Chapter 88

Su Shanshan glanced at Xu An, who was covered in water, and asked, "Why is he splashing water on you? What did you do to make him unhappy?"

Xu An pouted hard, spat out a mouthful of jerky, looked at Su Shanshan with an aggrieved expression, and said, "I don't know why this guy is crazy, I just took this stool and put it on the stool because I was hungry. I took a bite of a piece of jerky, and before I could even put it in my mouth, this idiot poured cold water all over my body, I was wronged."

Su Shanshan glanced at the jerky he spit out, and said to him with a face full of tears and laughter, "You deserve it, who told you to eat his jerky, do you know that the jerky you ate is His, it’s not bad if he didn’t chop you with a knife.”

Xu An stared at Su Shanshan with wide eyes, and suddenly put on an innocent expression on his face and said to Su Shanshan, "How did I know that this piece of jerky belonged to this idiot? If I knew it belonged to him, I would be considered a If I'm starving to death, I won't eat him, I'm really unlucky for eight lifetimes, forget it, I went to the backyard to change clothes."

Xu An was swearing while walking towards the backyard. Halfway there, he suddenly heard the sound of him sneezing.

Su Shanshan looked at the figure running back to the backyard quickly, shook his head and smiled, and after laughing for a while, Su Shanshan turned his attention to the figure of the man squatting in a corner of Liaodi, and sighed, Going forward, he looked down at the big fool squatting in the corner and asked, "You know what you did wrong, right? They just ate a piece of your jerky, but you are so cruel that you actually poured cold water on him. "

At this time, the big fool who was squatting in the corner slowly turned his head to look at Su Shanshan, pouted and said, "He eats mine, I can't give it to him, grandma eats, grandma wants to eat."

Hearing his intermittent words, Su Shanshan faintly guessed a meaning, Su Shanshan stretched out his hand to beckon him, "Stop squatting there, come out quickly, and I'll get you something delicious."

Hearing that there was something delicious, the eyes of the big fool hiding in the corner lit up, and he immediately came out of the corner, looking at Su Shanshan like a puppy, asking for something delicious, "I want something delicious, it's delicious of."

"Understood, I will give it to you, but you have to tell me, you just said that piece of jerky is for grandma, are you planning to take this piece of jerky home for your grandma to eat?" Su Shanshan looked at him and asked.

The big fool smiled, tilted his head and looked at Su Shanshan and said, "Give it to grandma, grandma to eat."

Just as Su Shanshan was talking to the big fool, she suddenly felt that the light in front of her eyes dimmed, and then a pair of feet appeared in front of her. Without raising her head, Su Shanshan had already guessed who the owners of these feet were.

"Who is this man?" Bai Zixuan stared at the big fool in front of Su Shanshan with unfriendly eyes.

After the big fool took a look at Bai Zixuan, he immediately hid his body behind Su Shanshan, still shouting, "Sister, save me, I'm afraid."

When Bai Zixuan heard what he said, he was stunned for a moment. Bai Zixuan pointed at him with surprise on his face, "Shanshan, is he a fool?"

Su Shanshan pulled him to stand up, raised his head to look at Bai Zixuan, and nodded slightly, "Well, he didn't know how he knew that we would pay for our work in the field today, so he went to help in the field. People in the village thought he was a fool, and he was kicked out by the villagers there. I couldn't see it, so I brought him to our house."

Although he knew that the man in front of him was a fool, Bai Zixuan still found it annoying when he saw him hiding behind the mountain, so he took a step forward and brought out the big fool hiding behind Su Shanshan, with a serious face He said to him, "What does a big man look like hiding behind a woman, stand up."

The big idiot flattened his mouth, and was about to open his mouth to cry, when suddenly Bai Zixuan gave him a warning look, this guy knew he was afraid, so he straightened his flat mouth.

Su Shanshan looked at him, but he didn't expect this guy to be afraid of Bai Zixuan, so he pursed his lips and smiled, looked at Bai Zixuan and said, "You are the only one who can restrain this guy, just now he splashed on Xu An's body." water all over."

"I think he's strong and strong. It just so happens that we're going to kill pigs here later, so let this guy do something for us." Bai Zixuan looked at the big fool. It's a bit silly, but the body is quite strong, and it will be no problem to work later.

When Su Shanshan heard his words, a suspicious expression crossed his face, he glanced at the big fool, and said, "Is he up to it? It's good if he doesn't make trouble for us."

Bai Zixuan shook Su Shanshan's hand, smiled and said to her, "Leave this matter on me, I have a way to make him obediently do things for us."

When Su Shanshan wanted to say something more, the idiot had already asked Bai Zixuan to carry him out of the yard, but what made Su Shanshan a little curious was that when this idiot saw Bai Zixuan, he looked like a mouse Like seeing a cat, he let Bai Zixuan carry him away without moving.

In the kitchen, the hot water was boiled in advance. After the pigs blew outside, two women came out of the kitchen, carrying the hot water.

After the pig bleating sounded, the Su family's yard suddenly became lively. Even the children playing in the village were attracted by the pig croaking just now. Soon, many people gathered in the Su family's yard. Few children watch the fun here.

"Huahua, Tiantian, you two come here." Among these children, Su Shanshan saw his two younger brothers and younger sister.

When Su Tiantian and Su Huahua heard this, the siblings quickly ran towards Su Shanshan, each holding Su Shanshan's leg, and shouted sweetly, "Eldest sister, you called us."

Su Shanshan touched the tops of the two of them, smiled and said to them, "Yes, the elder sister called you, and the elder sister put a lot of snacks in the room, you go and call your companions to eat."

Su Shanshan knew that because of the poverty of the Su family, her three younger brothers and younger sisters had few playmates in this village. In the past, the family was poor, and her elder sister was unable to help the three of them. Now her elder sister If you have the ability, of course, let the three younger brothers and sisters have a happy childhood in this village.

"Big sister, you are so kind." Su Tiantian and Su Huahua heard this, and they hugged Su Shanshan's leg and dawdled for a while. After coquettishly, they immediately ran to the yard to lead the group of children in. In the living room of the Su family.

As soon as these children entered the Su family hall, their eyes were immediately fascinated by the three big plates of delicious food on the table in the Su family hall, and they all swallowed their saliva.

(End of this chapter)

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