Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 407 Decisive Battle with the Flame Empire

Chapter 407 Decisive Battle with the Flame Empire

"Fuck! When did the army of the Shengtian Dynasty come to Xizhou? It takes at least half a month's journey away from the Shengtian Dynasty. Even if they drive all night, they can't be so fast! And they also hide it from all the eyeliners. What the hell is going on?"

"The army of the Shengtian Dynasty has actually reached the border of our Raging Flame Empire. How did they manage to do so quietly? Could it be that they were sent directly?"

"Direct teleportation, is it a large teleportation array? This is impossible! Although there is such a large teleportation array, if you want to refine such a teleportation array, you must be a master-level teleportation array, and it is impossible for one person or two people, you must use it Hundreds of formation masters!"

"So how did they get here?"

"There's no time to worry about this now. They've already arrived, and they're about to attack. It's not enough to defend quickly!"


Seeing Qin Shan leading the army of the Shengtian Dynasty to kill them, the army of the Raging Flame Empire was immediately overwhelmed. They never thought that the army of the Shengtian Dynasty would come to kill them.

The 50 army of the Kuangwu Kingdom and the 80 army of the Shengtian Dynasty made a total of 130 million troops. In less than half an hour, they swept the 60 troops of the Raging Flame Empire. Not only did they break through the city, but they also killed at least 40 troops. The remaining [-] soldiers of the Raging Flame Empire all fled.

After breaking through the border city, Qin Shan didn't stop at all, and the army of the Kuangwu Kingdom continued to penetrate, not giving the Raging Flame Empire a chance to breathe.

In just half a day, Qin Shan captured seven or eight cities in succession.

At this time, the news also reached the ears of their emperor.

"Your Majesty, it's bad, the big thing is bad, our border has been breached!"

"What?! The border has been breached. How is this possible? In just half a day, the 60 troops have been repelled by the Kuangwu Kingdom?" The emperor's face changed drastically and he was quite shocked.

"'s not like was defeated by the joint army of the Kuangwu Kingdom and the Shengtian Dynasty, and it didn't take half a day, it only took less than half an hour."

Hearing this, the emperor was even more shocked, "Less than half an hour? And the Shengtian Dynasty? What the hell is going on?!"

"Yes, the 80 army of the Shengtian Dynasty appeared out of nowhere, and then joined forces with the Kuangwu Kingdom to attack our Raging Flame Empire, captured the border city within half an hour, and caused our 60 army to lose 40, and After half a day, it has already conquered eight cities, and now it is rushing towards our imperial capital!"

The emperor of the Lieyan Empire was stunned. Even with his toes, he couldn't imagine that the 80 army of the Shengtian Dynasty would come suddenly, and he didn't even have any information before.

Originally, he was planning to deal with the Shengtian Dynasty, but he did not expect that the Shengtian Dynasty would seize the opportunity and lose 40 troops from the very beginning, which would be a huge blow even to the Lieyan Empire.

"Your Majesty, an army of more than 100 million men is already approaching menacingly, what should we do next?" the subordinate asked anxiously.

To be honest, the emperor didn't know what to do, he was stunned by the news.

"Immediately mobilize all the troops to resist the attack of the Shengtian Dynasty and the Kuangwu Kingdom. In addition, notify other countries in Western Continent to organize a joint army to destroy these bastards!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The emperor has no other good solution now, but can only gather troops for passive defense.

The Raging Flame Empire was planning to attack the Shengtian Dynasty, so the army was mobilized from the beginning. Now that the Shengtian Dynasty has come, they have gathered 90 troops within half a day.

At the same time, armies from other countries in Western Continent were also gathering one after another, and then came to aid the Flame Empire.

However, Qin Shan's speed was too fast. Before the arrival of reinforcements from other countries, he had already attacked the imperial capital of the Raging Flame Empire. A total of 130 million troops surrounded the imperial capital.

With 130 million against 90, the Flame Empire is at a serious disadvantage. If it hadn't been for hiding in the imperial capital, Qin Shan would have already entered.

The 130 million army temporarily stopped outside the city walls of the imperial capital. Although Qin Shan was confident of winning the Raging Flame Empire, he wanted to minimize the loss.

"Listen to the army of the Flame Empire. You have fallen completely. If you are sensible, you will be captured immediately, so that you don't have to die, otherwise you will suffer heavy casualties!" Qin Shan stood in front of the city gate and shouted to the city guards. .

"Don't think that you and the Kuangwu Kingdom can defeat us. You are only second-rate in the eyes of our Raging Flame Empire. You should be more acquainted, otherwise you will regret it!" The city guard general sneered.

Qin Shan shrugged and said disapprovingly: "What should be reminded has already been reminded. If you don't listen, then don't complain."

"Huh! What a shame! A second-rate monarch in Dongzhou dares to be arrogant in front of our Raging Flame Empire. He doesn't know what is good or bad. Don't think that attacking our Raging Flame Empire is a victory. Let me tell you, this is your end point. They will all be buried here!"

Suddenly, the voice of the Emperor of the Flame Empire sounded, and his figure appeared on the city wall.

Seeing the appearance of the emperor, the army of the Raging Flame Empire was all excited.

"Your Majesty has appeared! Your Majesty personally directs our battle, it's really great!"

"With His Majesty holding the line here, even the enemy's army of 130 million cannot cause any big waves!"

"How could our flame empire be lost in the hands of two second-rate countries? With His Majesty around, this is absolutely impossible!"


Qin Shan was a little surprised by the sudden appearance of the Emperor of the Flame Empire.

He thought that the Emperor of the Flame Empire would hide in fright, but he didn't expect to appear in person.

Regarding this, Qin Shan smiled and said, "I didn't expect that you didn't hide. This is unexpected. It seems that you have great confidence in the Flame Empire."

The emperor of the Raging Flame Empire turned grim, and sneered, "Qin Shan, don't underestimate our Raging Flame Empire, we are one of the four great empires, and the most powerful country in Western Continent, if you really think you can take it easily, you are wrong , and then you will see how powerful our Flame Empire really is!"

"Really? I want to see it." Qin Shan shrugged and said disapprovingly.

The emperor of the Raging Flame Empire didn't speak, but just raised his arms and waved them.

At this time, thick white mist suddenly appeared around the army behind Qin Shan, and the white mist spread rapidly towards the army. When the white mist enveloped the soldiers, the soldiers fell to the ground bleeding from their seven orifices.

"Not good! It's poisonous fog, there is a poisonous gas array around us!"

"Immediately avoid the poisonous fog and retreat to a safe location!"

"Poisonous mist is being released in many places, and the area of ​​the poisonous gas formation is really too large!"


In just a few blinks of an eye, thousands of people on Qin Shan's side were directly poisoned to death, and this number is still rising rapidly.

Qin Shan frowned suddenly, the Flame Empire should not be underestimated, and had set up such a huge poisonous gas formation here.

(End of this chapter)

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