Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 71 2 National Congress Wu Victory

Chapter 71
Seeing the first swordsman being cut off by a 40-meter broadsword, Sheng Wang, the third prince of Jinqiu Kingdom, instantly became an idiot.

"Damn it! I'm a big fool! What the hell is that thing in that trash's hand? It actually abolished our number one swordsman in the Golden Autumn Kingdom, and the last 40-meter broadsword, draft! Cheating, this is definitely him!" Cheating! You are cheating, this game is not counted at all! You did not win by your own strength at all, you won by cheating."

Sheng Wang was not reconciled, and yelled at Qin Shan angrily, he didn't believe it was true.

Qin Shan immediately said contemptuously: "Cheating? Is it cheating when you stipulate that using weapons? Did you raise any doubts before the competition? I won the competition with my ability. What qualifications do you have to say that you are cheating? Cool off!"

"You bastard! You won by cheating, but I don't admit it. This fight is not over yet!" Sheng Wang shouted angrily.

"You don't have to admit it, but you have to ask the Heavenly Dao for permission." Qin Shan said disdainfully, they had already signed the Heavenly Dao contract, and if they violated the promise, they would be punished by the heavens.

At this time, the sorcerer next to King Sheng reminded in a low voice: "His Royal Highness, the overall situation has been settled. We Jinqiu Kingdom lost. If His Royal Highness does not follow the contract, he will suffer terrible punishment from heaven. This is not a joke."

Sheng Wang calmed down instantly after being poured with cold water. Before that, he never thought that he would lose in the end, so he was very happy to sign a contract with Qin Shan. Unexpectedly, the contract became a restriction on him in the end. shackles.

Thinking of the punishment of God for breaking the promise, Sheng Wang's face became gloomy.

"Hahaha! Shan'er, you did a good job. You are worthy of being my good son. This time the two countries will fight together and our Shengtian Dynasty will win. King Sheng, do you have any objections?" The emperor laughed and said with a beaming smile.

King Sheng suppressed his unwillingness and anger, gritted his teeth and said, "This year's martial arts meeting between the two countries counts as good luck for you, and you will not have such luck in the future. Your Majesty, the two countries' martial arts meeting is over, and this king bids farewell!"

After speaking, King Sheng left with his men.

"Remember to cash in your bets, otherwise not only you, but you Jinqiu Kingdom will also suffer from heaven's punishment!" Qin Shan reminded loudly.

Hearing Qin Shan's humble words, King Sheng almost ran away.

When King Sheng left in anger, loud cheers erupted from the square.

"Haha! I won. This year's martial arts competition between the two countries was won by our Shengtian Dynasty, and it is due to His Royal Highness the First Prince."

"Unexpectedly, really unexpected, I thought that this martial arts meeting would definitely lose, but I didn't expect to be severely slapped in the face by the First Prince, but I like this slap in the face, the First Prince is amazing, he led us to victory in the Tian Dynasty of."

"The victory of the two countries' martial arts competition is really exciting. Not only have they won a lot of resources, but they have also won the eight cities of Fujun in the Golden Autumn Kingdom. The territory of our Shengtian Dynasty has once again expanded!"

"His Royal Highness is mighty and domineering, His Royal Highness is my idol!"


The whole square was filled with joy. At this moment, Qin Shan not only won the martial arts meeting between the two countries, but also captured the eight cities of Fujun in the Golden Autumn Kingdom. This is an achievement that the Shengtian Dynasty has not achieved for many years. What the prince brought, the hearts of the people have moved closer to Qin Shan.

As for the ministers in the court, they were all dumbfounded. After today's two countries' martial arts competition, they knew very well that the eldest prince would be reused, and the emperor also promised that as long as Qin Shan could win the two countries' martial arts competition, he would become the crown prince of the Shengtian Dynasty again.At this moment, they were terrified, sitting on the crown prince, they were only one step away from the emperor, if that day really came, these ministers who opposed Qin Shan would surely come to an end.

The second prince couldn't believe all of this, Qin Shan won, and even won the martial arts meeting between the two countries.

"Why did this happen, that trash won the two countries' martial arts! Everything was planned, but that trash can't survive today, how could he win? Damn it! Originally, that trash was destined to never recover, but the result is... There's no reason for that, ah..." The second prince roared crazily, wishing he could go up and strangle Qin Shan to death.

Even if the second prince thought about it with his ass, he would never have imagined such a result. He had already confirmed that Qin Shan did not have the strength to win the martial arts between the two countries. Coupled with the inexplicable weapon in Qin Shan's hands, everything made the second prince feel incredible.

"Your Highness the Second Prince, this is the end of the matter, please calm down. It may not be good if His Majesty hears your words. Since this time he has not been let into a catastrophe, we can only take a long-term view. Although he may ascend to the position of Prince, as long as he We still have a chance if we don’t ascend to the throne, after all, we have deposed him as the crown prince once, so we are naturally able to depose him again!” The Prime Minister He Shizhong next to him said with a serious face.

The second prince's eyes were cold, he clenched his fists tightly, and said through gritted teeth: "Damn it, it's really hateful! Don't be complacent, you trash, I won't let you groan for a long time, hmph!"

As he said that, the second prince left in displeasure, so he didn't bother to watch Qin Shan celebrate here.

Qin Shan was also very happy after winning the martial arts meeting between the two countries, because it meant that he had regained the throne of prince and was one step closer to the throne.

Looking at the cheering and respectful people in the square, Qin Shan said silently in his heart: "The position of the prince is about to be obtained, and the next step is to move towards the position of the emperor!"

No one knew that Qin Shan was already thinking about the throne before he sat on the throne.

But there is a good saying, a prince who doesn't want to be an emperor is not a good prince, Qin Shan thinks he is a very good prince.

After the martial arts match between the two countries, the emperor and ministers all returned to the court, and Qin Shan, a hero, was naturally not absent. If he won the martial arts match between the two countries, the emperor would definitely reward Qin Shan.

"The eldest prince accepts the seal!" The emperor sat on the dragon chair and shouted forcefully.

"My son is here!" Qin Shan bowed his hands respectfully.

"The Eldest Prince helped the Shengtian Dynasty to victory in the two countries' martial arts meeting with the Golden Autumn Kingdom, and captured the eight cities of Fu County in the Golden Autumn Kingdom. He has made great contributions. I will reward you a lot today! I will reward you with ten thousand taels of gold, one thousand acres of fertile land, and horses. One hundred heads, one hundred first-grade monster mounts, and restore the crown prince!"

The emperor's words made all the ministers look surprised. Although the emperor said before that he would restore the crown prince after Qinshan won the two countries' martial arts meeting, they did not expect it to be so fast. It was hard for them to accept the restoration just after the end.

"Your Majesty, His Highness the First Prince has indeed won the martial arts competition between the two countries, but is it a bit too hasty to restore him as the Crown Prince immediately? I feel that His Highness the First Prince's background is not as good. It would be against him to restore him to the position of Prince so early." Prime Minister He Shizhong couldn't help standing up and said.

(End of this chapter)

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