Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 429 The Shocking Battle

Chapter 429 The Shocking Battle
It was Qin Shan who took the shot to stop him, who saved King Tiger when he was about to be killed.

The Tiger King and the Holy Envoy were quite surprised, and they all looked at Qin Shan in surprise.

Especially the Holy Envoy, his eyes were full of surprise, he thought Qin Shan had already been killed, but now Qin Shan was standing in front of him safe and sound, it was almost like a joke.

"You're still alive?!" The envoy looked at Qin Shan in disbelief and said.

"It seems that you are quite surprised, didn't you expect it!" Qin Shan said with great interest.

The Holy Envoy's face turned cold. He felt that it was a shame that he failed to kill Qin Shan, a great shame, especially last time he used all his strength and still failed to kill Qin Shan. This is not a shame.

"Hmph! So what if you're alive, since you're standing here, you're doomed to die here today, it's just a matter of time!" the envoy sneered.

"That's not necessarily true." Qin Shan said with great interest.

The envoy curled his lips in disdain. He had already seen Qin Shan's strength, although it was indeed quite powerful, and could even force him to use his full strength.

However, the envoy didn't think Qin Shan was his opponent, he almost killed Qin Shan last time, this time he wanted to crush Qin Shan to death completely.

"Boy, this guy is very powerful, you have to be careful!" Tiger King reminded Qin Shan while clutching his aching chest.

Qin Shan said with interest: "Of course I know. I have fought against this guy before, and I know his strength very well. I almost died in his hands last time. This time I will kill him!"

"Hmph! Arrogant guy, go to hell!"

The Holy Envoy was very upset, he flashed towards Qin Shan in an instant, and slashed at Qin Shan with a big sword of true energy.

At this time, Qin Shan stood motionless on the spot, and the envoy suddenly felt disdainful. This kid's strength is still the same, and he is not his opponent at all.

However, just when even a move was about to hit Qin Shan, a bright smile suddenly appeared on Qin Shan's face.

That's right, Qin Shan smiled, a weird smile.

The face of the saint changed greatly.

Why is this kid laughing?It is obvious that he can still laugh at such a time, is it his own illusion?

Just when the envoy didn't know why, Qin Shan suddenly raised his fist and punched the envoy.

When Qin Shan's fist collided with the holy envoy's broadsword, there was a bang, and a majestic force burst out.

The mountain with a radius of hundreds of meters shook violently, and the body of the holy envoy retreated involuntarily, only to stop after breaking dozens of trees.

When the envoy stabilized his body, he looked at Qin Shan in shock.

"Your cultivation has improved so much. How did you do it? A few days ago, you couldn't resist my attack. In just a few days, you can already compete with me!"

Qin Shan shrugged and said disapprovingly: "It's been a few days, and many things can happen in a few days."

The Holy Envoy's face became even more gloomy. He thought Qin Shan was a huge threat before, but now it seems that he still underestimated Qin Shan.

He was not an opponent at all a few days ago, and he has made such rapid progress in just a few days. If he continues to kill innocents, he will be destroyed by this kid sooner or later.

"Boy, you are unexpected, completely beyond imagination, but today I must get rid of you, I will use the strongest strength to get rid of you!"

The Holy Envoy let out a roar, and the zhenqi all over his body burst out suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, he condensed into a huge zhenqi giant, holding a zhenqi sword, majestic and majestic.

Then, with a wave of the Holy Envoy's arm, the True Qi Giant directly slashed at Qin Shan.

Qin Shan threw the Tiger King beside him into the distance, and then dodged to the side.


The big sword of true energy cut off the top of the mountain in an instant, and the top of the mountain slowly slid down.

After Qin Shan dodged, the giant flashed in front of Qin Shan again, and the big knife in his hand slashed towards Qin Shan again.

Qin Shan held the Golden Dragon Excalibur to resist.

With a bang, the big knife took Qin Shan and slashed heavily on the mountain, and the mountain where Qin Shan was located was directly split by the knife.

Suddenly, the envoy's expression changed, because Qin Shan was pushing up the true qi saber in the giant's hand.

With a loud noise, the Zhenqi giant was shaken away by Qin Shan, took a few big steps back, and slammed into a big mountain, directly denting the mountain.

At this moment, everyone on the Demon God Mountain was dumbfounded.

"My God! This... what an awesome battle, it's unbelievable! It even split the mountain with ease!"

"This is the strength of a real strong man, it's terrifying, it's simply devastating!"

"It's no wonder Lord Tiger King is no match, his strength has reached incredible levels!"

"That Mietian man is formidable, and Mr. Qin is not easy. It's really a terrible battle!"

The Tiger King stared at Qin Shan and the Holy Envoy who were fighting not far away, frowned and said, "Everyone evacuate as soon as possible, the farther away the better, this place is no longer safe!"

Everyone had no doubts, and hurriedly followed Tiger King's command to evacuate from Yaoshen Mountain.

Although Hu Yue'er wanted to help, she knew that she couldn't help at this moment, so she could only watch from a distance, and then followed the large army to leave the place.


Boom boom boom!
At this time, Qin Shan and the Holy Envoy were in a white-hot stage, and the surrounding mountains suffered, and they were beaten everywhere with holes.

"Qin Shan, die to me! Slash the ground!"

The envoy shouted angrily, and the Zhenqi giant raised his sword with both hands, and slashed at Qin Shan.

With a buzzing sound, a [-]-meter-wide saber air bombarded Qin Shan.

Rumbling... The saber air flew against the ground, directly creating a long gully in the ground.

Qin Shan dodged the attack in an instant, and the saber energy directly hit the mountain behind Qin Shan.


With a loud noise, the mountain behind Qin Shan instantly split into two halves, and then collapsed.

"Die!" A cold light flashed in the Holy Envoy's eyes, and he squeezed his palm violently.

The shattered mountain was suddenly engulfed by a huge pulling force, and Qin Shan had almost no time to react.

A huge mountain of boulders wraps Qinshan Mountain into a huge stone ball.

Immediately afterwards, the zhenqi giant flashed in front of the stone ball, and the zhenqi sword in his hand instantly turned into a huge hammer, and then hit the big stone ball heavily.

Under the huge impact force, the stone ball was hammered heavily to the ground.


A loud roar sounded, and the ground within a radius of several miles collapsed. It seemed that a serious earthquake had occurred on the ground. Several surrounding mountains were directly cracked, and countless boulders fell off.

The tiger warriors who had been evacuated several miles away and the high-level officials of various tribes all looked shocked.

Except for a few leaders of the Monster Beast Clan, most of them have seen such a shocking battle for the first time. Although they can't move mountains and seas, they can already cut mountains and rivers, and the effect is shocking enough.

(End of this chapter)

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