Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 80 The Bad Situation of Fu County

Chapter 80 The Bad Situation of Fu County

The eight cities of Fujun are located near the western border of the Shengtian Dynasty. They are all mountainous and hilly areas. If there is a large-scale war, it is definitely a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

However, Qin Shan did not bring a large group of people with him this time, and Quandan and the others did not exceed ten people, so it was easy to enter the territory of Fu County.

Along the way, Qin Shan saw a lot of people leaving with their families and luggage, and at first glance, there were a bunch of people, who looked like refugees.

When Qin Shan saw an uncle, he stepped forward and asked, "Uncle, what happened here?"

"Young master, you just came to Fujun, right? I advise you to leave quickly. The eight cities in Fujun are no longer safe. After the Shengtian Dynasty won the eight cities of Fujun from Jinqiu Kingdom, the army of Jinqiu Kingdom will be gone." Withdrew from Fujun, the prefect of Fujun led the city guards to control Fujun."

"Not only that, the prefect and the city guards raided the people of Fu County, and even killed those who disobeyed directly. Many people couldn't stand it and fled directly. They can only be safe if they enter the territory of Shengtian Dynasty."

"Alas...these days are really unbearable, young master, I advise you to go back, Fujun can't stay any longer."

Hearing the complaints from several people, Qin Shan frowned suddenly, the situation was more serious than he imagined.

"Your Highness, it is obvious that Jin Qiuguo threw you a mess, and it is deliberately disgusting you." Zhao Si said angrily.

"If there is a chance, I will definitely lead the troops to take over the Jinqiu Kingdom, and then screw off the bastard's head Sheng Wang and kick it as a ball!" Seeing the people running away everywhere, Qin Shan said very displeased.

Now the Eight Cities of Fujun County can be regarded as the territory of the Shengtian Dynasty. In the future, Qin Shan will control it. Qin Shan will naturally be upset if his territory is ruined by others.

"His Royal Highness, depending on the situation, raise your hand and lead the city guards to run rampant. If we go there like this, we may be in danger. We are a trivial matter, and it will be bad if we hurt Your Highness." Zhao Si said worriedly.

Qin Shan pursed his lips and said disdainfully: "Hmph! If anyone dares to act presumptuously in front of this prince, this prince promises to send him to hell! Go directly to the city, and this prince will meet the so-called prefect of Fu County."

After finishing speaking, Qin Shan went directly to the central city "Excellence City" among the eight cities of Fujun, where the prefect of Fujun was located.

When he came to the gate of Zhuoyue City, Qin Shan saw countless people crowded at the gate of the city at a glance, and there were many city guards guarding the gate of the city. Anyone who went out of the city would be blocked.

"Everyone who goes out of the city has to pay 1000 taels to go out of the city, otherwise don't even think about leaving the city!" The city guard at the gate of the city shouted loudly.

Obviously, the city guards are trying their best to collect money, and even those people who escaped from Zhuoyue City will have to be the last one.

Seeing this situation, Qin Shan's face became gloomy, and he walked straight to the city gate.

"Stop! Who are you? Why do you want to enter Zhuoyue City? Also, anyone who enters Zhuoyue City must first pay a 1000 tael entry fee, otherwise they will not be able to enter." Several city guards stopped Qin Shan and said arrogantly.

Zhao Si became angry immediately, and shouted: "You guys are so presumptuous, do you know who he is? He is..."

"I don't care who you are, it's the same for whoever comes, if you want to enter the city, you can just take the money, otherwise don't think about it!" The city guard interrupted Zhao Si and said arrogantly.

Suddenly, Quan Dan directly grabbed the city guard's neck, and lifted him abruptly.

"How dare you speak to His Highness in such a tone, you are looking for death!" Quandan said coldly.

"Help... help! Enemy attack..." The city guard who was lifted up shouted in pain.

"Hurry up and let our brothers go, or you will die!" Seeing this, the surrounding city guards all surrounded Qin Shan, their weapons aimed at Qin Shan's group, ready to attack at any time.

"Kill!" Qin Shan said lightly.


With a crisp sound, Quan Dan directly crushed the city guard's neck.

"It's unreasonable to dare to attack our city guards, courting death, kill me!"

Immediately, dozens of city guards rushed towards Qin Shan, and Quan Dan unhurriedly picked up the giant ax on his back, and swung the giant ax at the dozens of city guards who rushed over.

Boom!With a loud noise, dozens of people were instantly sent flying with violent force, and a huge gully appeared directly on the ground.

Seeing this scene, the other city guards and the people around them all gasped, their strength was so terrifying.

"So strong, he killed dozens of city guards with a single move. I'm afraid his cultivation has reached the level of a general!"

"Dozens of city guards were instantly killed. It's amazing. Who are they?!"

"No matter who they are, now they are officially declaring war with the city guards. No matter how high their cultivation is, they cannot stop the siege of tens of thousands of city guards."


While the common people were discussing, the general guarding the city led a large number of city guards to surround Qinshan, and then shouted angrily: "It's unreasonable to dare to make trouble in our Zhuoyue City. I think you don't want to live anymore. If you are sensible, you will be arrested obediently, otherwise This general will immediately let you know what life is better than death!"

"This is His Highness the Crown Prince of the Shengtian Dynasty. All the city guards put down their weapons immediately, or they will be killed without mercy!" Zhao Si roared angrily at the surrounding city guards.

Everyone was shocked when they heard Zhao Si's words.

"Impossible! He can't be His Highness the Crown Prince. If His Highness the Crown Prince appeared, how could there be only so few people around him? You must be fakes!" The general guarding the city pointed at Qin Shan and shouted in disbelief.

Zhao Si smiled coldly, took out a black gold order and said: "This is the prince's black gold order, everyone kneel down!"

Seeing the black gold order in Zhao Si's hand, the Chengwei army finally realized that the person in front of him was the real prince.

"See His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness!" The surrounding people were the first to kneel down and salute. After all, Fu County is already the territory of the Shengtian Dynasty.

The city guards looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally most of the city guards dropped their weapons and knelt down to salute Qin Shan.

Seeing this scene, the general guarding the city frowned and said, "What are you doing? This person may be a fake. Don't just listen to him before you figure it out. Wake up to this general."

"Looking for death!" Quandan jumped up, and the giant ax in his hand instantly hit the city defender.

With a bang, the city guard general's body was instantly split in half.

Those city guards who didn't believe were frightened at this moment, and hurriedly knelt down, Quan Dan was too powerful, how dare they continue to confront Qin Shan.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a big belly came out of the city, with an apologetic expression on his face, and after coming over, he saluted Qin Shan and said, "See His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness is a thousand years old, a thousand years old, and a small one is a blessing." Shen Xing, the prefect of the county, I don't know that His Highness the Crown Prince has arrived, so please forgive me for being negligent, and I hope His Highness will let you off the hook for the sake of my ignorance."

(End of this chapter)

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