Chapter 7 The Big Prey

Bai Zixuan glanced at his hand being held by her, not knowing what was going on, his mind recalled the incident of them drinking from the same kettle, and thinking of that, his face hidden under the mask immediately became hot of.

"Just sit here quietly for me. No matter what happens later, you can't come out. Do you hear me?" Su Shanshan didn't know that the man in front of him became shy because he was holding his hand At this time, Su Shanshan was admonishing Bai Zixuan with an extremely serious tone.

Before Bai Zixuan could ask her what she meant by this sentence, there was a sudden cry, and the next moment, Su Shanshan heard small animals running around in the woods.

"Damn it, why didn't the tiger be lured out, but a wolf was lured out. Forget it, the wolf is also good, the wolf skin can be stripped off, and it can be sold for a little money." Su Shanshan's face turned a little bit when he heard this voice. There was no expression of fear, but an expression of displeasure because of the appearance of this wolf.

Bai Zixuan, who was squatting beside her, heard this woman's words, and glanced lightly at the woman beside her.

Not long after, the howling of the wolf was getting closer and closer, and Su Shanshan also took out the bow and arrow she was carrying on her back, and started aiming in the direction ahead, holding her breath, and waiting quietly With the arrival of prey.

At this time, Bai Zixuan discovered that the bow and arrow on the woman's body was something he had never seen before. He said it was a bow and arrow but it was a little different from the bow and arrow they usually use. Just as Bai Zixuan was guessing how powerful this bow and arrow was, Not far ahead suddenly broke into a big wolf.

Su Shanshan's eyes lit up when he saw this big wolf. Damn, this wolf weighs about two hundred catties. This is probably the wolf king in this jungle. It is this meat that can be sold for a lot of silver.

Seeing that the wolf was getting closer and closer to the piece of meat that Su Shanshan just threw, Su Shanshan held his breath and said in a low voice, "Hurry up and bite, you bite, so I can shoot you."

As soon as Su Shanshan's words fell, the shrewd wolf who checked the surroundings saw that there was no danger, and then stepped forward to bite the bloody piece of meat. The big wolf had just bitten halfway, and suddenly screamed again. It groaned, but it was full of pain.

The two front legs of the big wolf were desperately pulling into its mouth. A ray of sunlight shone on the wolf through the towering forest, and a silver hook at the corner of the wolf's mouth was shining silver. .

"The opportunity is here." Su Shanshan shouted excitedly, and as soon as she released the arrow in her hand, the arrow in her hand, which had been carefully modified by her, shot straight at the wolf not far away. Go in and shoot directly into Ruan's body.

Immediately, the wolf howled again from the woods. The wolf probably knew that he had entered a trap buried by humans, and was making the final struggle. In the end, the wolf had a huge advantage. Pulling hard, the hook stuck in the corner of its mouth was forcibly torn out by it. The wolf's mouth was full of blood, and it stared at the big rock where Su Shanshan and the others were hiding.

When Su Shanshan saw the wolf's eyes staring at the place where he was hiding, he knew that the wolf must have discovered their hiding place. With a quick turn of his head, Su Shanshan quickly turned his head to face the person next to him. Bai Zixuan confessed, "Remember, I didn't call you, so you must not come out."

After saying this, Su Shanshan stood out from behind the stone without any hesitation, and while pulling the bow and arrow, carefully looked at the big wolf who was staring at her, "Big wolf, I was the one who shot the arrow just now." You, if you want revenge, just come here."

As soon as Su Shanshan finished speaking, she let go of the hand holding the arrow bow, and the arrow she held in her hand shot towards the big wolf again.

The big wolf was full of viciousness, dragging its half-lived body and rushed towards Su Shanshan. Su Shanshan glanced sideways at Bai Zixuan behind the stone, gritted his teeth, turned and ran in another direction, and took the big wolf away. The wolf led to her.

Bai Zixuan, who was hiding behind the stone, was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses. Since he was a child, he had solved everything by himself, even when he was facing the critical moment of life and death, he had to make it by himself. But today, He was actually protected by a woman, and this feeling of being protected made his hard heart suddenly look a little different from his own.

In the other direction not far from the stone, Su Shanshan was in a state of distress at this time. She did not expect that the big wolf had been shot twice by her, but it was still alive. Now, she was holding a With a military knife, the fighting spirit on her body was no less than that of the big wolf in front of her.

The big wolf confronting Su Shanshan was almost half-stained red with its own blood. It was struggling for the last time, its wolf eyes were full of hatred, and it stepped on its wobbly body towards Su Shanshan. Shanshan rushed over here.

Seeing this, Su Shanshan held his breath, picked up the military knife in his hand, and threw it at the wolf like a throwing knife, then squatted with both feet, rolled over on the ground, The alpha wolf rolled over behind it.

Su Shanshan, who was tense all over, didn't notice that when she turned over, a stone flew over from her side and hit the wolf silently. Immediately afterwards, the wolf went straight fell in front of her.

Su Shanshan, who recovered from the danger, looked at the big wolf lying behind him, and suddenly smiled, and shouted at the big rock not far away, "Bai Zixuan, you can come out now. Come out and see if the wolf I hit is big or not."

Bai Zixuan, who was hiding behind the stone, came out slowly. When he saw the big wolf lying on the ground, his eyes were calm, but when he saw the smiling face of Su Shanshan, Bai Zixuan didn't know what was going on with him. In response, "Hmm."

Su Shanshan is not in the mood to care about what his indifferent expression is expressing. At this moment, Su Shanshan's eyes are all about the fallen wolf on the ground.

"Bai Zixuan, let's carry this wolf home together. Be quick, otherwise, the smell of blood will attract more large prey." Su Shanshan tried to drag the wolf, only It's a pity that the wolf mosquito continued to lie on the spot without moving. It seemed that her body was still a little smaller and she didn't have much strength.

Just when Su Shan was worrying about what posture she and Bai Zixuan should use to drag the big wolf home, suddenly, a white dress appeared in front of her eyes, and then, the head that was still lying at her feet The big wolf was lifted from the ground.

At this time, Su Shanshan opened his mouth almost enough to stuff an egg in, "Bai Zixuan, I didn't expect you to be so weird and strong. You actually let you pick up these two hundred catties of wolves. Great." Su Shanshan really gave him a thumbs up this time.

(End of this chapter)

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