Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 76 Taking over Xingye Casino

Chapter 76 Taking over Xingye Casino
The second prince was blackmailed by Qin Shan, feeling as uncomfortable as eating ten thousand flies.

In this matter, the second prince can only eat Coptis chinensis in silence. Hu Zhigao is indeed his disciple. As a result, he had a conflict with Qin Shan and was accused by Qin Shan of being assassinated. Even if the second prince knew that Qin Shan said this on purpose, he could only swallow it. To poke at the emperor, the second prince has no good results.

So the second prince would rather give up Xingye Gambling House, anyway, with his power, he can do whatever he wants.

"I have been handing over the matter of Xingye Casino to my subordinates. If you want to take over, let my subordinates take you there. I have other things to do now, so I won't play with you." The second prince didn't want to see Qin Shan , so I just found a reason to leave.

"You don't have to go, anyway, as long as you take over Xingye Casino smoothly." Qin Shan shrugged and said.

"Ah Fu, it's Xingye Gambling House that you have been dealing with for a long time, so you can accompany the prince there." The second prince said to a subordinate behind him.

"As you order, Your Highness the Second Prince."

"Okay, the emperor has to leave first."

After finishing speaking, the second prince turned and left unwillingly.

Afterwards, Qin Shan followed Ah Fu to Xingye Casino.

After Qin Shan left, the second prince said to his subordinates with a gloomy face: "Hurry up, let the person in charge of Xingye Gambling Shop hide all the money and valuables inside, and leave a little rubbish for the prince at most. The emperor will give him the empty shell of the gambling house at most, and he will never take advantage of him!"

After receiving the second prince's instruction, his subordinates immediately notified Xingye Casino as quickly as possible.

Obviously the second prince didn't want Qin Shan to take too much advantage, he just wanted to hand over the empty shell of Xingye Casino to Qin Shan.

Qin Shan didn't know that the second prince was doing tricks behind him, but even if he knew, he didn't care. Soon, Qin Shan followed Ah Fu to Xingye Casino.

This is a large gambling house, occupying a large area, and the house is also very grand. After all, it is controlled by the second prince behind the scenes, so it is naturally full of confidence.

However, when Qin Shan came here, he found that there were very few customers in the gambling house. It is already afternoon. It is reasonable to say that there are many gamblers, but he did not see a few people. The servants are cleaning the casino.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shan frowned slightly. He still knew a little about Xingye gambling house. It was usually overcrowded, but when he took over, there was no one there. It was obvious that the second prince had just ordered someone to play tricks.

"Everyone in Xingye Gambling Shop listen, from now on Xingye Casino belongs to His Highness the Crown Prince, from now on you all have to serve His Highness the Crown Prince well, follow His Highness and you can enjoy all the glory and wealth, do you understand clearly?" Ah Fu After entering the casino, he shouted at the people inside.

"Listen clearly!" Everyone responded, but it seemed that they were not too surprised, as if they already knew about it.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shan was even more sure that Erhuo had resorted to tricks secretly.

"Who is in charge of property here?" Qin Shan looked at the crowd and asked.

A middle-aged man came over and saluted: "His Royal Highness, it is the small manager who manages the accounts of Xingye Casino. The books and the property of Xingye Casino are kept in a small space. Please look over it."

With that said, the middle-aged man handed Qin Shan a space ring.

Qin Shan looked at the situation in the space ring, and immediately widened his eyes and said: "Could it be that Xingye Casino's property is only 1 taels of silver?"

"His Royal Highness, there is nothing we can do. Our Xingye Gambling Shop was not well managed, and now that the country is safe and peaceful, there are very few gamblers. In addition, there are many people eating in our Xingye Gambling Shop. The total assets are only 1 taels of silver." The middle-aged man With a wry smile.

Qin Shan glanced at this guy, and said lightly: "To be honest, the prince will spare your life."

The middle-aged man glanced at Ah Fu, knelt on the ground and said seriously: "Your Highness, the young one dare not tell lies even if he has ten lives, it is indeed true!"

"Brother Prince, this guy is telling lies at first glance. How can a huge gambling house only have such a small fortune? He must be lying. Why don't I beat him up and let him tell the truth!" Ren Fengxia rolled up her sleeves indignantly Said.

"You don't need to do anything, Daji, you come!" Qin Shan waved his hand and said.

"Yes, Master."

Daji is a spiritual mage, and his powerful spirit can control the mind of the enemy. The middle-aged man in front of him is not a master, so he can easily control it with Daji's ability.

As she spoke, a pink light suddenly shot out from Daji's hand and shot at the middle-aged man's forehead. In an instant, the middle-aged man's body trembled.

" hurts! Your Highness, please forgive me..." The middle-aged man rolled on the floor in pain instantly, with beads of sweat appearing on his forehead.

"If you don't tell the truth, you should be punished!" Qin Shan said coldly, without any mercy.

A few seconds later, the middle-aged man stopped rolling, but his eyes became dull. At this time, the middle-aged man had been completely controlled by Daji.

Seeing this scene, Ah Fu beside Qin Shan's face changed greatly, and he held the sword hilt at his waist. He didn't expect that the woman beside Qin Shan could control his mind.

"Master, he has been completely controlled by Daji, you can ask whatever you want."

Qin Shan nodded, and then asked, "How much assets does Xingye Casino have?"

Without the slightest hesitation, the middle-aged man took out another space ring from his bosom and handed it to Qin Shan, saying, "Here is the entire property of Xingye Casino, including all kinds of gold and silver treasures and cultivation resources, as well as the debt books owed to the casino by others." Everything is inside, and the initial estimated value is 100 million taels of gold."

Seeing that the middle-aged man told the truth without any hesitation, the rest of the gambling house turned pale with shock, their eyes showed terrified expressions. This prince is too powerful, he actually controlled everyone.

"One... 100 million taels, and it's still gold, my God, brother Prince, such a huge amount of assets can compare to the annual income of a city!" Ren Fengxia exclaimed.

Qin Shan took the space ring and saw all kinds of weapons, pills, and rare treasures lying quietly inside, with a bright smile on his face.

"The prince said that you didn't tell the truth, who told you to do this!" Qin Shan asked with narrowed eyes.

The middle-aged man said without hesitation, "Yes..."

Ah Fu suddenly pierced the middle-aged man's chest with a sword, killing him in an instant, and then said coldly: "You bastard, how dare you lie to His Royal Highness, even if you die, you will not be able to make amends!"

After killing the middle-aged man, Ah Fu cupped his hands to Qin Shan and said, "His Royal Highness, I'm really sorry, this bastard manipulated this matter, and the little one has already helped you kill him, so as to vent His Royal Highness's hatred."

Qin Shan naturally knew that this guy was controlled by the second prince, but now that he had got what he wanted, he didn't care, so he waved his hand and said, "Clean up the corpse, and then you can leave, the emperor still wants to leave." Gotta take care of something."

"As ordered, Your Highness."

(End of this chapter)

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