Chapter 41
"Yes... yes! I will definitely bring this to the commander, I will!" the mercenary said tremblingly.

"Okay, let's go!"

The mercenary group was ecstatic and ready to leave, but he was so frightened that he didn't even have the strength to stand up, and fell down as soon as he stood up.

At this time, a large group of city guards came to the tavern, and the leading general rushed into the tavern.

"Who dares to fight privately in the city, it is too courageous..." The general rushed in to arrest the person who fought privately, but when he saw Qin Shan, he knelt down in fright, "Greetings, His Royal Highness! Dou, I don't know that His Highness is here, please forgive me!"

"It doesn't matter, those who don't know are not guilty." Qin Shan waved his hands and said disapprovingly.

This general was the general Qin Shan saw when he entered the city, so he recognized Qin Shan at a glance.

Everyone in the tavern widened their eyes in disbelief, and the mercenary who was about to leave was also stunned.

The general of the City Guards glanced at the scene, got a general understanding of the situation, and then pointed at the mercenary who was about to leave and shouted: "This bastard dared to attack His Royal Highness, arrest him!"

"No need, this emperor deliberately asked this guy to leave the messenger, let him go." Qin Shan stopped the general.

"I obey, Your Highness the First Prince!" The general nodded, and kicked the mercenary out with one kick.

With a bang, the mercenary who sent the message fell and stuttered, his front teeth were completely smashed, but he didn't dare to stay any longer, and fled quickly with trembling legs.

Qin Shan stretched his waist and said to Daji, "Let's go, Daji, I'm going to find a place to sleep."

After speaking, Qin Shan and Daji left, and the city guards cleaned up the scene.

The rest of the tavern finally reacted at this time.

"Oh my God! He...he is His Royal Highness the First Prince. I said that to Your Highness just now. How lucky he is not dead now!"

"It is said that His Royal Highness is unable to cultivate. Why was he so powerful just now, killing more than a dozen people with a single strike?"

"At first I thought the bloodthirsty mercenaries were more powerful, but it turns out that person is His Royal Highness the First Prince. Now it seems that the bloodthirsty mercenaries are about to suffer a tragedy."


Qin Shan didn't care about the discussion of those people in the tavern at all. He was wondering who the employer behind the bloodthirsty mercenary group was.

Qin Shan is very clear that he has many enemies now, the second prince and the third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom are all possible, but no matter who they are, since they hire bloodthirsty mercenaries, they will definitely not be exposed easily, so even if they think about it, they can't figure out why.

"Forget it, let's sleep."

Originally, Qin Shan was going to sleep with Daji, but he thought that his favorability had not yet reached that level, so Qin Shan gave up. He was worried that he would be electrocuted to death by the system if he couldn't help it. .

Before going to bed, Qin Shan opened the red envelope that he had just obtained by killing the bearded beard.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the red envelope, gaining 200000 experience, and a body that is immune to all poisons."

Physique invulnerable to all poisons: It can resist most poisons, and the stronger the ability to resist poisons as the host's cultivation level increases.

Hearing the system prompt, Qin Shan, who was already drowsy, woke up instantly and jumped up from the bed.

"Oh my God! It's so awesome that it has a physique that is invulnerable to all poisons, and it can still be upgraded to a physique with cultivation base. This is too amazing!" Qin Shan said in surprise.

"Congratulations to the upgrade of the host's level. After the upgrade, the level has reached the eighth rank of martial artist."

It is enough to be happy to get the physique that is invulnerable to all poisons. Now that 20 experience directly assists him to improve his cultivation level again, it can't be more exciting.

However, Qin Shan was relieved later that the bearded man was already a first-rank military commander, much higher in level than him. According to the rules of the system, the stronger the enemy's strength, the richer the red envelopes would be.

After feeling refreshed, Qin Shan slept comfortably.

When the sun shone through the window the next day, Qin Shan got up from the bed, put on his clothes and opened the door to see that Daji was waiting outside.

"Master, Daji has prepared washing water for you, and bought breakfast." Daji said with a smile on his face.

"You're so good. Come on, master give me a kiss." Qin Shan really liked this maid Daji so much, he was about to go up and kiss her, but when he thought of the system's punishment, he suddenly felt like he was being splashed with cold water, "Forget it, I'd better wash up obediently Let's have breakfast."

After washing up and having breakfast, Qin Shan and Daji continued to set off for Endless City.

After about half a day, Qin Shan finally reached outside the endless city.

Xu Qingzhi, the lord of Endless City, knew that Qin Shan was coming to report from the branch of the Temple Sect, so he waited outside the city gate early.

"My subordinate Xu Qingzhi, the owner of Endless City, welcomes His Royal Highness here!" Xu Qingzhi led all the soldiers to salute Qin Shan.

"You don't need to be too polite. City Lord Xu is busy with official duties, so you don't need to work so hard to mobilize everyone to welcome me. I'm just here to report to the Temple Sect." Qin Shan waved his hand and said.

Xu Qingzhi's ability to become the city lord naturally has two brushes. Although he doesn't like the eldest prince who has been rumored to be a waste for a long time in his heart, but the so-called difference between monarchs and ministers, he still needs to be good at superficial skills, so he will wait here He greeted Qin Shan, and he also knew that Qin Shan was speaking politely.

"Your Highness, you have been exhausted all the way, and it must have been very hard. I will prepare for you to take the wind and wash away the dust. Please trouble Your Highness to move." Xu Qingzhi said with a respectful smile on his face.

"No need, the emperor is not here to play and relax, you go to your own business, don't worry about me." Qin Shan waved his hand and said.

Xu Qingzhi thought that Qin Shan was still being polite, so he continued to smile and said, "Your Highness, since you want to report directly, this subordinate will immediately notify the Temple School and send you there."

Qin Shan frowned immediately, and said with some displeasure: "I don't need others to arrange my own affairs, City Lord Xu, as a city lord, you shouldn't act like a mother-in-law! Well, the emperor is going to enter the city, you Don't send anyone to follow me!"

After speaking, Qin Shan walked directly into the endless city.

Xu Qingzhi opened his mouth in disbelief, thinking silently in his heart: "This eldest prince is too unique, it's simply incomprehensible. He has arranged everything for him, but he still has to do it himself."

At this time, a middle-aged man with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes beside Xu Qingzhi approached and said: "My lord, this eldest prince is really arrogant. You prepared everything for him, but he completely ignored him. He didn't understand the world at all. No wonder he was deposed as the prince before." , it seems that the brain is really not working."

"Don't let others hear your words, otherwise... click!" Xu Qingzhi said with a warning face.

"Yes, yes, the little one knows."

(End of this chapter)

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