were full of excitement and joy.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you are back, it's... very good to be able to see you before you die." Xiao Ningbing said weakly with a trembling voice.

Qin Shan hurried over to hold Xiao Ningbing's cold palm and said, "Ningbing, I have found Tianhuo, and I can cure you completely!"

"Really? It's... great, I can continue to serve His Majesty in the future!" Xiao Ningbing said with the same joy.

Qin Shan looked at Tsunade and asked, "Tunate, now that I have merged with Skyfire, how should I operate?"

Hearing Qin Shan's words, Tsunade was a little surprised, thought for a while and said, "The extremely yin aura on Ning Bing's body is quite strong, if it erupts completely, the entire imperial city will probably be shrouded in her cold aura, so think about it." To counteract the coldness in her body, you must have enough yang to heat energy, otherwise not only will it not work, but it will also harm her!"

"The energy of the sky fire is enough." Qin Shan nodded, he had seen the energy of the sky fire before, even the earth would melt directly, and the space couldn't support it, it was enough to deal with the extremely yin energy in Xiao Ningbing's body.

"If it is enough, then the energy of the most yang and the most hot must be introduced into her body."

"How exactly?"

Tsunade looked at Xiao Ningbing, then looked at Qin Shan and said, "The safest way is to have a relationship between a man and a woman. The extremely yin energy is in Ningbing's body, and the sky fire is completely fused with you. The fusion of yin and yang can completely eliminate hidden dangers, but At the same time, there is considerable danger, and maybe both of them will face danger to their lives."

"Is this the safest method?"


Qin Shan stared at Xiao Ningbing closely, and asked, "Ningbing, are you willing?"

"No, I don't want His Majesty to be in danger, I'd rather die!" Xiao Ningbing said shaking her head.

"We have experienced so much together, you should believe me." Qin Shan touched Xiao Ningbing's face and said.

Xiao Ningbing bit her purple lips, then nodded solemnly: "Well, I trust Your Majesty, very much!"

"In that case, let's get started!"

Tsunade glanced at Qin Shan, and reminded: "Qin Shan, pay attention to check her pulse at any time, and make sure the energy of the sky fire counteracts the extreme yin energy. No matter what happens, you must stick to it to the end, otherwise you will fall short and there will be more troubles." Life is in danger!"

"I understand."

With that said, Tsunade left the room directly and closed the door.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shan unbuttoned Xiao Ningbing's clothes and said, "Ningbing, from today onwards you are my woman, and I will protect you for the rest of my life."

"Your Majesty, I will also spend my whole life serving you and repaying your kindness." Xiao Ningbing said firmly.

"No, what I want is not your gratitude, but your love."

As he spoke, Qin Shan kissed Xiao Ningbing's lips.

What Qin Shan felt was icy cold, what Xiao Ningbing felt was scorching heat.

The encounter between the two is destined to be a fierce collision of yin and yang, and the moment they make contact, the true qi in their bodies begins to riot.

Afterwards, the temperature in the room began to rise rapidly, Xiao Ningbing's body turned snow white, while Qin Shan's body turned into a raging fire.

When everything was ready, the emotions of the two had reached the highest level, and they finally merged together.

Then the room resounded with a melodious sonata.


Since Xiao Ningbing's body was filled with extremely Yin energy, while Qin Shan's body was filled with the most yang-hot energy of Heavenly Fire, the collision of the two forces was destined to be extraordinary. The majestic force caused the ground to tremble violently, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Ling Yin outside the room looked at Tsunade worriedly and asked, "Sister Tsunade, will Sister Ningbing and Your Majesty really be okay?"

"It should be fine. Qin Shan has encountered so many crises, and he has always managed to save himself from danger. What's more, he is doing what he is good at now, so he will not have any accidents." Tsunade nodded, and then said jokingly.

Hearing what Tsunade said, Ling Yin blushed, of course she understood what Tsunade meant.

"The energy of the master and Ning Bing is so terrifying that we can't get close at all. We can only stay a thousand meters away. If the two energies erupt completely, the entire palace will be destroyed." Daji looked at the room where Qin Shan was, said in surprise.

"If the two energies are completely fused, it will be good for them, and they will probably be greatly improved." Tsunade said with a face of contemplation.

"I hope nothing will happen to both of you." Ling Yin prayed.

When several people were talking, the energy in Qin Shan and Xiao Ningbing's bodies exploded completely.

Yin Qi and Sky Fire are intertwined, colliding with each other and merging with each other. It was quite intense at first, but later it gradually stabilized, and even became entangled and attracted each other.

Qin Shan felt that the energy of the sky fire in his body was rapidly being neutralized, and the extremely yin energy in Xiao Ningbing's body was also rapidly melting. After the energy of ice and fire was neutralized, a stream of pure spiritual energy was produced, which flowed back to the meridians of the two of them. among.

At this time, Qin Shan noticed that his experience on the attribute panel was soaring rapidly, which looked extremely spectacular.

Obviously, helping Xiao Ningbing to heal his illness would also be of great benefit to Qin Shan.

This state lasted for a long time, and Qin Shan was about to erupt.

At this time, Qin Shan condensed the energy of the sky fire, and then completely devoured the extreme yin energy in Xiao Ningbing's body.


The bodies of the two of them shook violently.

Xiao Ningbing passed out happily, and Qin Shan's experience skyrocketed like a rocket.

"Congratulations to the host..."

(End of this chapter)

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