Chapter 59
The day after Qin Shan returned to the imperial city, he went to court early.

When the emperor was still in the future, the second prince looked at Qin Shan and said with a smile on his face: "Brother Emperor, it is said that you have become a genius disciple of the Temple School by luck, congratulations!"

"Well, this emperor's luck is really against the sky, it's better than those garbage." Qin Shan said with a smile, although he didn't say who the garbage was, but the second prince sounded like he was mocking him.

The second prince's face was gloomy, and he didn't speak any more. He just thought viciously in his heart: "Bastard, this time the two countries' martial arts match is the moment when this emperor ascends the crown prince. You guys are just waiting to die in the two countries' martial arts match!"

"The Emperor is here!"

At this time, the emperor came to the court.

After arriving at the court hall, the emperor said directly: "It's not too long before we meet with the Golden Autumn Kingdom. This time, the Shengtian Dynasty must win. General Zhenxi, you are the number one general in the Shengtian Dynasty's army. Can we fight against the Golden Autumn Kingdom?"

"Your Majesty, the last general explained the situation yesterday. He is in poor health. I am afraid that even if he participates in the competition, he will lose miserably. I hope that your majesty can understand the last general!" General Zhenxi said respectfully, cupping his hands.

Hearing what General Zhenxi still said, the emperor immediately became angry, pointing at General Zhenxi and roaring: "Xie Jingze, you actually disobeyed my intentions, and you are afraid that you will offend your superiors?!"

"The last general dare not, the last general can participate in the martial arts meeting between the two countries, but even if you try your best, you will lose, so please think twice, if your majesty blames the subordinates, the subordinates can only disarm and return to the field to apologize." General Zhenxi knelt half-kneeling Come down and say forcefully.

"You...cough cough..." The emperor suddenly became angry, and wanted to explode directly, but a severe cough interrupted him, and it took him a while to recover, and then he took a elixir to get better.

At this time, Prime Minister He Shizhong stood up and said: "Your Majesty, since General Xie is in poor health, he will lose even if he participated in the martial arts competition. We don't have to embarrass General Xie too much. Besides, we have a lot of talents in the Shengtian Dynasty, so we need to find some experts." Dealing with Jin Qiuguo is not easy!"

"What the Prime Minister said is very true, father, the great general of the country protector, General He, can take on this important task, and now that the emperor's brother has awakened the god-level martial arts, even the emperor's brother can participate." The second prince also deliberately joined in the fun. It is to retreat to force the emperor.

"Senior minister!" The other ministers also shouted.

Seeing this scene, the emperor was really furious. The only chance for the Shengtian Dynasty to win is General Zhenxi. Now that this guy is threatening him in this way, the emperor wants to slap him to death, but he can't do that.

At this time, the corner of the second prince's mouth with his head buried showed a sinister smile.

Father, what should you do now?If you don't make me the prince, General Zhenxi will not participate in the martial arts competition, and the Shengtian Dynasty will definitely fail in the martial arts competition between the two countries.

Just when the emperor was in trouble, Qin Shan stood up and cupped his hands and said, "Father, our Shengtian Dynasty is indeed full of talents, and there are indeed many people who can take on this important task. Since General Zhenxi is sick, there is no need to make things difficult for him."

Hearing Qin Shan's words, the emperor was taken aback for a moment, he didn't understand why Qin Shan was joining in the fun at this time.

The second prince didn't understand either, he curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Brother, since you also agree that our Shengtian Dynasty is full of talents, why don't you come to participate in the martial arts meeting between the two countries, you must know that you have awakened the god-level martial arts, and said If you go out, you can scare Jin Qiuguo to death."

The second prince said this on purpose. He had an agreement with the third prince of the Jinqiu Kingdom, that is, try to let Qin Shan participate in the martial arts competition between the two countries, and then he can be killed in a legitimate manner.

Most of the people present thought that the second prince was deliberately mocking Qin Shan. The martial arts between the two countries have always selected the most powerful fighters in the army to participate. Most of them are masters who have practiced for many years and have rich experience in combat. They are even stronger than those who specialize in cultivation. Powerful, after all, most generals are said to be battle-tested, and the actual combat experience is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Just when everyone thought Qin Shan refused, suddenly, Qin Shan cupped his hands to the emperor and said: "Father, as the royal family of the Shengtian Dynasty, my sons and servants have the responsibility and obligation to win the two countries' martial arts. If General Zhenxi is ill, then Let him rest, and the emperor will hand over the matter to the minister, and the minister will select the people who will participate in the martial arts meeting between the two countries, and will go to battle in person!"

Hearing Qin Shan's words, all the ministers present and even the emperor's eyes widened in disbelief.

"My God! The eldest prince actually said that he would participate in the martial arts competition between the two countries. He must be joking!"

"Even the Great General Zhenxi of the third rank of the King of Martial Arts may not be able to win the martial arts competition between the two countries, not to mention the First Prince who has just awakened his martial arts. If he really participates in the martial arts competition, he will definitely lose."

"Also, there are usually five competitions in the martial arts competition between the two countries. The eldest prince has to choose masters to participate. Where did he get so many masters? Now he only has the great general who protects the country by his side. Even if he has the support of the great general who protects the country, he can win at most by one." What about the rest?"

"The eldest prince is getting more and more crazy now, so crazy that there is no limit!"


The ministers in the court chattered in astonishment. If the emperor was usually angry at such a noisy situation, but now that he was shocked by Qin Shan, he couldn't care less about other things.

"Shan'er, are you really joking what you just said?" the emperor asked.

"My son is not joking, but telling the truth." Qin Shan said seriously.

At this time, the second prince said contemptuously: "Brother, I agree with you to participate in the competition yourself. After all, there are four other competitions. Even if you lose, you still have a chance, but you are responsible for this matter. I don't know Brother Huang." Where did you get the confidence, and where did you find so many people?"

"You don't need to worry about this, the emperor knows it well." Qin Shan said lightly.

General Zhenxi Xie Jing also had a look of disdain, thinking that this trash Qin Shan is so courageous, he dared to take the initiative to take over this matter, is he courting death?

The Great General Ren Zhongjun came out quickly and said, "His Royal Highness, although this matter is of great importance, His Highness is too hasty. You should think it over before making a decision."

The emperor also nodded and said: "Shan'er, father can understand your feelings, but this matter is beyond your ability, so you still don't need to worry about it."

"Father, since the emperor wants to participate, let him participate. It's rare that he has such a heart. Anyway, there are four other competitions, and the father can choose someone else." The second prince naturally hoped that Qin Shan would participate, and said in a hurry.

"Father, my son is serious, I hope my father can leave the matter of the martial arts meeting between the two countries to my son to arrange!" Qin Shan said with a serious face.

"Brother Huang, you are too conceited. Such an important matter is entrusted to you to arrange. If you lose, can you afford it? If you lose, can you take responsibility?" The second prince said disdainfully.

"If you lose, it means that the emperor is not capable enough, and the emperor will withdraw from the competition for the crown prince forever!" Qin Shan said sonorously.

(End of this chapter)

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