Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 55 You have no chance

Chapter 55 You have no chance
Qin Shan followed Liu Qingfeng to the best tavern in Endless City, and Liu Qingfeng specially arranged for Qin Shan in a small private room.

"Xiao Er, bring the best food and drinks here. I want to entertain His Highness the First Prince well. By the way, I will find some beautiful girls to accompany His Highness. Remember, they must be beautiful." Liu Qingfeng turned to the private room Xiao Er Said.

Qin Shan glanced at Daji, who was beside her, then shook his head and said, "Young lady, forget it, I already have a stunning beauty by my side, so I don't need other girls."

"Your Highness is right, the beauties around you are unmatched, so don't call me Miss, Xiaoer, and go serve the food and drinks right away." Liu Qingfeng glanced at Daji, a silver light flashed in his eyes, but he concealed it well and forcibly pressed down.

Although Liu Qingfeng concealed it well, Qin Shan saw it.

"This kid has an impure mind, so I don't think he can apologize so earnestly. Obviously, this guy must be planning something wrong, but I don't know what he wants to play now. Well, since you want to play, let's play with you." .” Qin Shan thought silently in his heart.

Qin Shan can now be sure that Liu Qingfeng will not apologize honestly. This guy must be playing tricks, but he did not expose it, but waited for Liu Qingfeng to make a move. Anyway, Qin Shan didn't take Liu Qingfeng seriously, even if he was playing tricks, he would not afraid.

The food and wine came up quickly, a large table full of food, delicious in color, fragrance, and appetizing.

"Junior Brother Qin, come here, I respect you, please don't take to heart the things that I offended you in the past." Liu Qingfeng toasted Qin Shan with a large bowl of wine.

"My emperor is not that stingy yet, so it's not worth keeping in mind." Qin Shan said with a smile.

Liu Qingfeng thought that Qin Shan didn't care about it, but he didn't know that Qin Shan didn't take him seriously at all, so how could he keep these small things in his heart, Liu Qingfeng didn't have that qualification yet.

"Thank you for your understanding, Your Highness, I will do it first as a respect!" Liu Qingfeng drank a bowl as he spoke.

After finishing a bowl, Liu Qingfeng continued, and Qin Shan didn't stay idle either. He ate and drank at the same time. Anyway, it was free, and he didn't eat for nothing.

After eating for about half an hour, Daji ate heartily, leaned comfortably on Qin Shan's shoulder and said, "Master, this food is so delicious, Daji has eaten it all, and wants to sleep."

At this time, Qin Shan saw sleepiness appearing on Daji's face, his eyes were full of haze, and his spirit seemed depressed.

At this time, Qin Shan finally realized something.

What!There is poison in the food and wine, not a serious poison, but a drug, but why am I not poisoned?

Suddenly, Qin Shan realized that he had opened the red envelope before and gained a body that is invulnerable to all poisons. How could this little drug faint him.

But no matter what we say, we have to cooperate with Liu Qingfeng's performance to see what the hell he wants to play.

"You little girl is really sleepy, you sleep when you're full, you little slob." Qin Shan hugged Daji in his arms, and suddenly, he covered his head with a confused expression, "I'm sleepy no matter what!"

After speaking, Qin Shan lay down on the table directly.

Seeing this scene, Liu Qingfeng beside him had a smile on his face, then gently pushed Qin Shan's shoulder and shouted: "Junior Brother Qin, Junior Brother Qin!"

Qin Shan didn't respond at all.

At this time, Liu Qingfeng thought that Qin Shan had completely fainted, and immediately smiled and said: "Hehe, aren't you awesome? Didn't you get fainted by Lao Tzu, then I will show you some color, you all come in! "

As he said that, five or six big men walked into the private room outside the door.

Liu Qingfeng said to the big men: "You move this kid to a place where no one is around. Remember, you must keep it hidden and don't let anyone know about it!"


When several strong men were about to move Qin Shan, Liu Qingfeng rubbed his hands and said wretchedly: "Although Qin Feng is a waste, the woman next to him is really beautiful. I want this woman, hahaha..."

Liu Qingfeng was about to hug Daji, when he stretched out his hand, Qin Shan's palm grabbed Liu Qingfeng's arm.

"Liu Qingfeng, you are so courageous, you even dare to attack the emperor, you don't want to live anymore, do you?" Qin Shan looked up at Liu Qingfeng and said coldly.

Liu Qingfeng's complexion changed drastically, and he said incredulously: "You are clearly in a coma, why are you awake, this... how is this possible!"

"Hehe, you want to deal with the emperor with your little means, and you don't know what to do. Tell me, what do you want to do next?" Qin Shan asked lightly.

Fear flashed in Liu Qingfeng's eyes. If he didn't kill Qin Shan this time, he would definitely be killed by Qin Shan, and he must not be allowed to leave here.

"Quick, kill him, kill him at all costs!" Liu Qingfeng shouted at the strong men, then pulled out the sword around his waist with his other hand, and instantly slashed at Qin Shan.

Liu Qingfeng's cultivation has reached the seventh rank of a martial artist, and he is considered a genius of the younger generation, but it is nothing to Qin Shan.

Qin Shan instantly took out the psionic gun and shot Liu Qingfeng in the arm.

With a loud bang, bloody arrows flew out of Liu Qingfeng's arm.

"Ah... what kind of attack is this, it's so fast!" Liu Qingfeng howled while clutching his pierced arm in pain.

Peng!Qin Shan shot Liu Qingfeng's thigh again, piercing through the thigh again.

Several other strong men were ready to come to help, and Qin Shan shot them several times.

Bang bang bang... Five or six strong men all fell to the ground.

"Well, this thing works really well." Qin Shan shook the psionic gun in his hand and said with satisfaction.

Liu Qingfeng was lying on the ground in pain, his arms and thighs were crippled, he didn't even have the strength to stand up now, so he could only look at Qin Shan in horror.

"His... Your Highness, please forgive me, I... I know I was wrong, don't kill me, I was wrong!" Liu Qingfeng lay on the ground and begged Qin Shan for mercy.

"You have been given a chance, but it's a pity that you don't cherish it yourself. You want to fight with me, who makes you doubt your life!" Qin Shan pointed the psionic gun at Liu Qingfeng's head and said coldly.

Liu Qingfeng had seen the power of the Psionic Spear just now, and was terrified by Qin Shan holding his head.

"Your Highness, please give me another chance, I will definitely change it!"

"There is no chance, you are hopeless." Qin Shan continued, ready to shoot.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Qin Shan's mind. It's really meaningless to kill this kid like this. He must make him doubt his life.

"The emperor suddenly thought of a more suitable method to deal with you, which is better than death. Do you know what kind of elixir it is?" Qin Shan looked at Liu Qingfeng with a smile, and then took out the 'Ascension to Heaven Bliss Pill' from the system backpack and put it on. In front of Liu Qingfeng.

Liu Qingfeng looked bewildered.

"This is called Shengtian Bliss Pill. As the name suggests, you should know its function just by hearing the name. Now...hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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