Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 399 The Inheritance Ball Is the Seal Key

Chapter 399 The Inheritance Ball Is the Seal Key

Looking at the huge gully on the ground, Qin Tianzai was thankful that he had just obtained the rebellion card and used it on the elder of the Temple Sect at the most critical moment, otherwise he would really be dead now.

Seeing that the elder of the Temple sect suddenly stopped attacking Qin Shan, the dead soul's face suddenly changed, "Huh? Why is this happening? It stands to reason that the resurrected person cannot break free from my shackles. Why did he break free from my control!"

"I'm afraid it's Qin Shan's fault. This guy has various methods, and it's possible that the resurrected person will suddenly lose control." The tree god next to him said with narrowed eyes.

"This guy is more difficult to deal with than imagined!" Dead Soul's eyes were full of hostility.

Seeing that the elder of the Temple sect got rid of the control, the middle-aged man with a strong figure said excitedly: "Young man, you are so powerful that you can help him get rid of the control. You can also help me get rid of the control. I can do something for you." thing!"

"I can only help one person, I can't help you." Qin Shan spread his hands and said. "

"Baofeng, we used to stand on the opposite side, even if we die, we will die together. I think it is more appropriate to stand on the opposite side with you. After all, the war for thousands of years was all provoked by your camp." The elder of the Temple Sect said with a curled lip.

"At this point, one person is one person, kill!" The dead soul was worried that there would be another moth, so he ordered the storm to attack Qin Shan.

The elder of the Temple Sect said to Qin Shan and Song Yunxin: "You'd better stay away, you can't bear our previous battles yet."

Qin Shan had seen how powerful they were, so he didn't hesitate, and quickly moved away from Song Yunxin.

"Hurricane!" Baofeng yelled, and a hurricane rushed towards Qinshan, with countless wind blades mixed in, and countless grooves appeared on the stone walls on both sides in an instant.

At this time, the elder of the Holy Sword Sect stood in front of the storm, and a violent sword energy shot out from between them.


The two forces trembled violently, countless cracks appeared on the stone walls on both sides, countless boulders fell, and the ground shook violently.

"These two people are really powerful. If they make any move, the whole abyss will be destroyed. Their battle created the abyss, and it will also destroy the abyss." Qin Shan, who was hundreds of meters away, saw this scene, and his heart ached. It was very shocking, this was the best battle he had ever seen.

Boom boom boom!
Just when Qin Shan was shocked, the attacks of the two suddenly became violent.

The violent sword energy and wind blade swept across hundreds of meters, and continued to spread outward. The sky had already started to rain stones.

This place was originally the bottom of the abyss, and the battle between the two had caused the stone walls on both sides to lose their support, and they were gradually collapsing.

"The Grand Canyon will be buried if we continue to fight, we have to leave here first." Tree God said seeing the battle in front of him.

"It was destroyed by Qin Shan again this time, what a pain in the ass!" Said the dead soul very speechless.

"This guy is a disaster for Mietian, but after the Holy Envoy's mission is completed, we will kill him personally. At that time, even if he has great abilities, he will not be able to escape." Tree God said lightly.

"It seems that's the only way, so let's leave here for now." Dead Soul said helplessly.

As he said that, the tree god put his palm on Qin Shan's shoulder, and then the two of them sank into the big tree next to them and disappeared without a trace.

The two fled, but Qin Shan didn't pursue them, mainly because he couldn't pursue them, they were isolated on the other side by the fighting, and Qin Shan couldn't pass through the fighting area.

When the two were fighting, the elder of the Temple sect suddenly transmitted a voice: "Young man, since the ball of inheritance has chosen you, it means that you have something unique. The ball of inheritance is related to the fate of the entire continent. He is a seal. The key to the formation!"

"The key to seal the formation? What is it sealed?" Qin Shan asked.

"The 'Dark Demon' that sealed the Dragon Soul Continent ten thousand years ago! The ball of inheritance contains huge energy, which is the energy of the sealing formation. Once the ball of inheritance falls into the hands of the dark demon remnant or is destroyed, the seal It will be opened, the dark demon will reappear, and it will be a disaster for the entire continent!"

"So, what the hell is this dark demon?" Qin Shan continued to ask.

"A strong man of unknown origin, no one knows who he is. All he knows is that his power is enough to destroy the entire continent. Thousands of years ago, many strong men in the continent jointly sealed him. Thousands of years ago, the dark demon Yu Nian wants to break the seal and start another war on the entire continent, if the dark demon Yu Nian knows that the key is in your hands, he will definitely get it at all costs!"

Hearing the words of the elder of the Temple Sect, Qin Shan suddenly thought of Mie Tian. Could it be that Mie Tian is the remnant of the dark demon?
"Does the dark demon have any remnants in the Dragon Soul Continent?" Qin Shan asked again.

"Yes, although the dark devil is sealed, his power is extremely strange and powerful. He can create clones to exist in the mainland, and the dark devil has subordinates. Fortunately, the dark devil doesn't know where the seal is, and even we don't know. I don’t know, we just follow the instructions from our ancestors and protect the ball of inheritance.”

"That is to say, even the Dark Demon doesn't know that the Ball of Inheritance is the key of the seal?"

"At least I didn't know about the remnants of the dark demon back then, and I don't know about it now."

"Actually, I have always had a question. Why is the Temple sect disbanded when the inheritance ball is in my hands?"

"There is a prophecy among the Temple sect, which is the prophecy of the ancestors who founded the Temple sect. He said that one day the ball of inheritance will reach a person. This person is both a destroyer and a creator. When the ball of inheritance reaches this person At that time, the mission of the Temple sect was completed.

This is not only a prophecy, but also the highest purpose of our Temple School. Now that the Ball of Inheritance has chosen you, it means that you are the person in the prophecy. Of course, no one knows whether the prophecy will come true. Well, you should know You already know, you have to explore your own path in the future, so let’s get out of here! "

After listening to the elders of the Temple Sect, Qin Shan remained silent, and then left with Song Yunxin.

"Qin Shan, we don't know the secret of the Ball of Inheritance yet, so we can't just leave like this."

"No, I already know. The elder has sent me a voice transmission. It's time to leave. It's not safe here."

"Okay." Song Yunxin glanced at the elder of the Temple Sect, "Thank you, senior, take care!"

After speaking, Qin Shan took Song Yunxin Yujian and flew away from the abyss.

When Qin Shan and Song Yunxin flew out of the abyss canyon, there was a sky-shattering roar below.

A majestic force erupted from under the abyss, and the stone walls on both sides collapsed one after another. The collapse range stretched for ten miles. The entire ground sank, the abyss was completely destroyed, and everything underneath was buried.

Qin Shan and Song Yunxin in the air watched this shocking scene and remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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