Chapter 691 Cement
The Academy of Engineering experimented up and down for a long time before they got the formula right, and they were very happy, and everyone jumped excitedly.Because this thing will play a big role in building houses and embankments in the future.

Road construction is also on the agenda.

Li Chenyu in the Academy of Engineering became even more busy. For this purpose, he also set up a special road department to study Dayu's urban and rural structure, and prepared to plan the most scientific and most accessible road transportation network.

Li Chenyu brought forward some ideas of scientific development in later generations. The Highway Department worked day and night to perfect the drawings as much as possible, and the main road from the capital to the nearest city has been determined.

Once the drawings are determined, other places can be postponed, and the drawings should be planned after on-site inspections according to local conditions, or it can be postponed for a while, and then send people to conduct on-site inspections before planning.But the capital city must be repaired immediately, so there is no waiting at all.

Then, Li Chenyu built a cement plant in the suburbs of Beijing, started mass production, and transported yellow sand, and the entire capital was plunged into a large-scale construction, which was in full swing.

And the problem of attracting investment for road construction has to be solved slowly. In the past two days, Dabao has been busy going around.Li Chenyu and Li Chenyu also considered a lot of profit distribution that should be paid attention to in the investment promotion. Businessmen from all walks of life responded enthusiastically. This was something Dabao and Li Chenyu did not expect. If you want to attract investment such as building a wharf, the trade road is very tempting. In the future, you don’t have to worry about running out of money. Besides, the treasury will provide a part, the Zhong family will provide a part, and the rest will be used to attract investment. It is also a reasonable allocation of resources. Very reasonable.

After attracting business, Li Chenyu went to work with the highway department below, and was very happy to see the little progress made every day.

The road builders are also recruited from nearby private households, and they have wages that can be settled on the spot every day, so many people want to apply.In addition, the food of this road builder is very good, and those who are a little poor and have male laborers can't wait to build roads every day...

The work of building the road is dirty and tiring, but everyone is very happy. The road is so wide that everyone can almost imagine it. The grand occasion of this road going south and north in the future makes them very excited, especially People near the road are already planning to buy a piece of land on the side of the road or something. It would be good to set up a tea stall in the future.

People's business awareness is actually very advanced. There are quite a few people who are aware of this. Instead, the land on the roadside is gradually getting tighter. They are eager to pursue it, because they can already guess how developed the business routes will be in the future, and they can know it by looking at the Academy of Engineering and the prosperity of the capital...

At the same time, the cement factory is also recruiting workers and expanding slowly. Although the type of work is dirty and tiring, you have to wear masks, pack tightly, and wear gloves to work every day. It is close to home and can take care of the family's fields.

For a while, the reputation of the cement factory was the same as that of other factories, and gradually became famous.

The various factories opened by Li Chenyu unknowingly solved a lot of labor employment problems. Many men work near their homes and can take care of their wives and children. They don’t have to travel far and can take care of the fields. Also recruit female workers to work.

For a while, some farmers outside the capital, even if they had no land, gradually lived a lot richer.

The road has been gradually being repaired, the cement plant is also on the right track, and is expanding, and the progress is smooth. The road section outside the capital is busy in full swing.

Although the Zhong family already had a lot of property, Shen Sisi still felt short of money.After finishing her work with the Ministry of Agriculture, she discussed the matter with Dabao when she got home and waited for him to come back.

"Brother Dabao, I used to think that the money was enough, but now I realize that there are too many places where the money is used, and I feel that it is not enough..." Shen Sisi sighed: "Although we have opened many factories now, many industries have joined, etc. , the income is also very large, but it is unlikely that these will be used for the future development of Dayu. In the future, dikes and roads will be built. These are bottomless pits that cannot be filled. Although it can attract investment, the treasury can also fund a department However, if our Zhong family wants to keep the position of the imperial merchants from being replaced by others, we will have to make great efforts to occupy the first-class position in overseas trade and other places in the future. Therefore, we still need money. Compared with other families, our family is at best a nouveau riche, and we still need money..."

Dabao also nodded and said, "I've thought about it in the past two days, but now I can't get away from thinking of any good ideas to make money for this infrastructure..."

Dabao drank a cup of tea, moistened his throat that hadn't rested all day, and said, "Tu Niu, do you have any ideas?! I've thought about it, especially in the south, where it's almost wild, and you need to use it to clean it out." A large sum of money is not enough. Moreover, we have to provide soldiers on the Cuishan side. There must be no shortage of armaments, and there are more and more people there. There are indeed too many places that ask for money for food and other things..."

The south is indeed wild, and it is not only laborious to get it out, but there are indeed many places that will cost money in the future.

Shen Sisi smiled and said: "I have thought about it a long time ago, but sometimes I am afraid that you are too tired to speak out. In fact, there are many ways to make money, but I am just afraid that you are too tired, so I have thought about it for the past two days Think, we still make food, you just follow the previous model, the most important thing is to be familiar with the process, it doesn’t take much effort, other things don’t need to be done for the time being, you can’t be too busy, now our family has a lot of people, Hey, there's no way, I don't want you to work too hard..."

Dabao wiped off his sweat and said, "Okay, I also think it's best to make food, but what kind of food are you going to make?!"

"Buddha Tiaoqiang, let's focus on the high-end route in the future. Hot pot is a civilian route, and anyone with a small amount of money can afford it, but Buddha Tiaoqiang uses the brand of tribute dishes. Anyway, Sibao will not refute it..." Shen Sisi laughed He said: "The four treasures are also short of money. Although the national treasury is full now, but my uncle is still fighting in the south. The battle line is prolonged and it costs a lot of money. In addition, we have to build roads now, so we spend more and get less. The tribute dishes also follow the old rules, and the shares are distributed according to the previous meaning..."

"Okay..." Dabao thought for a while, and said, "We still want to join, right?!"

"Well, it's just that the cooks after joining need to be trained, and then they have to sign a non-disclosure agreement, but the wages will be raised for them. You and the boss will discuss this..." Shen Sisi said with a smile: "The decoration must also be high-end. Although the customer base is a little smaller, the profit is astonishing. I will also write more about those dishes, so that the chef can also learn a few more flavorful dishes, which is enough for decoration... …It’s just a label of tribute dishes, and a story about the origin of Buddha’s jumping over the wall. I believe many people will buy it... In this world, there are actually a lot of rich people..."

Dabao nodded when he heard this, and said: "Okay, I'll take care of this matter. Anyway, there are old rules there, so you don't have to worry about the matter of attracting investment. Once the news is released, how many people will come to beg us... "

Shen Sisi smiled and nodded.

"Then what's the name of this franchise store?!" Dabao said.

"The first altar..." Shen Sisi smiled and said: "Next, I will put a label of tribute dishes. The chief tweeter is Buddha jumping over the wall. The signboard also needs to be carefully conceived. Glass is not worth much now, I think It's better to use an antique wooden signboard as a signboard..."

"That's a good idea..." Dabao laughed and said with a smile, "I'll discuss it with Chen Yu and ask him to help us design a signboard, and the decoration will also be set according to the box style of the teahouse,"

Dabao thought for a while, but couldn't sit still anymore, and regardless of the running sweat that had cooled down on his body, he smiled and said: "I have to go to work, open this first altar as soon as possible."

Dabao said and ran away in a hurry.

Shen Sisi didn't even have time to stop him.She smiled wryly and thought, the family has been really busy recently, but it is true that everyone has energy.She didn't want her family to be so busy, but she really needed money, and it was an urgent need...

But even though they were a little busy, everyone was very self-motivated and aggressive. Every day, their eyes radiated the radiance of new life, which made Shen Sisi slightly moved.

Fortunately, she usually gets some space water out and mixes it with ordinary water to make boiled water for the family to make tea for drinking. Their health is so good, and there is no problem at all.This is also something that Shen Sisi is very pleased with.

Then it got even busier.

The investment promotion continued, and the chefs sent by the franchised stores for training, Shen Sisi was personally taught, learned this dish in batches, and then left with a small book of authoritative tribute dishes. They were all overjoyed, and with her culinary advice, the skills of these already good cooks have also risen to a big level, and they are all very happy.

Time passed in a hurry, and the Zhong family also went to Beijing.

Chunxiang and Lingqian were very happy to see that Erbao and Sanbao hadn't left Beijing.After arriving in Beijing, they all settled down with peace of mind. Every day, they just accompanied Xiaohua and He Axiu. Busy and hard every day, Xiaohua and the others take care of cooking at home...

Shen Sisi was also happy and at ease, and she didn't refuse, only cooking once in a while.

Xiaohua's cooking skills are basically taught by Shen Sisi. Even if she doesn't get [-] points, she still has [-]-[-]% cooking skills. Although it is not as delicious as Shen Sisi's, the taste is not bad. Li Chenyu is not dissatisfied with this. , the golden fox is also at ease, and the food is so fat and round.

(End of this chapter)

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