Chapter 42 I Marry You

"Oh, Mr. Bai, it's not surprising that you don't know me. I am a famous matchmaker from all over the country. I came here today to be your matchmaker." The woman in floral cloth looked at Bai Zixuan with a smile and said, He thought to himself, no wonder there are so many girls in this village who like this surnamed Bai. He is really a good parent. If he is not a little older, otherwise, he would want to marry this young master Bai.

Today's Bai Zixuan is in the Su family, so he didn't wear the mask he usually wears on his face today.

"I'm not talking about a matchmaker, you've found the wrong person." Bai Zixuan's face was generally ugly at this moment, especially when he saw Su Shanshan who was standing beside him clearly heard the meaning of the old woman's coming, but she helped him a little. There was no intention of refusing, this result made Bai Zixuan very annoyed.

"Mr. Bai is eighteen or nineteen, right? This is not the time to marry a wife and have children. Let me tell you, the girl I mentioned to you is one in a hundred. She is a good hand at home and abroad. Mr. Bai, I assure you, if you marry her, you will enjoy happiness in this life." Although the flower matchmaker was also a little afraid of the anger on Bai Zixuan's face, when she thought of the huge amount of matchmaking money, the flower matchmaker was overwhelmed. With the fear in his heart, he introduced Bai Zixuan with his mouth crackling.

Bai Zixuan interrupted impatiently, "I don't need your introduction for my marriage, I already have a woman to marry."

As soon as Bai Zixuan's words fell, not only the flower matchmaker was dumbfounded, but even Su Shanshan was taken aback. Slowly, Su Shanshan realized that something was wrong. Why did he keep staring at her? .

The flower matchmaker twitched her mouth, looked at Bai Zixuan with a smirk and asked, "I don't know which kind of good girl is favored by Mr. Bai, can you tell me something?"

Su Shanshan looked at the smile drawn on the corner of his mouth, a bad premonition crossed Su Shanshan's heart, she just warned him not to talk nonsense, Bai Zixuan seemed to be against her, The next moment she said a name, "Her name is Su Shanshan."

"Big sister, the person that big brother Bai likes has the same name as you." Su Hehe looked up at his big sister with surprise and said.Su Shanshan lowered his head and smiled weakly at himself, the second younger sister. This is not the same name, they are the same person at all.

The flower matchmaker's eyes rolled around, and then she thought that there was a man named Su Shanshan in this family. Immediately, the flower matchmaker slowly looked towards Su Shanshan, thinking of the things that the eldest granddaughter of the Su family had done , with a smile on his face that sincerely wished the two of them, "Yes, yes, since you have someone you want to marry, then I, the flower matchmaker, will not do the business of making marriages. I wish you two good things as soon as possible."

At this time, Grandma Su finished her work and came out of the backyard. The flower matchmaker looked straight at her. Before she left, the flower matchmaker smiled and said to Grandma Su, "Sister Su, congratulations, you will have more soon." A grandson-in-law."

Grandma Su looked at the flower matchmaker who left after saying this inexplicable sentence, walked to Su Shanshan, and asked, "Shanshan, what is this flower matchmaker doing here? She just said that I want an extra grandson-in-law, so it's not for Are you a matchmaker?" After talking about it, Grandma Su showed a smile on her face.

Ever since the second child was gone, the family has been so poor that they can't get over it. In addition, there are three younger brothers and sisters dragging along. As a result, her eldest granddaughter is now 17 years old, and the family doesn't even have a matchmaker who comes to talk about marriage. For this matter, Grandma Su didn't know how many times she sighed every night.

"Grandma, you guessed wrong. She didn't come to tell my sister about kissing, she came to tell Brother Bai, but Brother Bai said no, he said he wanted to marry Eldest Sister." Su Huahua smiled and explained what happened just now, I told Grandma Su in detail.

Su Shanshan shyly and angrily yelled at Su Huahua who had a big mouth, "Su Huahua, if you dare to say a word again, be careful, I will ask your second sister to sew the corners of your mouth to me, so that you can't say anything." Speak up."

When Su Huahua heard the threat from her eldest sister, she quickly covered her mouth with her hands, ran behind Grandma Su and hid, and stuck out her tongue at Su Shanshan, the eldest sister.

Grandma Su looked at Su Shanshan and Bai Zixuan with a smile. Although she was a little disappointed when she first heard the third granddaughter say that the flower matchmaker did not come to marry her eldest granddaughter, she later heard that the third granddaughter said that the family This Bai Zixuan is going to marry his eldest granddaughter, Grandma Su is now happy again.

"Zixuan, grandma asks you, are you really willing to marry my family Shanshan as your wife? You don't dislike my family Shanshan for bringing us these useless burdens with you." Speaking of these two words, Grandma Su's eyes widened. It's a little red.

Su Shanshan originally wanted to tell Grandma Su not to listen to Bai Zixuan's words, but when Grandma Su started to cry, Su Shanshan quickly swallowed her words, walked up to Su Shanshan and coaxed, "Grandma, Why are you crying again?"

"Grandma is sad. You said that if this family hadn't dragged you down, you would have married and had children like other girls in the village." Grandma Su said she was sad while wiping her tears while holding Su Shanshan's hand.

Su Hehe and the other three siblings saw Grandma Su crying and heard what Grandma Su said just now. The three siblings also followed Grandma Su and wiped away their tears.

Seeing this, Su Shanshan propped his forehead with one hand, with a helpless expression on his face, sighed, and said to Grandma Su, "Grandma, don't cry, I promise you, I will find someone to marry as soon as possible, okay Come on, I won't be unmarried."

"Really? You didn't lie to grandma, did you?" Grandma Su stopped sobbing, raised her eyes, and asked Su Shanshan nervously.

Su Shanshan looked at his grandma with a dumbfounding expression on his face, and nodded, "I won't lie to you, I'm really married."

"Grandma, I will marry Shanshan, and I will treat her well for the rest of my life." Bai Zixuan inserted a sentence with a slightly anxious expression.He looked anxious, as if he was afraid that if he spoke too late, Grandma Su would marry Su Shanshan to another man.

Grandma Su has also observed Bai Zixuan who lives in her family these days, and found that this young man is not bad, and more importantly, if Shan Shan marries him, she doesn't have to worry about her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, "Shan Shan, what do you think?" How is Zixuan, grandma thinks he is good."

Bai Zixuan looked at Su Shanshan anxiously, afraid that she would say something wrong with him.

Su Shanshan's face was reddened by someone's fiery eyes. After glaring at him, the man not only didn't restrain himself, but even became more serious.

"Grandma, I'll answer this matter later. Can I go outside with Bai Zixuan to chat for a while, I have something to ask him." Su Shanshan looked at Grandma Su and said.

(End of this chapter)

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