Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 44 Unbelievable Luck

Chapter 44 Unbelievable Luck
After Ye Tian announced the start of the competition, Xiong Neng jumped out instantly. In his eyes, Qin Shan was the stepping stone for him to reach the peak. As long as Qin Shan was abolished, the future would be bright.

Seeing Xiong Neng's crazy eyes, Qin Shan was a little puzzled, did this guy take the wrong medicine? He looked at himself like a hungry wolf seeing food.

Just when Xiong Neng was about to rush in front of Qin Shan, all the true energy in his body was concentrated in his fist, and he blasted towards Qin Shan's head.

Elder Ye Tian below the ring frowned suddenly, obviously he noticed something strange.

"Elder Ye, Xiong Neng looks like he is going to kill him!" Song Yunxin also saw some clues and said worriedly.

"Let's see first, maybe he is eager to win." Ye Tian said.

When Xiong was able to make a move, Qin Shan stood there without moving, and the disciples below the ring all unconsciously shook their heads. From their point of view, Qin Shan had already lost.

"Brat, I didn't expect you to be so weak. You couldn't react to Xiong Neng's attack at all. It seems that you were overestimated before. Hmph, since you are so weak, let's try the one that will be abolished next time." Taste it!" Liu Qingfeng thought contemptuously.

Suddenly, the eyes of Qin Shan, who was motionless, lit up, and he saw a red envelope appearing under his feet.

Without even thinking about it, Qin Shan squatted down and poked the red envelope. It happened that Xiong Neng's fist brushed Qin Shan's hair and missed. Since Xiong Neng was eager to destroy Qin Shan, his strength was very strong, and this sudden punch directly caused his body to lose weight. Losing his balance, it happened that Xiong Neng's foot hit Qin Shan's leg again.

Immediately afterwards, Xiong Neng's body completely lost its strength and fell heavily to the bottom of the ring.

Because Qin Shan squatted down so suddenly, Xiong Neng was still in a dazed state, so that he hadn't reacted when he fell into the ring.

With a bang, Xiong Neng's head hit the ground, and his teeth hit the ground heavily. Several bloody teeth drew beautiful arcs in the air, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Ouch! It hurts..." Xiong Neng rolled on the ground with his mouth in pain.

Seeing this scene, the people around the arena were all dumbfounded.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the red envelope and gaining experience of 10000."

"Well, it turned out to be a [-] experience red envelope, which is not bad. I picked up so much experience for nothing. By the way, where is that wolf-like guy?"

After opening the red envelope, Qin Shan got [-] experience points. He was very happy, but when he realized that he was still in the martial arts competition, he found that his opponent had disappeared in front of his eyes. When he looked back, he saw Xiong Neng holding his bloody mouth in front of him. Weeping and howling on the ground.

"Huh? Why did you fall off the ring and fall like this?!" Qin Shan looked at Xiong Neng in surprise and asked.

The people around the ring were speechless for a while, I am stupid, it is not thanks to you that others fell like this.

"I declare that Qin Shan wins this competition." Ye Tian also felt speechless about this situation. It was definitely the first time he saw that he won by luck, but luck is also a part of strength, so he couldn't say anything. .

After everyone heard Ye Tian announce that Qin Shan had won, they finally came to their senses.

"Fuck! This is too awesome, the eldest prince squatted down suddenly like this, and Xiong Neng fell off the ring directly. This luck is too bad!"

"Did I think that the eldest prince would definitely be defeated, but I didn't expect that Xiong could convulse and fall badly by himself, it almost slapped me in the face."

"I can only use one sentence to describe my current mood, pull a wall, is that okay?!"


For Qin Shan's way of winning, everyone was shocked and speechless. It was really unlucky and unstoppable.

At this moment, Liu Qingfeng's eyes were staring furiously, and he couldn't believe his own eyes. He gritted his teeth angrily and said to himself: "Draft! This guy Xiong Neng is such a waste. It's a shame to fall off the ring by himself! This Qin Shan The brat is so lucky to win in this way, he's paralyzed! It's so frustrating, no, I must abolish him in the next round!"

Qin Shan went up to the ring in a daze just now, but now he came down in a daze again.

"Your Highness, congratulations on your victory, you have advanced to the next round, and you are one step closer to being a genius disciple." Song Yunxin congratulated Qin Shan with a smile on her face.

Qin Shan waved his hand and said, "It's just a trivial matter, but thank you for your congratulations."

"It's really shit luck." Liu Qingfeng passed by, pursing his lips and said disdainfully.

Qin Shan glanced at Liu Qingfeng, and then at Xiong Neng who was lying on the ground rolling, seemingly thinking of something.

"Crap! Now I finally understand that the way that bear can look at me must have something to do with this Liu Qingfeng. It seems that this guy wants to use martial arts to deal with me. Heh heh, it's a pity that this guy has a good plan, but he beat me It's on the plate."

Qin Shan, who came to understand, knew that Liu Qingfeng was playing tricks behind his back, but he didn't take it seriously. In his eyes, Liu Qingfeng was just a jumping grasshopper and nothing to be afraid of.

At the end of the first round, fifty people entered the second round of elimination.

However, this second round of elimination is different from the first round of competition. Instead, fifty people are in the same arena, attacking each other until the three strongest remaining are genius disciples.

For the sake of fairness, after the first round, you have to rest for half an hour to recover your strength. After all, some people compete first and others compete later.

During the break, Liu Qingfeng called the disciples who participated in the second round to a hidden place. As for what they talked about, it was nothing more than dealing with Qin Shan.

Qin Shan naturally also noticed Liu Qingfeng's little move, he didn't say anything, even if the other 49 people joined forces, he wasn't afraid.

Half an hour later, the second round of assessment officially began.

After Elder Ye Tian announced the official start, five or six people directly surrounded Qin Shan on the edge of the ring.

"Your Royal Highness, it is said that you have comprehended the god-level martial arts. Today we brothers want to see how powerful you are. Please forgive me if I offend you!" said the leader, a strong man with a heavy back and a big knife.

"Liu Qingfeng asked you to come?" Qin Shan asked lightly.

"No, we just want to see how powerful His Highness is. Could it be that His Highness is afraid?" the brawny man asked with interest.

"Afraid? I don't have the word "fear" in my dictionary, but you guys are not qualified to see how powerful I am." Qin Shan pouted and said disdainfully.

"A good-for-nothing who couldn't cultivate since childhood is so arrogant. If you don't have the status of a prince, you are nothing at all. Is it really amazing to have awakened a god-level martial art? In fact, you are still just a good-for-nothing now!" The strong man looked disdainful Said.

(End of this chapter)

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