Chapter 431 Total War
Although Qin Shan had killed the envoy and his cultivation had reached the fifth rank of Martial Saint, the threat of Mietian still hadn't been eliminated, which made Qin Shan very worried.

After the leader of Mietian disappeared without a trace, Qin Shan came to the injured Tiger King and asked, "Tiger King, is there any problem?"

Tiger King shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's just a little hurt."

"Come on, it will feel better if you take this healing pill." Qin Shan threw a healing pill to Tiger King.

"Thank you." The Tiger King took the pill and swallowed it, then looked at Qin Shan with a serious face, "Young Master Qin, although you killed one of Mie Tian's strong men, it seems that they still have more powerful strong men , what should we do next?"

Qin Shan frowned slightly and said: "I don't know where Mietian's headquarters is yet, so I'm still in a passive defensive situation. The most important thing at the moment is unity. Not only unite the monster clan, but all races must unite as one, and We must also ensure that there are no spies from the Monster Beast Clan."

"Of course this king will ensure that the internal response of Mietian in the monster beast clan will be eliminated!" Tiger King nodded in response.

"In that case, then I have to go back and make some arrangements and keep in touch!" Qin Shan said with a serious face.

"No problem!" Tiger King nodded.

With that said, Qin Shan was about to leave directly.

Hu Yue'er asked with a look of reluctance: "Young Master Qin, can we still meet?"

"Of course, there are many opportunities to meet! We will meet again soon, but there are more important things to deal with now, you should understand." Qin Shan looked at Hu Yue'er and said.

"Well, I understand. I'm just a little bit reluctant. Don't worry, Mr. Qin, I will definitely become stronger with my own efforts next time!" Hu Yue'er said, biting her rosy lips.

"No problem, then I will wait for your assassination." Qin Shan said with great interest.

After finishing speaking, Qin Shan waved to Ran Shiyu and Song Yunxin, and then flew with the two female Yujian, and disappeared from the sight of the monster beast clan in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Qin Shan leave, the Tiger King said to everyone with a serious face: "Notify all races of the monster beast clan to enter the first-level combat readiness state!"



When the monsters and beasts entered the state of combat readiness, Qin Shan flew over the Hengduan Mountains at the fastest speed.

A few days later, Qin Shan finally crossed the Hengduan Mountains and entered the human territory.

When returning to the Shengtian Dynasty, Qin Shan saw many people migrating on a large scale along the way.

"Sir, this is the area of ​​Nanzhou, why are there so many people migrating in large areas, and they seem to be avoiding something." Song Yunxin asked puzzled.

"Go down and ask and you will know."

As he spoke, Qin Shan flew directly to the ground, stopped a few passers-by and asked, "Uncles and aunts, why did so many of you migrate on a large scale? What happened?"

"You don't even know? The emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty suddenly disappeared, and then many countries in Beizhou, Nanzhou, and Xizhou joined forces to deal with the Shengtian Dynasty and the countries that supported the Shengtian Dynasty. Now the Four Continents War has broken out, and almost all countries have died. Involved in the war!
Now there is no safe place in the countries of the four continents. The war has aroused the inferiority of human beings. Even where there is no war, evil is rampant. We ordinary people have to look for shelter everywhere.

Okay, stop talking, I'm worried that I'll be involved in something bad, so I have to get out of here quickly, take care of yourself! "

With that said, these people left here quickly.

Ran Shiyu looked at Qin Shan and said: "It must be that Mietian thought you were dead before, and deliberately gave the news to those countries that want to deal with you. These countries are planning to carve up the Shengtian Dynasty while you are away!"

"Why did Mietian provoke a war in the entire human world? What good is it for them?" Qin Shan looked serious.

At this time, Song Yunxin thought for a while and said, "Master, I suddenly thought of something, which was only briefly mentioned in the historical materials. It is said that the dark demon has a very powerful ability, which is to absorb all kinds of negative emotions, anger, fear, etc. , Violence...Anyway, the more negative emotions there are, the stronger the Dark Demon will be! And war is the easiest way to cause negative emotions, but it affects the entire human world, so one can imagine how much power the Dark Demon can gain from it!"

"Is there still such a thing?" Qin Shan's face became more serious, "The matter is getting more and more serious, and I have to go back to solve this matter!"

With that said, Qin Shan flew with the sword again, reaching the maximum speed.

A few days later, Qin Shan had reached the border of the Shengtian Dynasty.

Qin Shan saw from a distance that hundreds of thousands of troops were attacking the Shengtian Dynasty. At this time, they were fighting fiercely with the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty.

Qin Shan didn't say a word, he dodged directly into the enemy's camp, and the Golden Dragon Excalibur in his hand instantly slashed.

A majestic sword energy shot out.


The sword energy swept across the enemy army, and then exploded on the ground, cutting tens of thousands of people in half in an instant.

The sudden scene stunned everyone, tens of thousands of people were killed in just an instant, this is simply a monster.

"My God! What the hell is it? It killed tens of thousands of us in an instant. It's so terrifying!"

"What a terrifying power, it's unimaginable!"

"Who is so powerful?"

"The enemy army was killed tens of thousands of people in an instant. It was a sword energy. It looked so shocking. What's going on? Who is helping us?"


Just when everyone was wondering, Qin Shan slashed at the enemy again.


It was another violent sword energy, and tens of thousands of people were killed again.

The enemy finally woke up at this time.

"Run! Run away quickly! Otherwise, all of us will be killed! It's terrible!" The enemy soldiers were terrified, and all retreated in horror.

Qin Shan didn't give them a chance to escape, and once again slashed at the enemy a few times, consuming a large wave of enemies again.

At this time, the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty saw Qin Shan and screamed excitedly.

"That''s His Majesty! That's right, His Majesty is back. His Majesty is not dead at all. The news is false. His Majesty is safe and sound, and even stronger than before!"

"Your Majesty is mighty, long live your majesty, long live, long live!"

"Hahaha... His Majesty has returned, and now it's our Shengtian Dynasty's turn to fight back!"

The appearance of Qin Shan boosted the morale of the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty. They went straight out and chased the enemy behind. Only a small half of the hundreds of thousands of enemy soldiers escaped under the pursuit of the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty. , all others were eliminated.

"Long live Your Majesty, long live Your Majesty!"

After the victory, the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty raised their arms and shouted to welcome Qin Shan's return.

(End of this chapter)

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