Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 424 The King of Beasts

Chapter 424 The King of Beasts
Qin Shan's easy defeat of the Tiger Clan captain shocked everyone, especially the Tiger Clan fighters, who couldn't believe their eyes.

The captain of the Tiger Clan was considered an elite fighter among the entire Tiger Clan, and now he was easily defeated by a human, how could this not shock them.

"Good... so terrifying strength! He defeated the captain so easily. It's unbelievable why a seemingly weak human has such huge power!"

"That human doesn't seem to have the aura of a strong man at all, why can he defeat the captain?"

"It feels like that human didn't use all his strength at all, and defeated the captain so easily, it's unbelievable!"


When the Hu Clan was shocked, Hu Yueer was also dumbfounded,

"I didn't expect him to be so strong, are all human beings so strong?" Hu Yue'er said in surprise.

The leader of the Fox Clan shook his head and said: "Don't underestimate that humans are not as strong as the Monster Beast Clan. In fact, their strong men are also very powerful. It's just that I didn't expect Mr. Qin to be so tyrannical at such a young age. It's really surprising. Yue'er, you He kept saying revenge, if he wants to kill you, he can kill a single finger!"

Hu Yue'er said with a face of shame: "Boss, I now know that I was wrong."

At this moment, a tall and mighty tiger head came over with a group of tiger people.

"It's Lord Tiger King!" The Tiger Clan fighters became excited one by one.

"Lord Tiger King, that human wants to forcibly invade the territory of our Tiger Clan, the captain has already been defeated by him, he is too strong!" the Tiger Clan warrior ran up to the Tiger King and said excitedly.

"Beastmaster, he is the human I mentioned before. He didn't force himself, he came with us." The leader of the fox clan explained.

The Tiger King glanced at the Fox tribe, and then his eyes fell on Qin Shan. His pair of piercing tiger eyes exuded a majestic look.

Although he didn't speak, he exuded an aura of calmness and prestige, and the surrounding Tiger Clan members were overwhelmed one by one.

Boom, boom, boom... Not only were everyone out of breath, but even the ground trembled violently.

The tiger king's aura was aimed at Qin Shan, but the people around him were pinned down, which shows how powerful Qin Shan has endured.

However, what surprised everyone was that Qin Shan stood motionless, and even had a relaxed expression on his face, as if the tiger king's aura was nothing to him at all.

At this moment, Qin Shan's eyes widened suddenly, and a huge aura also erupted.

Boom!A huge gully suddenly appeared on the ground between Tiger King and Qin Shan, shaking all the people around to the ground.

The momentum was broken, and the Tiger King narrowed his eyes immediately, "No wonder you can easily defeat our Tiger Clan Captain. This strength is also outstanding among human beings. I heard that you have information about the Dark Demon, so please!"

"Please!" Qin Shan smiled slightly, and followed the Tiger King directly into the territory of the Tiger Clan.

After Qin Shan and the Fox Clan entered the territory, all the Tiger Clan fighters present were stunned.

"My beast god! It's incredible that that human being doesn't belong to Lord Tiger King in terms of aura at all! Such a thin human being has such a powerful fighting power, it's simply terrifying!"


"Human beings, you should know that this king convened this meeting of the entire monster clan to deal with the remnants of the dark demons. If your information is wrong, this king will never let you go lightly!" Said with a serious face.

"There is absolutely no mistake. The organization of the Dark Demon Remnant is now called 'Mie Tian', and its members are all experts. Perhaps your monster clan also has members among them. They have been preparing for thousands of years, and it is estimated that they have arrived now." In the final stage, they are currently looking for the key to unlock the seal of the dark demon, there are two keys, and one of them is in the territory of the monster clan!"

"This king knows that there are three possible locations. One is the statue of the demon god. Once it comes out, it is the core of the demon god mountain. The other is in the king's scepter. The statue has been taken away by them, but there is nothing in the statue of the demon god. There are no keys, there are only two places left, are you sure you will be in one of these two places?"

Qin Shan shrugged and said, "I'm not sure about this either, this is the information I heard from Mie Tian."

The Tiger King frowned immediately, and said with a serious face: "For the information you're not sure about, this king convened a meeting of all monster and beast clans, do you think it's worth it?"

"It's worth it, why isn't it worth it? Even if the key is no longer in those two places, Mietian is still a huge threat. It needs the unity of the entire monster beast clan to deal with it. They captured your monster god statue under siege. Don't you think you can fight alone? Did you win Mietian?" Qin Shan asked with interest.

The Tiger King frowned immediately, thought for a while and said: "Although I was not there at the time, they were indeed powerful. They captured the statue without any injuries, and caused heavy losses to the allied forces of the Monster Beast Clan. They are indeed quite dangerous. "

"That's enough. Compared with humans, your monster clan is more united. It is a huge force to deal with Mietian. On the human side, there are already many countries under Mietian's control. The situation is not optimistic. Once If Mie Tian really makes a big move, all races in the entire Dragon Soul Continent will be in danger."

"This king trusts you for the time being!"

Afterwards, the Tiger King brought Qin Shan and the Fox Clan to the meeting place, where all the high-level leaders of other races were also gathered here.

When Qin Shan and his party arrived here, the members of the wolf clan came directly in front of them.

"Leader of the fox tribe, hundreds of brothers of our wolf tribe were murdered by a human today, hand over that human being wisely, otherwise this king will not let it go!" The leader of the wolf tribe, the wolf king, said coldly. Looking at the leader of the fox clan, he said.

"Wolf King, you have to figure it out, it's your people who want to attack our fox clan, and your people are the ones to blame, and the villain is still here to sue first, you think I will give in!" The leader of the fox clan was not afraid at all.

The Wolf King glanced at Qin Shan, squinted his eyes and said, "It should be this human being. Hurry up and hand him over to us, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"You hateful wolves, this is the territory of the tigers, do you want to fight here?!" Hu Yueer shouted angrily.

"Our monster clan has always used force to solve things, I think our king of beasts will understand." The wolf king said disapprovingly.

"I like solving things by force. I did kill your people. Let's solve it now!" Qin Shan said with a smile, clenched his fists.

"Stinky boy! You are so arrogant, let me kill him!" The wolf king was furious and shouted at his subordinates.

"Stop this king!!" At this moment, Tiger King's majestic voice sounded, and the scene was instantly quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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