Chapter 391

Han Shangshu smiled disdainfully when he heard Ling Huiyu's words.

"What a joke, you are not a warrior, are you a warrior apprentice? Do you think I will be fooled by this low-level cheating technique?"

Ling Huiyu laughed: "Then tell me, what strength do I have to be able to call you Dad?"

Han Shangshu didn't expect that Ling Huiyu would stick to this matter. He looked Ling Huiyu up and down on the communicator, and felt that Ling Huiyu had indeed changed a lot.

It's been a year, Ling Huiyu has grown a lot taller, and his face has matured, but he still looks so annoying.

Could it be that Ling Huiyu's strength has really improved during this year?

Could it be that he has reached the stage of a warrior, or even surpassed a warrior, and entered the stage of a junior warrior?
'Heh, for a martial artist to become a martial artist, the cultivation of martial arts is very important. Without a solid foundation, future development will naturally be hindered.Ling Huiyu seemed to have overdrawn his potential ahead of time in order to get promoted quickly. '

'It's stupid, but it's because he's stupid that I can get ahead. '

'Heh, he should have reached the stage of a junior warrior by now, right?Unfortunately, it is still too weak. '

Thinking of this, Han Shangshu smiled contemptuously again.

"What strength have you reached? Then I will tell you a strength. If you have not reached it, you can call me dad instead, how about it?" Han Shangshu didn't wait for Ling Huiyu to answer, and said directly: "When I was 19 years old, I had already reached I have become a junior martial artist, and this year I have reached an intermediate martial artist, and I will not force you, as long as you reach an entry-level martial artist, I will lose this bet."

Han Shangshu didn't realize that Ling Huiyu had slipped his mouth before, and Ling Huiyu was not a fool, how could he fight an uncertain battle.

Ling Huiyu said that he was not a warrior, but Han Shangshu thought Ling Huiyu was a warrior.

It's just that Han Shangshu never expected that Ling Huiyu's strength at this time was already a senior martial artist.

In fact, Han Shangshu felt that it was impossible for Ling Huiyu, a trash, to reach the martial artist.

As everyone knows, he has already fallen into Ling Huiyu's trap.

"Hahaha, that's what you said, so you can call me Dad, I am already a senior martial artist." Ling Huiyu laughed triumphantly.

Han Shangshu was stunned for a moment, but then he also laughed.

"Ling Huiyu, I didn't expect you to come to Waste Star for such a long time. Your strength hasn't improved much, but your brain is broken. It's up to you? To a senior martial artist, hahahaha, this is probably the biggest joke I've ever heard."

Han Shangshu didn't believe Ling Huiyu's words at all.

You know, Han Shangshu sensed his vitality at the age of 13, completed the basic skills, and became a martial artist.

Seven years of penance, never stopped.

Especially now, after reaching the intermediate level of martial arts, the speed of daily practice progress is the same as before.

This made Han Shangshu not believe that it took Ling Huiyu one year to surpass his seven years of training.

"Ling Huiyu, have you been kicked in the head? Are you insane now?"

Ling Huiyu was not angry either. At this time, he was already sure of winning, not only in the confrontation of language, but also crushing Han Shangshu in terms of strength.

So what if the other party doesn't believe it?
Ling Huiyu is still a high-level martial artist, so he is better than the opponent.

"I think you don't cry when you don't see the coffin. If that's the case, don't we know once we meet?" Ling Huiyu said.

"I'll see you soon, I'm still waiting for you to call me dad!" Han Shangshu said.

"Then you wait for me!"

Ling Huiyu hung up the communication, and then burst out laughing.

"My good son, wait for me and go over right away." Afterwards, Ling Huiyu contacted Qin Xiao.

At this time, Han Shangshu, who was waiting in the luxury hotel manor, also found it ridiculous.

The communicators of the waste star and Mars are different, and it is very laborious to send a signal from the waste star to Mars, but Han Shangshu is a top genius, and his parents are also Martial Kings, so he naturally has a unique channel.

He used the space communicator to send messages to other friends.

This kind of message can only exist in the form of text, and there is no way to transmit images, but it is enough for others to receive it.

[I met Young Master Ling in Waste Star. Hey, Young Master Ling has been having a really bad time recently. He feels like he is suffering from paranoia. He actually said that he has reached the level of a high-level martial artist. 】

【Master Ling, is this crazy?When he left the waste star, wasn't he just a warrior? 】

[Hahahaha, this is probably the biggest joke I've ever heard, but if it wasn't for Han Shangshu, I would have almost forgotten about this person, the young master of the Ling family, I can only think of you, Han Shangshu! 】

In Han Shangshu's circle, there are naturally people who have a good relationship with Han Shangshu and have frequent contact with him. At this time, they naturally start to laugh at Ling Huiyu in order to curry favor with Han Shangshu.

[That... Young Master Han, you are on the waste star, there should be Tongbo on the communicator! 】In the circle, one of the people spoke weakly.

【Yes, I have?What's wrong? 】

The man finally mustered up his courage and sent a message that he was also doing it for Han Shangshu's good, and he had a faint feeling that if Han Shangshu still wanted to hang out in the Ling family, he should stop talking about Ling Huiyu like that in the future.

As for the others, they also have their own friends, so it can be regarded as a kind reminder.

[You can search for a person's information on Tongbo, Ling Huiyu is now... really a martial artist, and he is still a senior martial artist. 】

【how is this possible? 】

[Are you kidding me?he?Senior martial artist?He ate dynamite so fast? 】

[Is that a fraud? 】

For a while, this group of people didn't want to believe it.

But more people began to use means to investigate Ling Huiyu's news.

Ling Huiyu used to be a prodigal who only knew how to spend money, and many people thought that Ling Huiyu would be like this all his life.

The future Ling family is destined to be dominated by a collateral branch.

Unexpectedly, within a year, people would forget about Ling Huiyu, and this person jumped out again, and a shocking change happened.

Ling Huiyu is now 19 years old and is already a senior martial artist.

A genius like Han Shangshu couldn't be compared, not to mention that Ling Huiyu had only been an awakened martial artist to a senior martial artist for a year.

How terrible is this?
The original lively communication page, as if the card owner, fell into a freeze frame, but the people behind the communication page were all shocked.

Han Shangshu couldn't believe it was true. He quickly operated the Tongbo page. He was not familiar with this kind of thing, but he had an intelligent system by his side.

"Find Ling Huiyu's Tongbo, hurry up!"

Immediately, Ling Huiyu's newsletter appeared on the virtual projection, and the latest newsletter has been updated.

[Ling Huiyu]: Today someone rushes to call me daddy, I'm so happy!

Han Shangshu was furious, and felt that his eyes were dark.


Han Shangshu spit out a mouthful of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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