Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 9 The Man Who Can't See Through

Chapter 9 The Man Who Can't See Through
Ren Zhongjun was very disappointed with his son, not because he lost to Qin Shan, but because his son didn't have the courage to admit that he lost, and gave Qin Shan his face for a second time. Isn't he an idiot?

He was very angry, even though his son was injured, he still lifted Ren Yuanhang and made him kneel in front of Qin Shan.

"You brat, you've already lost, yet you don't have the courage to admit it. You're so ashamed. Do you have to continue to be ashamed? Now you apologize to me, and I want Chen Ken to apologize, or I will break your leg !" Ren Zhongjun pointed at Ren Yuanhang and shouted angrily.

Ren Yuanhang had already been defeated by Qin Shan, but now he was scolded by his father again, so he could only lower his head aggrievedly and say: "Prince, I was wrong, I have already lost, and I will be your little brother from now on, you let me go down the mountain of swords and I will be your brother!" Just go down the mountain of knives, go down into the sea of ​​fire, don't dare to have the slightest complaint."

"The attitude is very good. From today onwards, you are my little brother. You can only be sincere to me, and you can't betray me in the slightest. Otherwise... you can experience it yourself." Qin Shan pointed to Ren Yuanhang and said word by word, with a tone of voice No doubt.

"Yes, boss." Ren Yuanhang replied in pain, clutching his chest.

"Okay, go and heal your injuries." Qin Shan waved his hand.

"Come here, take Yuan Hang down for treatment!"

Afterwards, the subordinates of the General's Mansion carried Ren Yuanhang down to heal his injuries.

But Ren Zhongjun said to Qin Shan with a serious face: "Young Master Qin, can you take a step to speak?"

"Of course." Qin Shan didn't object.

Next, Ren Zhongjun took Qin Shan into a separate room to talk.

After the two of them entered the room, the soldiers in the yard finally recovered from the shock just now.

"What's going on here? The former Crown Prince Qin Shan is so powerful. He defeated Young Master Ren with one move. His cultivation is probably above the third rank of a martial artist. It's not that his meridians are blocked and he can't awaken his martial arteries. Why is he so powerful?"

"Perhaps he could cultivate a long time ago, but he has been hiding it all the time. It's really a terrifying heart, and he can bear so many people's eyes and still hold it back."

"Don't guess, maybe he awakened his martial arteries not long ago, and then encountered some great power that suddenly became stronger."


Everyone was discussing, Ren Fengxia said to everyone with a serious face: "Don't talk about it, no one should spread the matter today, otherwise it will be dealt with by military law!"

"Yes, Miss!" the crowd shouted loudly,

"By the way, miss, you have such a good relationship with the former prince, have you already..." a general said with a smile on his face.

Ren Fengxia's face turned red, she covered her face and said shyly: "I'm not with the prince's brother."

"Haha, what I want to ask is whether the eldest lady has become good friends with the former Crown Prince."

"Damn it! You bastards, please fight!"


After Qin Shan and Ren Zhongjun came to the private room, Ren Zhongjun's face became very serious.

"His Royal Highness, I really didn't expect that you are not only a waste, but also so powerful. You are definitely the best among your peers. I am afraid that you were just pretending before." Ren Zhongjun said straight to the point.

"Actually, I am a newly awakened martial arts." Qin Shan explained.

Ren Zhongjun looked disbelieving, shook his head and said: "It is absolutely impossible to be so powerful just after awakening, but since His Royal Highness doesn't want to talk about it, I won't say any more. His Royal Highness will definitely not be reconciled."

"I've been kicked out of the royal family, so what if I'm not reconciled, anyway, I'll be idle to death." Qin Shan said calmly.

Ren Zhongjun was very speechless, now he realized that he really couldn't see through the prince in front of him.

In the past, he thought that Qin Shan was just a big dude with the status of a prince, unable to cultivate and extremely mediocre, but now it seems that the prince was just pretending before.

"His Royal Highness, to be honest, among the many princes of Your Majesty, I value you more. Judging from previous performances, perhaps other princes are more talented and powerful, but they are too cruel and unscrupulous. You will suffer, but it is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who can make the people live a better life."

Qin Shan looked at Ren Zhongjun in surprise, what does this general mean? Could it be that he wants to support himself in the rhythm of his position?
"General, aren't you afraid that I will tell others what I said?" Qin Shan asked.

"I, Ren Zhongjun, have acted frankly all my life, all for the country and the people, and I don't care if others hear me." Ren Zhongjun said firmly, patted his chest.

"The Shengtian Dynasty is blessed to have a general who protects the country like you, and the people are also blessed to have a general like you. With such a great general in the Shengtian Dynasty, the Shengtian Dynasty will definitely be more prosperous." No brains.

At this time, Ren Zhongjun had no idea what Qin Shan was thinking, he was just a military commander, and he didn't understand the art of maneuvering at all, so he was not welcome in the court at all.Regarding Qin Shan's words, Ren Zhongjun always felt that there was something to be said, but he didn't know where to start.

Ren Zhongjun still wanted to talk, but Qin Shan suddenly asked: "General, I don't even have a place to eat now, so I wonder if I can have a meal here tonight?"

"Of course there is no problem, let alone eating, as long as His Royal Highness does not dislike it, it is fine to live in the General's Mansion." Ren Zhongjun nodded.

"Well, then I'll spend dinner at the General's Mansion tonight." Qin Shan replied with a smile.

After finishing speaking, Qin Shan stopped chatting with Ren Zhongjun, but went out to find Ren Fengxia to exchange feelings.


Not many people know about Qin Shan's entry into the General's Mansion, but interested people have already received the news.

The second prince was discussing matters with He Shizhong, the prime minister of the Shengtian Dynasty, at the mansion. At this time, the second prince's subordinates brought news.

"Your Highness, Second Prince, I have something important to report to you." Said, this subordinate looked at He Shizhong who was next to Second Prince.

The second prince waved his hand and said, "Let's talk, Prime Minister He is one of our own."

"Just received the news that the 'Falcon Squad' sent by His Highness to deal with Qin Shan has all been killed, and Qin Shan has also returned to the imperial city and entered the General's Mansion. According to the spies we placed in the General's Mansion, Qin Shan is really With awakened martial arteries, his strength is even stronger than that of the great general's son, Ren Yuanhang!"

Hearing what his subordinates said, the second prince and He Shizhong's eyes widened at the same time.

"Everyone in the Falcon Squad has reached the level of a martial artist, and they were all killed. Could it be that Qin Shan is surrounded by such powerful guards at all times? Why are there still people following him! Also, are you sure that Qin Shan really entered the General's Mansion and has awakened his martial arteries? ?" The second prince's expression became extremely serious.

"This is what our spies saw with their own eyes, it's absolutely true!"

At this time, He Shizhong, who had been silent beside him, finally spoke.

"Your Highness, Second Prince, although Qin Shan was expelled from the royal family, he has always been a big threat. Now there is only one way for His Highness Second Prince!"

(End of this chapter)

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