Chapter 417 Fox Moon

The monsters and beasts seldom interact with humans, so when Qin Shan came, these fox-humans seemed strange.

Of course, the eyes of most fox people are full of hostility. After all, humans and monsters have not been able to live in peace since ancient times.

At this time, the leader of the fox clan, an old and old fox girl, came over.

"Yixuan, why did you suddenly bring back a few humans when you went out on patrol? Who are they, and why did they appear in our fox clan's territory?" asked the leader of the fox clan with a serious face.

"Boss, the three of them entered our territory unintentionally. It happened that we were intercepted by the werewolf tribe. With our strength, we must have suffered heavy losses, but the appearance of these three people solved our predicament. This Mr. Qin alone Eliminate all those hundreds of werewolves, and to express my gratitude, I specially invited them to be our guests!" The leader of the fox tribe said seriously.

Hearing that Qin Shan had killed hundreds of werewolves by himself, all the fox people present were surprised.

"It's too powerful to kill hundreds of werewolves by one person! Even the most powerful fighter of our fox tribe doesn't have this kind of strength. Maybe the tiger tribe and leopard tribe have this kind of strength."

"It's impossible for one person to kill hundreds of werewolf warriors, right? Humans are naturally weak, and it's impossible to compare with natural warriors like werewolves."

"I have never seen anyone who can kill hundreds of werewolf warriors alone."


All the fox people were surprised, only their leader didn't make too much trouble, after all, he was an older leader who had seen countless great worlds.It is not uncommon for a master who has seen countless human beings to kill hundreds of werewolves.

However, being able to kill hundreds of werewolves by one person is already very, very powerful, and the leader of the fox tribe naturally admires it from the bottom of his heart.

"It turned out to be a strong human being, Mr. Qin. On behalf of the fox tribe, I thank you for your rescue." The leader of the fox tribe bowed slightly to thank Qin Shan.

"You're welcome. In fact, I didn't help. It's just that the werewolves didn't know how to provoke them. I just wanted to fight back." Qin Shan waved his hand and smiled.

"In any case, it's true that you helped our fox people. Mr. Qin, you are our fox people's benefactor and guest. I will entertain you with the best things from the fox people. This way please!" The leader said solemnly.

"Thank you, leader, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient!" Qin Shan cupped his hands and said.

The fox people are friendly to him, so he naturally won't refuse, and if he wants to find the second key of the seal now, he naturally needs information from the monster beast clan, and the fox people are a good breakthrough.

Qin Shan was about to follow the leader into the house when he suddenly felt a dangerous aura behind him.

He turned his head and saw an angry fox woman came over with a spear in her hand.

"Human, go die!!!"

That fox woman was hot and sexy, and she was beautiful, but at this moment her face was full of anger, as if she had a deep hatred for Qin Shan.

"Fox Yue'er, don't be impulsive, stop!" The fox-human warriors next to him were all shocked. They wanted to stop them, but there was no time to stop them.

The spear reached Qin Shan's face in the blink of an eye.

Just when all the fox people thought that Qin Shan was about to be killed, Qin Shan suddenly raised his right hand and clamped the spear with two fingers.

With a loud bang, the ground trembled violently. This fox woman was quite strong. According to the human realm, she had already reached the realm of Martial Emperor, but she did not pose any threat to Qin Shan.

"Who are you? It seems that you and I don't have any deep hatred?!" Qin Shan didn't kill her directly. After all, she was a fox-human, so it's not easy to do it here. At the same time, he was puzzled why this woman was so angry.

The fox people next to them were all shocked.

Hu Yue'er's attack was clamped between two fingers, it's amazing!
"You humans are all bad guys, I'm going to kill you, kill you!" Hu Yue'er roared angrily, preparing to continue attacking Qin Shan.

Seeing this, the fox people next to him quickly hugged Hu Yue'er.

"What are you doing? Let me go! He is a human being. Human beings killed my parents. They are all bad people. Why do you stop me!!!" Hu Yue'er struggled and shouted.

The leader of the fox tribe explained to Qin Shan helplessly: "Mr. Qin, please forgive me. Hu Yue'er is also a poor child. Not long ago, she saw her parents killed by humans, so she hates humans very much."

"Oh, I can understand." Knowing the reason why Hu Yue'er killed himself suddenly, Qin Shan can certainly understand that the hatred of killing his father is irreconcilable. Hu Yue'er is now in a state of hatred and rage, and naturally hates the entire human race .

"Don't worry, Mr. Qin, I won't let Yue'er hurt you."

Afterwards, the leader led Qin Shan into the house.

"You actually entertained humans. Humans are despicable. You are still not the fox clan. Have you forgotten that humans slaughtered our monster beast clan? You are all bastards!!!" Hu Yueer roared in grief and indignation when she saw this scene.

"Yue'er, human beings are divided into good and bad, that Mr. Qin saved us." The captain next to him explained.

"Save people? They must be plotting something wrong, I don't believe in human beings, I don't believe it!!" Hu Yueer roared angrily.

Saying that, Hu Yue'er turned and left angrily.

"Yue'er... oh..."

Everyone sighed for a while, it was really hard for their parents to be killed, and the other fox people didn't know how to comfort them.

After entering the house, the leader of the fox tribe brought Qin Shan a table of fruits, vegetables and various snacks.

"Young Master Qin, the food of our fox tribe is no better than that of human beings, so please forgive me for being negligent." The leader said with a smile on his face.

"It's okay, I don't care about food." Qin Shan picked up an apple and started to nibble.

The leader nodded, and then asked seriously: "Young Master Qin, I don't know why you came to the Monster Beast Clan's territory?"

Although Qin Shan helped the fox tribe, the leader did not let down his vigilance against Qin Shan. She had seen too many cunning humans, so she still needed to know Qin Shan's purpose.

Qin Shan had nothing to hide, and said honestly: "Actually, we encountered a powerful enemy and accidentally came to the Hengduan Mountains. In addition, I still have a very important matter to do in the territory of the monster tribe."

"I don't know what is it?" asked the leader.

"To be honest, I need to find one of the keys to seal the dark demon. According to information, it is in the territory of the monster beast clan. You are the leader of the fox clan. You should have a clue." Qin Shan said bluntly.

Hearing Qin Shan's words, the fox-human warriors in the house instantly aimed their weapons at Qin Shan, with angry expressions on their faces.

Qin Shan was taken aback by the fox-human's reaction, and asked blankly, "What does this mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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