Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 410 Tearing the Black-winged Tiger by Hand

Chapter 410 Tearing the Black-winged Tiger by Hand

When the black-winged tiger hit the ground with Qin Shan, it was shocking and weeping ghosts and gods. With such a fierce impact, even the strongest in Wu Zunjing could not be spared.

However, the black-winged tiger has copper skin and iron bones, so it won't suffer too much damage in this case.

Almost everyone would think that if the black-winged tiger was alive, Qin Shan would be seriously injured even if he did not die.

"Roar!!" Suddenly, the black-winged tiger's roar resounded throughout the battlefield.

Hearing the roar of the black-winged tiger, the faces of the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty changed drastically, while the troops of the Raging Flame Empire all showed smug smiles.

"It turned out to be the voice of the black-winged tiger. The black-winged tiger is alive, which means that our majesty..." The soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty did not dare to think about it.

"Hahaha! Sure enough, it was the voice of the black-winged tiger. It sounded like a dragon and a tiger! That brat Qin Shan couldn't bear such a fierce attack, and now he is dead beyond death. At such a high altitude, there is also the acceleration of the black-winged tiger , even if he has the cultivation base of Wu Zunjing, he will be smashed into mud!"

"He deserves it! This is what he deserves, and it's what he deserves when he fights against our Flame Empire!"

"This guy is really whimsical, and he wants to tear the wings of the black-winged tiger. He is really pretending to be in the sky. Now you know how powerful it is!"


The emperor of the Flame Empire also had a bright smile on his face, and even waved his fist heavily to vent: "What! I finally got rid of this bastard, what a joy!"

At this moment, a group of black shadows leaped out from the deep pit at the bottom of the cave.

Boom!The black shadow stepped heavily on the ground, and when everyone saw the situation clearly, they were all dumbfounded.

At this time, Qin Shan was pulling the huge body of the black-winged tiger with one hand, and holding its broken wing with the other. Blood was gushing out from the broken part of the black-winged tiger's wing.

Although Qin Shan looked a little embarrassed, he didn't seem to have suffered much damage. On the contrary, the black-winged tiger was dying at this time.

"This guy's body is really a bit hard, and it took me so much strength to tear it off, and now you are flying with me!" Qin Shan threw away the broken wing in his hand, and said to the black-winged tiger with disdain .

"Roar!" The black-winged tiger roared at Qin Shan, as if it was venting its anger towards Qin Shan.

Qin Shan sneered, jumped onto the back of the black-winged tiger again, and pulled its other wing vigorously.

With a click, the other wing of the black-winged tiger also broke off directly.

"Roar!" The black-winged tiger screamed, turning its head and spraying countless wind blades at Qin Shan.

Qin Shan instantly took out the Golden Dragon Excalibur in his hand, and aimed the sword at the head of the black-winged tiger.

With a puff, the Golden Dragon Excalibur instantly sank into the head of the Black-winged Tiger.

The black-winged tiger's eyes widened suddenly, a large amount of blood poured out of its mouth, and its body fell heavily to the ground. With a bang, the black-winged tiger died completely.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and they didn't expect such a result at all.

The roar of the black-winged tiger that was heard just now turned out to be the scream of having its wings ripped off.

To tear off the black-winged tiger's wings with bare hands is too terrifying for him!
The emperor of the Raging Flame Empire dropped his jaw in shock, the army of the Raging Flame Empire also dropped their jaws in shock, and the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty were also dumbfounded.

"Congratulations to the host for killing the black-winged tiger and getting a big red envelope."

"Turn on."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the red envelope and gaining 100 million experience points and three psychic missiles."

"Congratulations to the upgrade of the host level. After the upgrade, the level has reached the third rank of Wu Zun."

Hearing the system prompt in his mind, Qin Shan's body was instantly filled with strength. After killing the black-winged tiger, his level increased by one level. was suppressed as well.

But now that the black-winged tiger has been killed, only another person in the Wuzun realm is left, Qin Shan is now easy.

Although the other two Wu Zunjing masters were shocked by Qin Shan's strength, they didn't have time to think too much now. After a short moment of daze, the two flashed towards Qin Shan at the same time, trying to kill Qin Shan with one blow.

However, a cold light flashed in Qin Shan's eyes, and his body instantly disappeared in place.

The attack of the two people directly failed, and their eyes were full of horror.

"How is this possible! His speed is faster than before, and it's faster than just a little bit. Could it be that he has been hiding his strength just now?" The two were shocked. They had a lot of time fighting Qin Shan just now. At this moment, Qin Shan is obviously much stronger than before.

When the two were shocked, Qin Shan suddenly appeared behind one of them, stabbing with the Golden Dragon Excalibur in his hand instantly.

With a muffled sound, the Golden Dragon Excalibur instantly passed through the heart of this Wu Zun.

Without waiting for the other person to think, Qin Shan drew out the Excalibur and dodged it directly at the other person.

"Don't be too arrogant, let me die!" The other person was obviously angry, and swung the big knife in his hand to slash at Qin Shan.

Rumbling... The majestic saber energy seemed to blow an eighteenth-level gale, and the dust in a radius of [-] meters was blown up.

"The golden dragon roars!"


Qin Shan condensed his true energy into the divine sword, and aimed at that person with a sword.

A giant dragon of true energy bombarded away with a roaring sound, and with a bang, the golden dragon instantly dispersed the saber energy, and then continued to rush towards that Martial Lord.

"No..." The Martial Venerable's complexion changed drastically, but unfortunately it was too late to dodge, the Golden Dragon of True Qi swallowed him instantly, and then brought him heavily to the defensive shield of the imperial capital of the Flame Empire behind.


The vast power exploded directly, and the body of Wu Zun was instantly wiped out, and a large pit tens of meters wide was directly blasted out on the ground. The entire defensive shield trembled violently, and even the army of the Raging Flame Empire inside the shield could clearly feel it. .

"Okay... what a terrifying power, Emperor Sheng is so powerful, it's beyond description!"

"The black-winged tiger and the two Martial Masters have all been killed, it's over! It's over! Our Lie Yan Empire can no longer stop Qin Shan's footsteps!"

The emperor of the Lie Yan Empire also had an unbelievable expression on his face, speechless in horror.

At this time, Qin Shan shouted to the army of the Lie Yan Empire: "I'll give you another chance, if you don't surrender, you will all die here!"

Hearing Qin Shan's words, the Emperor of the Lie Yan Empire came to his senses. Although Qin Shan had shocked him too much, it was definitely impossible for him to surrender like this.He has already notified other countries in Western Continent to come to support, and now the reinforcements are probably almost here, so we must hold on until the reinforcements arrive.

"It is impossible for our Raging Flame Empire to surrender, absolutely impossible!" the Emperor of Raging Flame Empire roared.

Qin Shan didn't talk nonsense, and shouted to the army behind him: "Everyone retreat!!!"

Hearing Qin Shan's words, both the army of the Shengtian Dynasty and the army of the Kuangwu Kingdom were all stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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