Chapter 10
Wu Zinuo's face was pale, the attack in front of her was definitely not something someone with her level of cultivation could resist, a look of panic flashed in her eyes, she endured the pain, crawled to the "Kun" position, sat cross-legged and began to exercise again, She clasped her hands tightly, focused and calm, pointed her index fingers upwards, and muttered silently, a golden light gathered on the top of her fingers, a smile finally appeared on her pale face, and saw the golden light gradually brighten, Anuo said with difficulty:
"Master, Master, come back quickly, something happened."

When he raised his hand, the golden light turned into a wisp of white smoke and drifted away with the wind.

This is the unique "thousand-mile voice transmission" in the fairy world. As long as the voice is taken away, the voice can find the person to contact by itself, and the three worlds are unimpeded.Thousands of years ago, Master told her this way through "Thousand-mile Voice Transmission":

Arnold, from now on Master will not be around, so take good care of yourself.

Thousands of years later, she traveled thousands of mountains and rivers in search of her master, and used "Thousands of Miles Sound Transmission" countless times, but the wisp of smoke disappeared when it floated into the crowd. I walked through every street and alley, but I could never find the trace of Master.Countless nights, she was worried and couldn't sleep all night, and there were countless nights, she curled up in a corner alone and cried.Finally, disheartened, she returned to Youyang Forest, but she unexpectedly met Master on an ordinary trip to buy daily necessities. No, she met a person who looked exactly like Master.She was overjoyed, but it's a pity that similarity can only be similarity forever and cannot be true.

Now, facing such a critical moment, she can only make a last-ditch effort, hoping that "Thousand Miles of Sound Transmission" can help her find her master, even if the hope is slim.

This "thousand-mile sound transmission" was originally the simplest immortal method, but she had exhausted too much energy before, so she had to run to a specific location, gather the little energy she had left, and make this last effort.

She looked at the wisp of white smoke that disappeared outside the window, and smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth, but she couldn't help but shed tears, and she whispered: "Farewell, Master."

I saw her exhausting all her skills, grabbed a silver sword that appeared in front of her, and waved it:

"Fenglin Shenzhou——"

The sound of "Feng Lin Shenzhou" is so decisive.I saw white light emitting from her whole body, and the white light extended upwards in the direction pointed by the blade, broke through the roof, and passed through the nine layers of clouds, bringing infinite energy, like a cover, covering the entire Youyang Forest, outside the house "ah, ah "The sound rang again and again, and all the demons and ghosts fell to the ground, turning into wisps of black smoke and disappearing.

Lan Shan, who was sitting in front of the embroidered tools, felt uneasy for a while, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood on the embroidered cloth, gasping for breath.

Lin Yizhu, who was still clutching his chest, also leaned forward slightly, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Master, Master, come back quickly, something happened."


"Master, Master, come back quickly, something happened."


An ethereal voice echoed in his mind, and a scene he had never experienced appeared in his mind: a little girl about ten years old was having fun playing in front of him, and Lingling's laughter resounded through the air. Heaven and earth, he sat cross-legged, seeing her so cheerful, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth...

He opened his eyes suddenly, and his intuition told him that something must be wrong!He ran out of the house and jumped onto the roof. Before he could stand still, he saw a white light piercing through the sky. Under the white light, there was a big white light covering the nearby land.

Isn't that... the location of Youyang Forest?He thought about it, and suddenly shouted: "Not good!" He jumped to the top and disappeared in the eyes of the people in the room.

When Xiaoya, the maid who came as a dowry, passed through the corner door, she saw the young lady standing under the eaves, staring blankly at the roof—the place where Lin Yizhu had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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